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The days went by uneventfully except that Anderson was teaching me things I should know for the upcoming test and helping me with my assignments.

He was rich owing to the kind of snacks and money he brought to school and also very nice, his accent always caught my attention and I found myself looking forward to every school day.

He equally explained to me that the class bully, Nora had repeated the class severally but she was nice and everybody respected her because if you annoy her, she will deal with you mercilessly plus teachers didn't attend to reports concerning her.

I figured they were frightened.
I was fuming as I went through my books.

I didn't seem to understand what I was reading and tests were about to begin like in a few minutes time.

Anderson dropped his bag on my desk.

"What?"I snapped.

"Today is the D-Day" he said.

"Hmmm. Very interesting" I replied sarcastically.

"How was your night?"

"Anderson, I'm trying to read, please" I said impatiently.

"You know... Last minute reading doesn't make meaning abi?"

I shrugged. "Maybe for you"

He sat down. "I wish Kosi would not take first"

I said nothing.

"I'm always taking second, I don't like it"

"Chai, put more efforts" I told him.

"I know... But all my efforts are in vain. I wonder if she's a witch or something"

I shook my head with a smile.

Just then, the teacher walked in holding wads of sheets and students scrambled to their seats.

I closed my book and put it in my bag before taking my bag away then I sat down with a silent prayer.

We were taking mathematics. I tackled the questions immediately as they were easy and looked around to see if anybody was done.

Kosi was still writing, Asah was lying on her desk, Anderson was flinging his pen.

I shook my head and stepped out to submit my paper.

I left the class to prepare for the next paper. Kosi was the next to finish. "How was it?"

"Fine...." I paused.

She turned away from me and went to her bag.

I entered the dormitory tiredly. This was the third day of the tests.

I opened my cornflakes and poured it into a bowl adding a generous portion of milk and little water.

Deze sat on her bed. "What did you do to Kosi?" She asked me.

"What do you mean?"
"She said you like feeling too big"

I chuckled. "Maybe, you should ask her what I did"

Deze sighed. "Why are you always the first to submit"

I laughed. "So that's what this is about abi?"

"It's somehow, Ryl. You are a new student, you are supposed to be quiet"

"Am I noisy?" I enquired almost angry.

"I'm not saying you are noisy but you shouldn't be the first to submit"

"So if I'm done, the time I would use in reading other subjects, I'll use it and wait for you guys"

"No... Like, maybe when one or two people have submitted, you will now submit"

"Is it my fault they did not finish before me? Deze chai, shun me, I'm not in the mood" I glared at her and climbed my bed taking my cornflakes.

Deze sighed and removed her clothes pulling them off her head. She put them in her bucket and went straight to the lawn.

Anderson smiled at me as I entered the class.

"This one, you came early. What happened?" I asked him.

"My dad was catching a 7am flight"

"Oh, so if not that, you would have been late again?"

"Well yes" he replied truthfully. "I heard the rumour about you"

"What rumour?" I asked him sitting down on my seat beside him.

"You feel too big" he replied me.

"Oh" I chuckled. "So it has reached everybody's ears"

"It's Kosi o. She was telling everybody in class this morning."

I sighed.

"Don't bother about her, she's just jealous of you"

"I know" I replied.

"I brought snacks for you today" Anderson said.

"Thank you but I don't eat from other people"

He looked pained. "Even me?"

"Yes, you are not an exception"  I answered.

"Come on, Ryl. Stop all this good girl attitude" he begged.

"Maybe another time, I promise, okay?"

He nodded quite disappointed.

We concluded the test for that day with me waiting patiently for Kosi to submit, it was so evident that the invigilator asked if I was doing expo with her.

I explained to him that there was no way, we could do expo when our seats were far apart and when he checked out books, there were entirely the same answers that I began to wonder what was going to happen to me but he simply told us to go.

Kosi glared at me for the rest of the day even in the dinning where she intentionally kicked my plate and my rice and stew poured on the floor, I was about to slap her if not for Deze that held my hands and the fact that Amara's words were still in my brain.

I walked out of the dinning angrily.
On the last day of tests, we tore papers and banged the desk because that was the last internal exam, we were taking and the next was Junior WAEC.

Kosi walked up to me. "You know I'm the most intelligent in this class right ?"
I said nothing .

"Well, nobody has ever thought of taking my position and if that's your plan, count your self very unlucky because that would be the last time you would breathe on this earth" she told me.

NoteRyl is not a real name. It's actually a short form of a real name but the the name Ryl, I don't even know if it exists🤷‍♀️

Who has stayed with someone like Kosi before? Me!

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