12- Night Talks

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I decide to get dressed into the dress provided as apparently we are going somewhere we aren't allowed at this hour in the evening, Peter sits on my bed his head down, he plays with his fingers, "so where are we going?" I ask breaking the loud silence.

"There's a grass field out outside of the lab, staff are only allowed out there on breaks," I silently nod picking the long dress out of the wooden cabinet, I look back at Peter who's staring at me "do you mind?" I laugh shaking the dress.

He makes an o shape with his mouth and stands up turning so he's staring out the window "really hope I don't look stupid in this," I slip my hoodie and jeans off before letting the dress fall onto me hugging my figure.

"That's impossible, you used to always wear dresses," his tone sounding memorised "really, I-" I was about to mention something about the other life I had lived when I was over come with a feeling it didn't matter "... I do like dresses," I smile turning to the man.

I look at him still facing the window as I put my heels on "Peter you can look now," I tap his shoulder he turns around about an inch away from my face "good let's go," he smirks grabbing my wrist like he has many times before, he pulls me out the door.

My heels are all you can hear as we storm through the white tiled hallways, my hair is bouncing as he is making me run trying to keep up with him.

I then see a double door, Peter scans his key card and a loud thud was hear followed by Peter's hands pushing the doors open, I feel the cold night air touch my face like little pin pricks.

I then inhale it into my lungs "good to be outside," I smile up at Peter "I wish it were under better circumstances," my smile fades as I remember why we're out here.

Peter is holding my hand as we walk across the dirt path to a small picnic table under the tall pine trees, "please sit," I do as he says "Brenner isn't just planning to take your abilities away," my face drops in realisation, if he has a chip... doesn't that mean he has abilities?

"Don't give me that look," Peter's voice mocks "I- I'm not, I'm surprised that's all," I laugh looking down at my hands, I then see Peters hand grip my wrist showing a tattoo right where mine is, reading 001.

I look closer amazed at what I'm seeing "your telling me this only on the third day of me being back?" as I speak I stroke my fingers over the ink "I would never keep a secret from you," I feel his breath hit my face as he is leaning closer to me.

"Brenner is going to make you forget us... what we had, there's still hope for you to remember he's scared that if you do we'll be unstoppable," his eyes have a glint in them, you could say crazy but I think he's just paranoid.

"Peter what's our story, I feel so sad that you remember us and I only knew your name," my voice cracked with desperation "first of all my real name is Henry," he looks at me with an amused smile and I sigh "oh gosh so I didn't even remember your name!" I shout frustrated but amused.

Peter shakes his head "don't worry I prefer Peter, me as Henry was something I want to put behind me," this man continues to fascinate me "can you tell me?" I move closer to him in anyway possible as he's on the other side of the table.

"I will show you... soon but first I need to tell you how your going to stop Brenner from putting a chip in your neck," I hear the excitement in his voice "okay better start talking it's freezing."

Peter then explains how two doctors are the ones who put it in my neck so him and Brenner won't be present, I'm meant to try get into there heads and they'll go into a trance and think they put it in but really I have taken the tracker and keep it in my pocket.

"I've never gone into someone's head before?" I say confused as he was telling me as if I was an expert "you have don't worry, haven't you every wondered how easy you can use your abilities."

I nod my head "I know you will do it, you've never failed me," my eyes meet his with curiosity on what he just said "I wish I remembered, it's killing me," he smirks.

"I would have been dead already if I didn't remember," his tone was different almost flirting? I'm such an over thinker that I try and convince myself it's not but it was obvious.

"Hey!" I hear a voice from behind me, I whip my head back to look "what on earth? This ain't a cafe get back inside!" a torch light beams revealing me and Peter sitting down "I would leave Chris!" Peter shouts back.

"Gosh darn it Peter, stop with this girl, she doesn't remember!" the guard is now coming closer with something in his hand "she will remember," Peter now stands pulling me up "just let us go inside and stay quiet about this," I speak up.

"Zero step forward slowly," Chris raises a gun towards Peter knowing that would worry me "what- stop I'm moving," I say walking forward, I see him reach for his walkie talkie "shit Chris don't- don't do that," Peter groans moving forward with his hands up.

"Wow wow big guy stay where you are," Chris moves the gun closer to him "no," Peter mutters as he keeps walking and Chris starts cursing under his breath. I feel my mind rushing as the guard and Peter move closer to each other.

"Peter I don't wanna have to kill you-" Peter laughs "then don't, let us go."

I see Chris's finger on the trigger my mind couldn't bare to lose Peter he's all I have right now, so without thinking I tilt my head, I feel a form of energy rush through my body before leaving, snapping the guards neck, a shocked expression forms on Peters face followed by a thud of the body.

I cover my mouth shocked on what I did... again.

"What the hell," Peter looks at me then walks over grabbing my shoulders "you need to go inside, don't worry about this it'll be fine," he looked scared but for a second proud.

"I'm so sorry-" he puts his finger up to my lips "go inside," his voice deeper this time, so I waste no time running inside.

a/n EEEE thanks for the reads!

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