23- Back With You

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I move silently around the lab like a mouse as I've located Peter in the basement of the lab, I don't know why but we need to make a plan to get out of here, I push the door to the basement open quickly as a I rush down the stairs to Peter.

I feel a hand wrap around my mouth from behind me as I gasp "Shannon?" I hear Peter say shocked I could feel his heart beat "Peter? oh my goodness," I turn to face him.

I see his eyes scan down my body filling with fear as he sees the blood stains on my dress "Shan? What did you do?" he whispers looking back behind him "I- I had to please don't hate me, they were making me go back," I cry out in sobs.

"Stop crying, it's fine we just have company," I see Eleven sitting on the floor by a tunnel "oh no, what is going on?" I ask and Peter holds my shoulders "my plan but it looks like we're going to have to speed things up now," I look down at my red gown.

"Did you kill her?" Peter asks looking deep into my eyes "who?" I stutter "your mother?" I look at the ground and feel my head burn with anger "yes, I did," Peter plants a kiss on my forehead.

"She deserved it," Peter holds my hand walking me over to Eleven "Eleven we still up for that offer?" Peter asks the kids leaning down to her, El's eyes look at me and widen when she sees the blood.

"Hey don't worry it's hers she just cut herself, we're the good guys," Eleven nods slowly "what's she doing?" I ask as Peter sits on the ground leaning against a beam "she's removing the chip that traps me here."

I kneel next to him holding his hand "that's going to hurt?" I feel his hand slip away from mine as he undoes his belt, I watch him closely "it'll sting but i'll live," Peter moves his lips next to my ear as he sees El staring.

"We don't have long until someone will find the mess you made," I look forward at the man my eyes starting to fill with tears but I hold back, I watch as El pulls at Peter's skin until the device is ripped out of his neck, I watch as he picks it up admiring the technology "thank you Eleven, we must go."

Peter grabs my hand pulling me down the hallway, El following us closely, some guards infront of us stop us "hey stop there!" Before I could say anything Peter snaps their necks and throws them against the walls and I gasp in shock, Peter pulls El into a closet.

"Wait here Shan."

I wait a second until he comes out "Shan I'm going to do something but I need you to know something," he comes close to me "I love you, I always had the first time I met you and when I lost you, I could barely live," I stare up at the man, looking into his lost eyes, then he plants a kiss on my lips, we close our eyes taking in the kiss "I lo-"

He puts his finger over my lips "don't say that just yet, I want you to say it after this is over," he walks off "where are you going?!" I shout out after him "stay here with Eleven."

I run into the closet where El was sitting on the cold ground, I sit next to the girl holding her hand "go after him?" She questions to me and I shake my head "I trust him, it'll be ok," I smile we wait a few more minutes until I hear some static coming from outside.

We both go out to listen to hear screaming coming over the walkie talkie, El holds it and I stare at the girl, something bad was happening something horrible I could feel it, we walk towards the sounds that we are here down the hallway. It was quiet, except for faint screams.

Me and the little girl walk down the long white hallways looking around us we see more more dead guards, my heart starts to sink deeper into my stomach, I start to pick up my pace as I see blood over the walls and not only staff dead some children to, my hand over my mouth as I start to run holding El's hand.

We then head a scream coming from the rainbow room, El close to my side, I push the door open to see everyone dead I choke a bit gagging as-well at the sight, I then see Peter holding Two against the wall "PETER!" I shout letting go of El who just breaths heavily.

He turns back to look at me Two dropping dead "Shan? I told you to wait!" I drop to my knees crying "what have you done?!" I shout out at him and he walks over kneeling down to me "like you didn't just do the same?" His words hurt me deeply "I didn't kill children!"

He pulls me up roughly "don't say that to me! You know this was all for you!" I push him back tears in my eyes "I can't believe you!" He holds me still "so do you?" He asks and I look confused "do you love me?"

"I did but I can never look at you the same ever again!" Then I feel a hard hit to the side of my head and suddenly everything went black.

My eyes slowly open, my vision is blurry but I make out faint noises and screams I look up to see Peter being held up against the wall, El standing arms up screaming, I feel myself instantly pushing off the cold floor "El! Stop what are you doing!" I might hate Peter but I couldn't bare it.

I see his chest slowly opening up showing those same red tentacles coming through him my eyes open, I know what's happening she's opening a gate, it slowly opening it was swallowing him "El, please," I mutter, I watch now as he was almost gone but a red gate appearing more and more.

If I can't save him without hurting El, I have to just make sure he doesn't end up in that place just somewhere where he will live, I run forward past El and scream with my arm up at the gate as I push off the table and jump into the rednesss, I look back to see El watch me scared.

As I go through I see Peter infront of me, I grab him into a hug as I've opened a gate infront of us, we both fall in rolling onto the grass?

I jump up quickly as I see the gate in the tree close slowly, I look down to see Peter passed out on the ground, I kneel down and start to sob, I'm not even sure if I have a family here anymore? I say to myself as I look over the town of Hawkins, I hold Peters hand as I leave his side running down the hill.

I trip over a long and look in the puddle infront of me to see what I looked like 1985, 15 year old me?

Peter is going to have to find me if I want to be found, or do I want my old life back?

A/n hey guys I'm back sorry I got logged out, I'll continue the story but only if people are still interested 😭

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