20- The Fight

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"Peter before you get mad..." I start standing up quickly and so does he "you just knocked me out and went in my head without consent," Peter scoffs walking up to me all I can do is stand there underneath his height.

I stutter and Peter reaches down gripping my arm hard "don't you dare pull something like that again," he shouts leaning down to my face.

"Well I remember now, aren't you glad?" I say trying to pull away from him but he's to strong and more angry then i've ever seen.

"You didn't trust me, I was going to show you," Peter inches closer to my face "were you going to leave out the part where you manipulated me into killing my father?" I spit looking dead in his eyes, Peter's face goes as evil as i've imagined the devil to look.

He grips my waist with both his big hands and pushes me against the wall, I hit it with a grunt "don't you ever accuse me of such vile things, I never manipulated you. Ever. I only love you, don't twist my actions," every word hit my face as he's so close to me, we might as well be kissing.

"I remember how you used to love me, when we were locked up in this place and you'd give me flowers only I could see," I say with tears in my eyes some might even be forming in his "when we were eighteen and you told me you loved me, you went missing that day," I see his face soften.

"You told me you'd tell me your answer if you won against me in that trial," Peter says his hands still on the wall behind me, his eyes are searching for clarity "Peter, of course my answer was, I love you too."

Peter smiles but only for a second before that same look came back "now who's manipulating? Don't think I'm not mortified on what you did to me!" he shouts at me, I move my head to the side trying to get away from him.

"It's not like I hurt you," I whisper just loud enough for him to hear "you invaded my privacy!" he shouts again, I look at him confused "this is just proving you had things to hide!"

Peter laughs shaking his head "to keep things like this from happening! Shannon, of course I wasn't going to tell you that you MURDERED your father!" his cruel remarks echo around the room, I'm surprised no one has walked in yet.

I stare at him with hate in my eyes, I push him back with a flick of my head, he gains his balancing looking at me more shocked "you know I could kill your right now?" I say standing away from the man.

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