9- Remembering Us

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"Your full name is Shannon Reign Clifford, do you recall that?" the doctor asks me her voice sounding odd as the drugs were wearing off. I sit in a white room at a metal table "no, my name is Shay Morgan Brown," I shout a little loud.

"Hmm okay, your birthday is June 1st 1953, so today you'd be 26 years old," I look at her as if she was crazy "excuse me I was born June 1st 1971 and I'm fifteen!" I shout slamming my fists down.

"I need you to calm down, I am going to tell you about the accident so you can see we are on your side," the doctor says and I take a breath "okay, I'm sorry."

She adjusts her glasses "1971 you were down in the training room doing a test with number one, it was first to touch the wall was out," she looks at me to see if I'm listening "you and one were struggling to get each other out but then one pushed you against the wall.."

"... one loses control in a trance he holds you there no one could stop him, you start to dissolve except you started to open a gate to another dimension behind you," she stops to look at me "are you following?" she asks.

I am shaking but slowly remembering "yes," she nods approving "you zero then get pulled back into the hole tear if you will, one let's go and everyone rushed to help you but the gate was gone and so were you."

The lady places the statement on the table and looks at me over her glasses "you were eighteen when this happened and it looks like you've came back exactly how you were on that day," I fiddle with my fingers then look down at my wrist to see three zeros tattooed on my skin.

"I understand that but it doesn't make sense how i've been living in the 70s to 80s in a whole different life," she looks at me with a worried look "honey, your abilities are different to the others, you can time warp."

My head shots up and I look at her "like time travel?" I ask shocked "yes and when you disappeared we made a note of it, if you were to come back in the future that note would exist and something would of been done to make sure you live a normal life," the lady looks so fascinated.

"So I used the upside down to time travel and your saying I could of changed my age to any?!" I say absolutely shocked like there's no way to describe how I'm feeling "yes you would physically and mentally change your age but what is the upside down?"

Before I can answer her question the man from before opens the door "Brenner wants me to do an ability check up," Peter says looking at me oddly "uh of course, talk later zero," she leaves the room and he takes her place.

"Hello zero," I look into the man's blue eyes, it's weird I'm only just realizing how I feel a lot older mentally.

"Hi," I look down at my hands "don't be nervous, we've actually known each other for a long time," I look up at him "really how?" I am starting to slowly feel more comfortable with what's going on.

"Well don't tell papa I told you this but you were my neighbor in the 50s to 60s, we were friends," his voice soothes me "really? Did you know my family?" I feel a sudden guilt and like I've been missing these people for years.

"Yes your father sadly died in the war but your mother and older twin brother and sister were all you loved, well including me," he laughed a little causing me to too.

"I loved you?" I ask feeling that could be possible "yes and I loved you too. Hopefully we can restore that love," a huge smile appears on my face "what was the names of my mother and siblings?" I ask his hands creep forward until they are holding mine.

"Your mother was Margaret, sister Helen and brother Samuel," I feel a tear roll down my face as I get flashes of memories "I- I wish I never left," I manage to say.

"I've missed you Shannon," he says wiping the tear off my cheek "I want to be able to miss you," I say and he smiles letting go of me "before you met the others, I need you to do one thing," he pulls out an apple and sits it on the table.

"Make this apple go through every stage until it is gone," I look at Peter confused "I don't understand," I look forward at the man "just focus and you will," I sigh trusting this man.

I then stare at the apple slowly the apple starts to break down as it would if you had left it outside for to long, I keep staring until it was gone "that was amazing," Peter smiles "oh also I may have talked to papa you can keep your hair," he says smiling.

"Thank you," I smile at him he pulls a piece of paper out "these are just some side effects you may get from time warpping," he licks his lips ready to read "you may start to remember more things about this timeline and also start to forget the one which you came from."

I feel sad knowing that one "but your home now, we can reunite you with your brothers and sisters," he holds out his hand and I take it.

We walk out of the room and down the hallway my hand it his, I look up at Peter there was something about him that made me feel loved.

"Hello children, this is Zero some of you would remember her," I look around at the faces staring at me some of them looked scared others confused "zero is that really you?" two asks and I nod walking in.

"This is incredible," another girl adds and I don't want to let go of Peters hand, he senses this and moves so he is in front of me "it'll be okay, I'm always close," his hand goes under my chin looking down at me causing me to blush.

"Okay," I reply, he then leaves the room, I look around at the rainbows on the walls "hi! I'm ten," a boy says extending his hand "hi ten," I reply shaking his hand.

"Hello I'm eleven," I see a younger girl say standing next to ten, my eyes widen when I realise who that is "El," I mutter to myself "no eleven," she repeats and I look back at her.

"Sorry, hi eleven," I say shaking her hand "do you want to be friends?" ten asks and I nod "of course," he then takes my hand.

I look back to see El standing alone in the room with an odd expression.

a/n tell me what ya think?

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