11- Bullying

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I walk along with Peter as we make our way to the Rainbow Room, I look over at Peter his height very different to mine, he's very tall. I do not notice that I'm staring until he looks down at me.

"Having fun?" his voice deep and laced with his ego "uh no what yes I mean," I reply not thinking and I mentally slap myself "well I'm sure the others will be happy to see you," I nod wanting to get in the damn room before I embarrass myself.

He opens the door for me standing to the side "after you Shan," I am walking through the door as I realise what he called me "no more Zero?" I ask with a warm feeling forming on my face.

"Nope," his reply was filled with sincerity, I feel my stomach full with butterflies which at first I enjoyed it didn't feel like anything i've felt, I then feel embarrassment that I'm feeling this way for a man I can barely remember.

"Zero want to play with blocks?" I hear Tens voice from the ground next to the red blocks "yeah sure," I make myself comfortable next to Ten, I watch as Ten starts stacking the blocks by staring at them.

I clap for Ten as he stacks four blocks high, Ten gives me a proud and gleeful look as someone had acknowledge him "you try?" he asks unstacking the blocks "sure," I feel Peters eyes on me as he watches me from the corner of the small room.

I try to act as if I didn't notice but it is hard "don't worry you'll do good," Ten speaks thinking I was scared to stack the blocks "thanks Ten," I hold the younger boys hand.

I swiftly stack the four blocks with one stare "yay!" Ten cheers for me, I have never smiled so hard at any appreciation like I just did, the way Ten cares is adorable.

"Hey Zero," I feel me get ripped up from next to Ten to standing up with the older children "who are you?" I say with a bit of annoyance that he just interrupted me without a thought that what I was doing could've been more important.

"I'm Two? How can't you remember that," he scoffs and I cross my arms "probably because she's forgotten everything, even about her and Peter, poor guys probably in pain not being able to have you fully back after five years," a girl laughs obnoxiously.

I move my head so slow to look to see if Peter heard, I could tell he did, the way his stance changed to looking fidgety, also a big point his sad eyes glued on mine.

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