17- You're Dreaming

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I run over to Peter and hold his hand "Peter? Are you okay?" I ask with obvious worry in my voice "y-yeah," he grunts out and I see black burnt holes in his white uniform.

I touch the mark and he winces in pain "I'm going to clean this up okay?" he nods trying to sit up and I let him, I search the room for anything that could help me, I stop for a second as blood drips to the floor from my nose as I'm still messing with those guards.

"Why are you bleeding?" Peter asks with a worried look "doesn't matter, let's just get you cleaned up," I open the first aid kit and lie it next to Peter, my eyes are blurring in and out of focus as I do.

I look up at Peters eyes as I undo his shirt "shit," I mutter as I see red marks all over his chest and torso "fuck," he groans in pain as I dap some liquid on it "okay this is going to hurt, a lot," I mutter the last bit.

I stare at his bare chest for a moment admiring him as I get the bandage ready "don't get distracted," Peter mutters "I won't," my voice sounding weak as I'm struggling to hold up the trance the guards are in.

"Shan, your using your abilities, stop your draining yourself," I shake my head and weakly smile "don't worry," I then press the bandage on the wound causing Peter to through his head back.

"Shit shit," Peter gasps out but I keep going as if I leave this it'll get infected, not like Brenner or anyone else cares.

I quickly wrap it around his whole lower torso to stop where the most bleeding is, they shocked him that hard they drew blood.

"Shit fuck, stop Shan!" he shouts in pain as I just finish wrapping him "what?!" I say freaking out and he groans out "not me, your nose is bleeding like crazy you need to stop," his voice is stern.

I wipe my nose seeing blood all over my hand, I look at him "your so powerful, no one I know can hold these trances for so long but your going to get yourself caught," his breath is shaking.

I nod and feel my eyes start to fog up "you'll be okay?" I ask feeling light headed "always," he says and I quickly walk out of the room and pass the guards, I take a deep breath and let them out of the trance.

I peak from around the corner to see them look around slightly confused but not enough to do something about it, I walk into my room to look in the mirror.

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