16- Don't Cry

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My black heels tap on the ground echoing a fast pace as I wipe my cheeks trying to hide my tears, Peter had kept it a secret that my siblings work here, why would he do that especially after telling me he wouldn't keep secrets from me.

I find a room that looks like it was used to store files, I leans against the wall and slide down till I hit the floor, my breathing is slow as I'm exhausted, I think I over did it trying to get into Samuels memories but I'm glad I did.

Then the metal door swings open hitting the wall in the process "Shan," Peter says walking over to me, all I can do is look up at him with an drained, betrayed look in my eyes "let me explain," Peter says crouching down but I'm still looking up at him.

"Explain? I'm confused why didn't anyone just tell me my siblings work here!" I raised my voice as much as I could in the state I am "first of all don't shout at me," his tone made him seem angry at me "I will raise my voice when I feel I'm not being heard," I say confidently.

Peter grabs my hand from where it was lying on my lap "everyone was ordered not to tell you but I told you there names, they didn't know you knew that," my sad eyes trail to met his eyes "so you told me there names so I'd have a chance to figure it out?" my voice full of hope.

"Yes, so don't storm off again without letting me explain," he was now sitting on the ground in front of me "I'm sorry but why are so many secrets getting kept from me?" I feel a new set of tears run down my face "because the truth would probably make you crazy," I gasp and laugh.

"Peter you have to tell me!" I shout in an amused voice "I would rather you kiss me," he questions with a smirk and I roll my eyes "nope," I grab his arm "Peter I will figure it out or you tell me," I move very close to his face.

"I've told you before, I will show you not tell," his rough voice whispers, my eyes keep steady looking in his "Peter from now on no more secrets, or I'll never speak to you again," he looked a little taken back by the comment.

"Mhmm," he hums "I have a plan, I will tell you it soon but the only way I can show you the full story is when I get this out," he moves his hair showing the device just under his skin "so just trust me?"

I think for a moment weighing up all the pros and cons "fine but you better," I laugh starting to get off the ground "now," Peter starts before pulling me up and into a kiss.

I hold his face as we melt into the kiss longer then last time, his hands roaming around my waist, I pull back from the kiss and look at him "explain what this is?" I ask my voice slightly shaking "well we never really broke up so... Shan do you want to be my girlfr-" we get cut off by two guards bursting in.

"Peter goddamit!" one of them shouted, Peter took his hands off me as quick as he could but it was to late "step away from Zero Peter!" one held up a gun they still stood in the doorway "she doesn't remember you, give. it. up." Peter raised his hands up slowly walking towards them.

I then remember that I'm meant to have forgotten him "we were just talking," I could tell Peter is pissed "talking with your arm around her waist, yeah I don't think so," one guard spoke as they both grabbed Peter making sure he can't run.

I just stand in shock not knowing what to do "Zero, get back to the rainbow room," I shake my head "let him go he wasn't doing anything wrong," I raise my head trying to seem like I wasn't shaking out of my mind.

"He wasn't at his post, he was here sweet talking you, in the mean while some one could of gotten hurt," Peters eyes shot up to look at the guard talking "but they didn't?" Peter asked and I knew now he was up to something.

I had noticed Peter had been talking to El more but he talked to all the children so I thought it was nothing "that's none of your business, let's go," the guards push Peter to make him walk down the hall.

I farrow my eyebrows confused and watch them drag him down the hallway out of site, I was now more confused then ever, so I decided to follow them to get answers, I hear a yell coming from a room down the hall, I decide to pick up my pace.

I start to run as the yells got louder "please stop!" it was Peter's voice I could tell, my stomach turned and curdled "shit," I say as I bump into someone, I look down to see Eleven standing around the corner of where the yells were coming from.

"Zero?" she questions and I nod holding my finger up to my lips, I start walking around the corner slowly making sure not to be seen, I put my arm in front of El to make her breathing slow down.

We walk forward up to the door, El was scared behind me as we come up to the metal door we both peak into the small window, I see Brenner looking into a room where Peter was lying down against the window, with two men taking turns shocking him.

I cover my mouth in shock as he keeps yelling, I then see Brenner start to turn his head, so I signal to El and we run back around the corner, we both stand there leaning against the cold tile, we try our best to peak around the edge.

I watch as the two guards from before pull Peter out dragging him on the ground, I could tell he was in pain the way he was in and out of consciousness.

Brenner whipped his head around sensing our presence, me and El quickly hide ourselves. They were soon gone and I take a deep breath, I kneel down to Elevens level as she is breathing quickly "go back into the rainbow room, I'll find him and make sure he's okay," I whisper trying to comfort her with a smile.

All she does is nod walking slowly backwards pushing the rainbow room doors open, when she was gone inside I make my way to where they could of taken Peter, I needed to make sure he is okay.

It was oddly quiet as I walk the halls, I push open doors and quickly look inside scanning the area, most of them are empty, I keep walking until I see the same guards from before standing outside of a room that had 001 plastered on it, he was in there.

I confidently walk up to them tilting my head so I'm looking through my eye brows, one of the guards sees me and instantly pulls out his gun "Zero stop there!" he shouts causing the other guard to get his gun out "nope," I say before instantly making them go into a trance like I did to the twins.

There bodies relaxed and eyes rolled back, I smile as I easily walk in between them opening the door with one push, "Peter?" I questioned as I see him in pain lying on his bed.

a/n do you guys like this story ur very quiet 😭

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