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A/N: Hey everyone! We're back with Equestria Lesbians! I will still be hard to update but I hope you all will like this as much as you did on the last one. Also the chapters won't be days so it'll be easier to write about. And I hope you guys will like the pictures I make. Enjoy!

"Dad, don't worry. I'm sure it's big enough." Rainbow Dash said as she pulled up the ends of her skirt to show how big it is.
"I'm sorry. I'm just trying not to show so much but also try to make you feel comfortable." He said smiling.
"I think is perfect."
"Me too." Sky Blue agreed with her step daughter.
Seems the day was a big day for all the seniors. Graduation.
Rainbow Dash and her pals are graduating from high school and are about to become officially adults. Their high school years at Canterlot High were a blast, but Rainbow Dash thinks it'll be best as an adult and her life with Applejack.
They've dated for about two years since sophomore. Their lives were perfect, but imagine what it'll be like at the party since Rainbow had a big surprise for Applejack.
Suddenly, Rainbow Blaze began to cry his eyes with the tears falling. Sky Blue walked to him patting his back while his daughter smiled of how he was being.
"I'm sorry." He said whipping his nose. "It's just, I'm really proud of you sweetie. You're grown up so fast. It seems like yesterday you and I were having a last having a one-on-one competition with soccer."
"Uh, that was yesterday." She said.
"I'm just saying, I'm real proud of ya sweetie." He hugged her with the gentlest hug he's ever given her.
"I'm proud of you too." Sky Blue walked to give her a hug too. After she pulled off, she reach in her pocket and showed a clip. It was full of blue diamonds of a lighting bolt. "I want you to have it."
Rainbow Dash didn't know what to say. She was so happy about today but thought it was kind for what she was giving her. She reach for it in her own hand and put the clip on the side of her head with a smile. "Thank you."
Sky Blue was certainly happy to the stepmother of Dash.

"So how much is it showing?" Applejack asked Granny Smith as she turned back around.
"Oh sugar, you look so grown up." Granny Smith said. "I'm really proud you're about to graduate. And I bet your ma and pa are the most proud."
Applejack was glad to hear that. Her years of being in high school were the best. The most fun was being with Rainbow Dash and nothing else. She can't believe their young lives as teenagers were almost over.
"I hope they are."
"I know they are honey." She place her wrinkle hand on Applejack's cheek. "And don't be nervous. This is a special event you should be happy about."
"I'm not nervous. I'm very excited. Although, I wonder how Rarity is handling on the speech for us. Last time I saw her she was sweating like a pig on an early morning's breakfast."
Granny Smith giggled of her words. "Oh I remember when I gave a speech for graduation. It was pretty silly for what I added in there. At least you get a party after the day. We use to just let it go like it was nothing."
Applejack chuckled. "Yeah. I'm excited for the party. Even though the last time I went to a party, Rainbow was drunk and got me locked in a room to confess her feelings."
"Oh, and I still say that's real sweet."
"I just wished she wasn't raped after I yelled at her." Her smile went away when she remember that.
"Oh honey, we've been over this. It wasn't your fault. It just happen. Luckily, she was able to live with that problem."
"I know. I'm glad you get to stay for the graduation."
"Me too. I wouldn't miss it for the world. Just like Big Mac's graduation I wouldn't miss no matter what."
Applejack was glad Granny Smith was still able to be alive. She just hope she can stay that way forever.

"Oh! I'm so nervous!" Rarity kept pacing the floor with herself as she freaked out of what to do. "I'm worried my speech will be an epic fail for the whole senior class!"
"I think you'll do fine Rarity." Fluttershy said patting her friend's shoulder. "The way you spoke the speech to me was lovely."
"Well thank you darling. But I'm more concern of how all parents and students will think."
"At least you have your parents to have to come to your graduation." She said feeling alone. She may have been adopted but she feels they're not her home.
"Trust me, I know how you feel." Sunset Shimmer said wrapping her arm around Fluttershy's shoulders. She didn't have any parents to come for her graduation either.
"I'm sorry dears. I still can't believe your own mother always hit you." Rarity said.
"It's okay. Luckily the only thing that now hurts is their yelling."
"Hey! We're here!" They heard Pinkie Pie's voice appear as she ran through the curtains with Applejack and Rainbow Dash. "Sorry we're a little late."
"Yeah. Granny was giving me a hand with my outfit." Applejack said.
"You do look great on it." Rainbow said.
"Thanks. So do you."
"I hate to be a breaker but what makes you look great if they're the same outfit?" Sunset Shimmer asked not understanding.
Then Rainbow Dash wrapped her arm around Applejack's waist and said "Because the person who's wearing it looks beautiful."
Applejack couldn't help but blushed and smile. Then Rainbow pressed her lips against Applejack's giving her a sweet passion kiss. She gently began to put her left hand on Applejack's cheek softly.
"Get a room!" Pinkie joked.
They pulled away looking at her funny. The only thing she did was smile.
Then Applejack looked at Sunset Shimmer and asked "Hey is Twilight coming?"
Sadly, Sunset shook her head.
Then Applejack let go of Rainbow and gave her a hug. "Don't worry sugarcube. At least y'all still love each other with y'all's hearts. That's what matters."
"I know. Thanks." She smiled at the cowgirl.
"So Rarity," Rainbow went to the purple girl. "How's your speech coming along?"
"Oh uh, good. Great." She said sweating a little.
"She's a little nervous to say it in front of everyone." Fluttershy said.
"Can't blame ya. Saying it in front of all those people must be hard to handle."
"Lucky my party will make ya feel better." Pinkie said. "Ya'll are all coming right?"
"Uh huh." They all agreed.
Rainbow walked to Pinkie and said "Speaking of the party Pinkie, I need to ask you something." So them the two of them went on the other side of the curtain to talk.
"You do look great Sunset."
Rarity continued her pacing in the room worried. "I just hope I do a fantastic job. I hate to ruin our graduation."
"No matter what happens Rarity," Applejack walked to her. "We'll always be here for you."
"Thanks AJ, but right now I'm worried of how I also look. I feel like a mess."
Only Rarity.
Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash came back into the dressing room with their smiles still plaster on their face.
"I'm now super-duper excited for the party!" Pinkie jumped up and down.
"Don't kill yourself with bouncing Pinkie Pie." Applejack said. "It's just a after-party."
"Yeah. But then there will be a---"
Rainbow covered we mouth with her hand to stop her. She didn't want her to say anything yet.
"Nothing. Right Pinkie?" She let go of Pinkie's mouth so she can answer.
"Right. Just excited." She said.
Everyone knew she was hiding something but before anyone could possibly ask, their principal Celestia was on the announcements and said. "All seniors, please come to the graduating center." She said.
"We better get moving." Sunset Shimmer said.
"NOW?!" Rarity was more nervous than she was before. "I can't go there now! I don't even think it's good enough for everyone."
"Rarity your speech will be fine." Pinkie said.
"Yep. No matter what happens, we're still here for you." Fluttershy said.
The others agreed which made Rarity feel a little better.
It was big after they walked outside to the chairs and hanging curtains. There were so many people outside, no one could even bother to count how many cause it would be so confusing.
This only made Rarity a little more nervous.
They walked to their seats together so they wouldn't be alone. Their row was the usual, with Sunset Shimmer first, then Fluttershy, then Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity. That how they normally sit ever since then.
With the stage only having vice-principal Luna standing there, principal Celestia got on the stage and made sure the microphone was working.
"Welcome students, families, and all sorts of fun people." She said. "We are all gather here today to celebrate these seniors of growing up to become true adults. I just want to say how fun it was to have you all here and how we hope you all have a bright future ahead of you."
While she remain talking, Rainbow Dash was able to look behind her and some people. She could see her dad and Sky Blue sitting there happy with a video camera in their hand. She waved to them as they waved back.
Dash made sure she didn't get caught and turn back around to continue listening to their principal.
"And now," she said. "With a special speech from one of our generous people, I like to introduce Rarity."
Everyone clapped and cheered for the fashionista as she walked on the stage towards the principal.
Principal Celestia gave Rarity the microphone so her speech can began.
Rarity felt a sweat fall from her forehead and whipped it away. She cleared her throat and began. "Hello students and families. I must say, it really is an honored being here..." The more people stared at her, the more she got nervous. "And... uh..."
"This won't end well." Fluttershy whispered to her friends.
Rarity was enrolled to be a big speech. She was just making it too small. It was time she started out strong. She took a deep breath and said "You know what? Many people ask what you want to be when you're older. You would answer teacher, soccer player, or a fashionista, like myself."
Everyone laughed softly. That made her feel a little better.
"Many of us thought we never make it pass high school as become funny creatures on the streets. Many of us are different, but deep down we are Canterlot Wondercolts. And no matter what happens, no matter how much people put pressure on us-"
"She's getting into her speech." Applejack whispered to Rainbow.
"At least she ain't nervous."
"Not even the finest man can tell you you're nothing. I'm a Canterlot Wondercolt, you're all Canterlot Wondercolts, and we're born to let everyone know it!" She realized she getting too carried away. She cleared her throat and said calmly a little "We're here today to blossom into our adult selfs. Some of us will get married, some of us will party hard,"
More laughter spread after that.
"Even some of us will have children."
"Don't make that mistake!" A voice said from the audience.
Everyone tried to see who it was but he was never seen.
"Okay. Anyhoo, we are about to head I our future selves. Many of us wanted a time machine so we can see the life we are born to be in. Now we can with no time machine. We're about to make our futures happen, and no one can stand in our dreams and crush them. And even though any of us might not see each other for a while, we'll still have the memories of a child, a teenager, and now we get to have adult memories. Then soon we'll have elderly ones."
More laughter was spread.
"All I can say, since most of y'all I won't be seeing, just know, whenever you ask yourself of you're making the right choice, remember that I said this. Don't be ashamed of what you make. Be proud of it, even if no one agrees with you. Cause no one can stand in the way of your hopes, dreams, and life. And I hope you all have a good day after today."
Everyone clapped as cheered for her speech and her pride of being brave.
She walked off the stage letting principal Celestia take over. "Thank you Rarity."
She sat down immediately after hearing that.
"You have definitely gave us all a smile for today. And everyone will have a great future. I can see it too."
Rarity blushed of how she did and felt better as she took a breather.
After a few things from the principal and vice-principal, each student was finally able to get their degrees as they got on the stage.
From the friends, it was first Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Sunset Shimmer, and finally Applejack. Each of their degrees had their names ad everything.
The last one was giving to Snips and he walked off the stage with her weird face.
"You all have blossom into your adults years." Principal Celestia said. "An I hope, that it gives the greatest time of your lives. Cause these people, these teachers, even me and my sister, are very proud of every single one of you. You're all free, with your freedom."
The last cheer for the day came and every student threw their hats of graduation in the air.
So many people were in the front and back giving hugs to everyone. Many people had tears in their eyes, many were so happy they could dance, some were still bored with their lives.
Applejack was giving Big Mac a hug for her day as her smoky surrounded her.
"Oh sugarcube, we are so proud of you." Granny Smith said.
"Thanks Granny."
"Man this stinks." Applebloom said. "Now I won't have anyone to look for in school when I need help."
"I'll be at home Applebloom."
"I know. But I am proud of ya sis."
"Ma and pa would be proud too." Big Mac told his sister.
She gave Applebloom another her hug being so happy.
Fluttershy's aunt was hugging her gently so proud, Pinkie Pie, mr and mrs. Cake were jumping up and down with excitement, Rarity was getting squeezed to death by her parents and Sweetie Belle, and Rainbow Dash and her father and stepmother were hugging as well.
Sunset Shimmer on the other had was lonely.
She felt a pat on her shoulder and saw Flash Sentry looked down at her. "Oh. Hey Flash." She said.
"Hey. I'm glad you've made a change during high school." He said. "You've become into someone special again. And I'm sure Twilight would be proud of you."
She smiled giving the blue hair guitar player a hug. She hadn't felt any of his hugs since they dated when se was real mean.
Suddenly, a certain someone ruins their hug by squeezing in between them. "You may been able to change, but you can never change the amazing abilities of the great and powerful.... I'm just kidding."
Sunset and Flash looked at Trixie surprised. She was going to finish her quote being great and powerful?
"You know," she wrapped her arms around Sunset and Flash's shoulders bringing them closer to her. "I started to see how annoying I was in high school, and now here at graduation, I believe I'm gonna start a change."
"She's joking right?" Flash whispered.
Then Trixie let to of them and said "From now on, I am no loner the great and powerful Trixie! I am... just Trixie ."
"Wow. Glad you're starting to change Trixie." Sunset said actually glad.
"Me too. I just wished I was I voted to Pinkie Pie's graduation party that's happening tonight."
Suddenly, the pink girl ran to Trixie with a big smile and said "Are you crazy ?!" Then she hugged Trixie to death lifting her up. "Everyone is invited! Including you!"
"Th-Thanks... P-Pinkie..." Her eyes were about to be pop out.
Pinkie finally let to of her and smile continuing to jump with excitement.
Applejack was walking to the side of the school to see the field one last time. When she looked on the field, she remember everything about it. When she and Rainbow met Twilight, when everyone was practicing for a soccer battle their had, and when Rainbow saved her fall making her heart beat fast.
She smiled, remembering those memories. But then she looked on the field and saw her girlfriend playing soccer by herself making a goal.
She walked to her making her stop when she caught her playing. She smiled at her and said "What are you doing? Aren't you gonna get ready for the party?"
"Oh I'm going." She said making a final kick. "I'm just waiting till Pinkie says it's ready."
"Till what's ready?"
Rainbow caught herself in the moment. She almost was about to give it away. She thought fast and thought of only one thing...
"Tickle torture Applejack!" She jumped onto the blond and pinned her to the field. She tickled mostly her stomach making her giggle.
"Rainbow! Stop!" She tried to speak while laughing.
Rainbow didn't and went faster and finally gave it break. She still remain on top of her on the grass. "I think at the party, you'll like what I have planned." She said.
Applejack chuckled and pushed Rainbow off her so she can lift herself up. Rainbow laid back instead looking at the sky. "I'm gonna miss this field." She said.
Applejack looked at her and smiled laying back with her. "I'm gonna miss it too. It brings back lots of memories."
"Especially when I kicked your butt in that soccer kick."
"Oh shut it." She playfully kick Rainbow's leg.
Looking at the clouds felt really childish to them. But they didn't care.
Rainbow reach for Applejack's breasts and placed her left hand on top of it.
"What are you doing?" She asked.
"What? Too much?" She said.
"... no. Not really."
"Remember that time we were.."
"Don't say it!"
"Oh come on." She snuggled close to Applejack. "Don't remember when it felt good on the field, where no one was around at the moment, and we were just having our 'tickle' time?"
"You mean your tickle time?"
"Oh shut up."
Applejack laughed getting her good. Dash finally gave up and continued looking at the clouds. Feeling the cool breeze was something to enjoy for the day.
She suddenly felt a hand on her left thigh and saw her cowgirl looking at her seductively. "What?" She asked.
"Nothing." She respond. "Just remembering that moment with you sugarcube. Kinda wished it wasn't interrupted. It was on a Saturday right?"
"Yeah. Place was closed."
Applejack looked back to see if anybody was coming behind them or was about to come to the field. Seems some cars were driving off. She smiled.
"What's wrong?" Rainbow asked not knowing.
Without responding, Applejack got on top of Rainbow, the same way she did when she was being tickle. She lean down to Rainbow and whisper "Just hope this won't be ruin." Then she placed her lips on top of Rainbow's softly.
It was sweet and soft to Rainbow. Her lips even taste like apples. She began to feel Applejack's tongue go into her mouth. They had another tongue war and no one knew who was winning. They were both being so rough since they felt in heat. Their touch was so soft they just began to moan with everything they felt.
Rainbow placed her hand on Applejack's hip and pulled her away too look into those green eyes. She smiled of how she was so innocent.
Applejack smiled but didn't understand. She thought this is what Rainbow wanted at the moment.
"Hey you two." They heard Pinkie Pie behind them and saw their friend smiling. "Save it for the party!"
"We'll try." Rainbow said seductively.
"Oh so that's why you don't want anything now." Applejack mumbled to herself.
She began to felt a hand softly was placed on her thigh and smiled at Rainbow.
"Kinda. I just can't wait to give you you're surprise." Rainbow said.
"What is it?"
"Hey, I get you're still young but please no making out on the field." They saw their principal smiling at the matching them.
Pinkie decided to give her a hug some she won't see her for a while. Applejack helped Rainbow up.
Rainbow went over to Applejack's ear and said "You'll have to see at the party."

A/N: man I miss writing about these two. That last story was my first one making them two. See y'all in the next chapter!

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