"Dinner with the Rainbows"

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A/N: this one might not be much either but if you read the last part, you I'll understand and will probably will be squealing like me.

"You really think your grandma likes me?" Applejack was real nervous.
"Yes. How else do you think she wanted you to also come?" Rainbow said.
"To threaten me not to hurt you."
She laugh as they continued to walk to Rainbow's father's home. Seemed they were invited to a dinner that her grandma was serving. She was a good cook and she wanted to see Rainbow Dash again and especially Applejack.
"I'm just glad the rest of my family ain't here." Rainbow said. "If my cousins and everyone was around, it would be a total nightmare for me and you."
Applejack chuckled. "I don't think so. I'm mostly worried about your grandma that she might threaten me or something."
"She won't do anything. She's too nice to do that. The most thing she will do is probably embarrass us."
"What do you mean?"
"Simple. 'Who's on top', 'wanting grandchildren'-"
"Holy nelly."
"Yeah. She's very interested with our marriage for some random reason. But the best thing to do is let her enjoy herself."
Applejack smiled. She kinda wished there was a way Rainbow's entire family can meet her. She would love to meet some cousins, or uncles, or aunts or anyone. She believed Rainbow's family would be one of the best like the Apple family.
They made it up to the front door and Rainbow Dash knocked on it waiting for it to be answered. It flew open and revealed her father standing in the door. He smiled as he saw his baby again. "Dashie!" Then he felt in new to give her a hug.
"Good to see you too dad..." She said trying to breath.
He finally let her go and saw Applejack still smiling. He then leaned in to hug her. "Glad you could make it Applejack."
"Thank ya sir."
"How come you don't squeeze her and it you squeeze me?" Rainbow said.
He let go and walked to his daughter and said "You're my daughter. Gotta torture ya still, even if you're growing up."
She smiled, glad he still thought of her as his daughter.
He let them come into the house and closed the door. When they walked into the dining room, they were surprised to see so much food on the table. There was mash potatoes, beef, and tamales. Applejack never felt so much hunger in a long time. She felt like a dog and was about to pounce to the food.
Rainbow Dash giggle to her as she was drooling.
"See? I know I'm a good cook if I can make your girl drool." Her grandma came in with the turkey.
This felt like Thanksgiving to them. Really funny to them honestly.
"You girls want something to drink?" Rainbow Star asked them. "We got some sodas."
"I'll get them. You sit down." Rainbow Dash told Applejack and walked to her grandma to get the sodas.
Applejack felt odd she wasn't doing anything. She wanted to help, but she didn't want to screw up or anything. By then she saw Sky Blue come next to her and said "Hey Applejack. Glad you could make it."
"Thanks Sky Blue." She hugged her feeling better.
"Why don't you go ahead make yourself at home? We're almost done." She walked into the kitchen.
Applejack decided to feel like it by sitting in a chair and stayed still. But before she sat down, she noticed there was a table full of some photos of Rainbow Dash and he family lives she decided to take a look at them.
She saw one of her father and mother getting married. Rainbow Dash looked like her mother when she was getting married. So cute.
She then saw one of Rainbow Dash's soccer games and she won first prize being the age of five. She smiled thinking that was adorable.
She then saw another one of Rainbow Dash and her parents. Rainbow Dash was a baby in this photo. She was wrapped up in blankets and being held in her mother's arms. Her father was standing next to his wife smiling they had a baby. Applejack thought that was the cutest picture ever. She grabbed it to look at it more and saw a happy look on her mother's face.
"BOO!" She felt hands wrapped her waist and his her the frights.
She screamed as she turned around to Rainbow Dash and threw the picture in the air. The picture fell to the ground and broke the glass into millions of pieces.
Rainbow Dash and Applejack gasped as they saw what had happen.
"What did you do?" Rainbow said.
"I don't know." Applejack was scared.
"Everything alright in there?!" Sky Blue called out for them as she heard the shatter too.
"Um, yes ma'am!" Applejack said and bend to her knees to try and pick up tech glass with her hands.
Rainbow Dash felt she better help her so they couldn't get into any trouble. She grabbed the picture while Applejack continued with the glass. Rainbow couldn't help but stare into that picture, thinking it was one gray picture.
While she looked at it, Applejack found and thing in the glass. She thought it was a picture that was hidden or something. It was envelope. 'What the heck is-'
"What happen?"
They both stood up fast scared as they saw Rainbow Blaze staring at them. But it seemed they stood up too fast to where Applejack felt pain.
"Oh uh...." Rainbow didn't want Applejack to get in trouble. So she lied for her. "I was looking at this picture you had and dropped it. I'm sorry dad."
Applejack felt bad Rainbow had to lie for her just to save her butt. It was her fault she dropped the picture.
"It's okay sweetie heart. But are you two okay?" He asked walking to his daughter worried.
"Yeah. We're fine." Rainbow looked back at her wife to see if she was. She noticed she had her hands behind her back.
"Yeah. Totally fine."
Applejack felt a little awkward she was being stared at. Rainbow walked to Applejack and grabbed her arm and saw her in pain.
Seemed when they both immediately stood up, Applejack had a piece of glass stuck to her belt and she cut her arm. It was bleeding down her arm almost hitting to the tip of her middle finger.
"Totally not fine." Rainbow said as she dragged Applejack into the living room to fix her.

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