7- Figuring Things Out

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"Shit I need to get home, my moms gonna be here soon," I say picking myself off the ground "what why would your mom be here?" Max asks following me through the house.

"She's a reporter, come by my house when you've got a plan," I open the door and quickly run out and down the trail to the forest. Luckily the cops were to involved with the crime scene to see me.

I have never run through the forest and over Half way Bridge so quick, I don't stop for anything except cars.

I soon arrive at my house which looks like mostly everyone is still asleep, I grab the spear key from under the mat and quietly slot it into the lock. I turn the key till I hear a click.

I scan the room quickly to only see Kevin on the ground watching cartoons, I sigh out relieved. My shoes pat on the carpet as I run up the stairs.

I get to my room and close the door, I breath out and decide to take a shower.

After getting changed into a white crop top and baggy jeans I sit on my bed flicking my radio on, then my brother comes into my room holding a walkie-talkie.

"Kevin get out of my room," I say irritated "they boy on the channel asked for you," my brother says walking up to me passing me the walkie "what?" I question but Kevin shrugs then leaves.

"Hey hey Shay this is Dustin we need to know what you saw!" Dustin shouts over the static "why don't you just come over?" I ask as it would be better then talking on my six year olds toy.

"We are working and talking don't have time," Dustin sings annoyed "okay well... I was in Eddie's trailer, Chrissy was in front of me in a trance Eddie came back in the room..." I have flashbacks to Chrissy bones snapping.

"Hello we don't have all day!" Dustin shouts "uh sorry, she started to float then all her bones snapped and twisted while Eddie just screams," I say almost crying "ha see told you Eddie's innocent!" Dustin cheers.

"Then I saw a monster, it called me Shannon but that's definitely not my name," I laugh and I hear Dustin laugh along with Max mocking him "you have some way out there skills compared to El," I nod.

"Yeah I wish I knew this El," I laugh into the walkie-talkie "well Mike told me to tell you El's gonna call you today so stay by the phone."

I go to answer but the line goes dead "hello Dustin? Max?" why are they trying to leave me out of this. Aren't I like a weapon I could really help them.

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