13- Being Hopeful

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I feel my ankles buckle as I'm not used to heels, my palms hit the tiled ground hard "shit," I mutter standing back up quick, I decide it's better if I walk at a fast pace now so I don't draw attention to myself.

I find my room and quickly go inside to lock my door, I take many deep breaths as I pull myself out of my head and back to the present.

'What did you just do!'

'Your going to get Peter killed for that!'

Those were the words that kept entering my mind, I push them out to keep my own sanity, I decide it's better to sleep and think about this in the morning.

The suns beams on my pale skin through my window, birds humming along to the new day, comforting feeling I hadn't felt in awhile and all this with my eyes still closed.

'Shannon wake up it's a beautiful day!' a younger boy's voice calls, so comforting and sweet 'Henry! Don't yell at a lady,' I hear a muffled womens sharpe voice reply, I un squint my eyes to see a younger boy in a plaid shirt walk in, but my vision is hazy.

'Shannon come on time keeps ticking!' the boy walks closer until I can see his blue eyes "What?" I simply say as my eyes aren't fully open "I said time to get up!" I get knocked back to my reality as a skinny women is standing at my door with an attitude.

No sun beaming no birds just the cold walls and barred windows, they are so dirty I don't even know if sun could get through.

"Please hurry up, Brenner wants to see you," the blonde rolls her eyes walking out "what the hell," I whisper holding my head as it hurt, I was starting to remember him.

I feel a warm fuzzy feeling establish in the pit of my stomach, I am happy I can finally try and remember why I loved this man, even though falling in love with him again doesn't seem so horrible.

Walking to Brenner's office wasn't to hard but fighting off the worry was harder I haven't spoken to Peter since I killed that guard, for all I know he could be dead.

"Zero! Good morning, have a seat," Brenner says as I enter the minimal office space, I sit on the wooden chair provided "morning," I speak trying my best to hide my fear.

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