18- Time.

367 15 2

(Hawkins massacre timeline changed a bit.)

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The children pile out of the room a Two lies half unconscious on the floor, I watch as two guards pull him away and to the infirmary "Zero?" Brenner says walking up to me "yes papa," I whisper still shaken.

"How's your neck? It must hurt a bit," my eyes widen as my hand moves up to where the device should be "oh it's a bit sore, fine though," I try not to make eye contact with Peter who is packing up.

"Let us see," Brenner smiles and I lightly smile "sure," I say nervously and I move my hair out of the way "looks like it's healing well, did it hurt?" I sigh relieved I managed to convince his mind there was a wound there.

"Not really," I cross my arms trying to calm myself "well that's good, your free to leave," I smile looking over at Peter one last time, he winks at me causing me to hold in a laugh as I turn around, luckily Brenner didn't notice.

I quickly pace down the hallway trying to get to my room as I need some time to think, that's when I bump into someone as I turn the corner "sorry," I instinctively say but as I look up I realise it's Helen, my sister.

I could tell she saw my shook expression "don't worry bout it Zero," she flashes me a fake smile "wait!" I shout at her as she tries to walk off "you need something dear?" she asks with an over caring tone.

I walk up to her with an intimidating look "I know your my sister so drop the act," her fake beaming smile faded into a shocked lower lipped frown "I uh-" she shook her head and wrapped her hand around my arm.

She pulled me into a small room "Shan don't do that again," she warned with tears in her eyes "then tell me why I can't know!" I shout a little to loud so she covers my mouth "you can't know because your not staying here!" she says with a stern voice, her hand slowly lets go of my mouth.

"What!" I whisper shout "Shan i've missed you so much, so when I tell you this you can't chirp to any other birdies. Okay?" I feel my face relax "okay."

Helen quickly looks around before taking my hand "the other life you had... well it is safer for everyone for you to be there living a normal life so you don't lose control and hurt people here but with your existence there slowly disappearing due to you being here, Brenner wants to send you back as soon as possible."

My eyes water as I look at my sister I can't even remember "what do you mean? My other life?" I question confused on what she meant by that "honey? What are you talking about?" Helen had genuine confusing all over her face.

"Sending me back? I- why can't I remember?" she looks at me terrified "oh jesus," she mutters letting go of my hand "forget I said anything, it was just a rumour," she laughs and I do too but only because I don't know how else to respond.

Helen let's herself out of the room quickly, All I can remember is I went missing but where I went missing to was like a whole memory blank.

I am now in my room pacing when I feel a sharp pain split down the middle of my head, I fall forward groaning as I hold myself up with the wall, I open my eyes to just see a blurred wall 'Henry? Don't make me do it!' I hear a little girls voice say behind me, I turn around to see no one just my same bed.

"Shan?" I see Peter standing in my door way "oh hey Peter," he instantly walks up to me pulling me into a kiss, this time I keep kissing him.

My hands are in his hair and his on my lower back, he moans slightly as I bite his lower lip "wait.. argh," he groans annoyed with himself "what is it?" I stutter out of breath.

His hands still stay around my hips "I need to tell you the plan," I shake my head not wanting to hear it "I don't want to know," I say and Peter laughs "you said no more secrets?"

I groan putting my arms around his shoulders "you weren't meant to make me forget? Were you?" I say implying to when he injected me with that purple serum "I was meant to forget this life not the other? But you just couldn't lose me again?" I mock in a cold tone.

Peters eyes look murderous as I speak "what did you just say?" Peter mutters looking crazy "I had a talk with Helen, I finally get it... you don't want me getting sent back, so you made me forget something I never should have," that same glint appears back in his blue eyes.

Peter grabs my waist roughly pulling me closer to him "don't toy with me," his voice is full with anger "then don't lie! Just fucking show me what happened between us!" I shout trying to pull away from him but he's much stronger then me.

"You want to know so bad," he laughs moving his mouth down to my ear "but you'll go crazy if you knew," his cold breath hits my ear making my stomach flip "I'm already going crazy and I'm slowly remembering," I laugh and he looks back into my eyes.

Peter totally ignores what I just told him and he kisses me roughly before looking passed me in a trance, it scared me a bit.

"I'm manipulating Eleven she's helping me get out of here, she's the strongest and she's buying it, don't. get. in. my. way." Peters says in a more evil tone "she's a child," I say pulling back from him "exactly," Peter mutters then quickly walks out of the room.

I sit down on my bed breathing heavily, my thoughts are rushing, my brain can't deal with all this information in the course of two hours, I decide to take matters into my own hands, if Peter won't hurry up and show me I'll figure it out myself.

a/n sorry for the short chapter ALSO give me a follow I have another st fic planned

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