"Fluttermac came to our lives"

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A/N: this is for all you Fluttershy X Big Macintosh lovers out there. But mostly, I like to dedicate the entire story and I mean the whole thing, to the one I am in love with. I hope you accept me feelings. Anyways for you viewers, enjoyed and love it!

"Come on Rainbow. Get up."
"No. I'm tired. Give me like, five minutes please."
Last night they went to the hospital real late. It was around three thirty at night all because they were in traffic. Rainbow was so exhausted, she felt she cannot move.
"Rainbow we're gonna be late. Please get up."
"AJ let me sleep. I'm too poop to move."
Applejack was already embarrassed being in the maid costume and having to wake Rainbow up. She kept shaking Rainbow but nothing made her move.
"Alright. You asked for it." Applejack walked out of the room to find a way to wake up Rainbow.
Rainbow Dash finally relaxed herself and continued to sleep. She thought she finally got peace. Boy was she wrong.
(Oh God. This will be funny!XD)
"WHOA-AHH!" Rainbow screamed as she felt cold water splash on her. It was on the bed too but mostly on her. Her hair became wet and her clothes were soaked.
She looked up and saw Applejack able her smirking as she had a bucket of dripping water in her hands. "Really AJ?!"
"I told ya to get up." She said.
Soon Applebloom came into their room soak and shivering herself. Her hair looked like it was growing, but it wasn't.
"Don't play with her on not getting up. She uses that as a alarm." Then she ran out to dry up.
Rainbow looked back at Applejack and was scared seeing she doesn't play like that. She immediately got out of bed and got herself cleaned up. Applejack just thought it was funny soaking Rainbow like that.
Now she knows what to use whenever she doesn't listen.

"We're here to see Fluttershy." Applejack told the nurse as she and Rainbow were at the front desk.
"Ah yes. She's already should be awaken. You know which room she's in right?"
"Yes ma'am. Thank you." Then Applejack and Rainbow Dash went in the hall to find her room again.
"You sure she's gonna believe it?" Rainbow asked.
"Rainbow, he's been honest with her almost all the time. I think she'll listen to him."
Fluttershy remain on the bed sad. No matter how many flowers Pinkie and Rarity kept sending her, she was still broken hearted. Her heart was smashed to pieces when she stabbed herself. She wished a miracle could save her life. She wished heaven would just take her instead of where she lays.
Pinkie and Sunset Shimmer were sitting in the chairs talking to her. Their poor friend has been through so much in her life.
Applejack and Rainbow Dash went through the door seeing everyone. The only one no one saw was Rarity. She wasn't there.
"Hey guys!" Pinkie said smiling.
"Hey Pinkie Pie." Rainbow said.
"Where's Rarity?" Applejack asked.
"She didn't really wanna come and visit. She's going through so much." Sunset Shimmer said.
"Or she knew I would come."
Applejack grabbed her hand to make her know she has nothing to be sad about. She looked back at her friends and said "Girls is it okay Rainbow can talk to Fluttershy alone?"
Pinkie and Sunset Shimmer looked at each other and figure they don't got a choice. "Sure." Sunset answered.
Applejack lead the two girls out with Pinkie jumping. Rainbow Dash was looking at Fluttershy and felt worse. She walked to her and sat in a chair. "How ya feeling?"
"Could be worse." She said not smiling. She looked like she was about to cry.
"Fluttershy, listen. What you saw was a big misunderstanding. I wasn't really wanting to do it with Big Ma-"
"How do I know you're not lying? Applejack tells the truth. What do you tell?"
"So if Applejack was in here you would listen?"
"No. Because you would tell her to tell a lie."
"Now you know AJ would not want to lie no matter why I tell her or beg her."
Fluttershy had tears reaching her eyes and believed she might as well ignore her best friend.
"I knew somehow you weren't gonna believe Flutters. I can't blame ya for being mad. I guess there's one person who could tell ya what was going on." Rainbow said smiling.
"If you think getting Applejack in here will break me, know it won't work Rainbow Dash." She said crossing her arms.
"I wasn't talking about Applejack." She looked back and watched the door open.
Fluttershy watched too and couldn't believe who she saw when the person walked in. She felt her heart flutter but she still felt the pain that remain inside of her. She wants to cry but she didn't want to look like a coward anymore.
Rainbow smiled as Fluttershy saw him and walked out of the chair and walked towards and said "You got this."
"Eeyep." Big Mac said.
Rainbow Dash walked out of the room so they could be alone. She had a smirk on her face because she has been waiting for them to talk.
Big Mac walked towards Fluttershy and sat down in the chair Rainbow was in. He smiled as he saw her blush red cheeks. She looked so cute.
She didn't know what to say. She was so sad and depress enough. Although she didn't understand why he came.
"What are you doing here?" Fluttershy asked. She didn't sound too mean but she also didn't sound so thrilled seeing him. And usually she is.
"I heard you stab yourself. Are you gonna be okay?" He asked. He sounded real calm.
"Y-Yes. I only stab the side of myself."
She gave him a look since she was confused. "You know what I'm here for."
"No not really."
"Don't act innocent!" She started to sound mad but it wasn't very loud. "I saw what you did!"
"Buck apples?"
"No. Yesterday! I saw you and Rainbow! Why must she be miss perfect?! Why can't I be the one in your arms?! Why can't I be more like Rainbow Dash?!" She covered her eyes so she can sob into her hands.
Big Mac understood then what she meant. Now he understood her pain, her words, but most of all, her true feelings. And he felt he was meant to be blame.
"Fluttershy, didn't Applejack tell you I had to so they can have a baby?" He said.
She stopped sobbing and only sniffed. She pulled her yellow hands away from her wet to look at him with a very surprised look. Now this all didn't make sense to her.
"I-I don't understand." She said whipping her eyes.
He sighed and said "I had to get Rainbow pregnant. They have been wanting a kid in their lives and so far they mostly want it to be related to the Apple family and Rainbow's family. And I was the only male around, so I offered, not them begging, to help them have a baby."
Fluttershy was so surprised by his words. Was he telling the truth? The Apple family don't usually lie but could he be lying for money or something more?
"How do I know you're not lying?" She said looking at her hands as they rest on her lap.
He smiled and reach for one hand a so he could hold it. She looked up at him surprise and saw his smile. She couldn't help but blush as she saw their hands touching.
"Have I ever lied to you Fluttershy?"
She felt so embarrassed and nice. She smiled small but tried to hide it. "Not really."
"Then what makes you think I'm lying to ya now?"
".... I guess by how you are attracted to Rainbow Dash."
"I'm not attracted to her. I was only helping with their baby inside of Rainbow. I didn't even know what was going in when Applejack told me she needed my help to get to ya. When I heard you were stabbed, I almost threw a rotten Apple at one of our trees."
"Yes. You don't know how worried I was. But I'm glad to see you're alright."
Her smile almost became big. But she fought it. "Thanks." Am thought it went away when she asked "You promise me you are not lying?"
"I promise. If you promise me you won't hurt yourself again..." He said.
She laugh a little. Then she said "I promise. I guess my feelings got the best of me."
Then he smiled and said ".. and if you can come with me to dinner when you're out of here?"
By then, Fluttershy's face was redder than his shirt and she was so in shock. She couldn't believe his words. Did he just asked her out?
"W-W-What... I-I, I don't understand.."
"I want you to go to dinner with me. When you're out of here at least."
"B-But why?"
"Well... I guess you can say I've always thought you were cute, sweet, innocent, and I just mostly fell in love with your shyness. And I was wondering if you want to become, my girlfriend."
Fluttershy now didn't know what was better. The fact that he asked for her to become his girlfriend or that she was never lied to. She was smiling so big probably bigger than Pinkie's smile and her cheeks were burning with red. She felt herself shake and didn't know what to say.
"Well... I'm so... I mean... t-that is real... what I mean to say is..." She was stuttering so much it made him laugh. She loved his laugh but she didn't want to make more of a fool of himself. "Yes. I promise to go to dinner with you... and be your girlfriend."
He smiled. He couldn't help himself and lanes in to kiss her cheek. She was so happy she was no longer embarrassed. She was so happy as excited.
So far, the girls outside the hall were excited and happy too. They were almost squealing as they saw their friend received a kiss from Applejack's big brother.
"See? Told ya." Applejack playfully punched Rainbow's arm.
"That is ADORABLE!" Pinkie squealed stomping her feet.
"I can't believe it." Sunset Shimmer said smiling.
Everyone looked at Rarity smiling at her. She looked so embarrassed and awkward. She had her arms crossed over and was basically hugging herself. She arrived a few moments ago and was yelling but luckily the girls got her to calm and listen.
Rainbow smiled and walked towards her waiting for a response. "Well Rarity?"
"Okay okay." She said rolling her eyes. "You were right. You were both only trying to get you pregnant. I should have never yelled at you." She silent for a long moment and finally said looking down "I'm sorry."
Rainbow Dash would have normally just tell her she was right and made a funny dance. But she wasn't that kind of person. She decided to wrap her arms around Rarity and his her hug. She surprised her and was glad to get a hug. She started to hug back.
"I forgive ya Rare. I would have thought the same thing." She said still hugging.
They pulled away and before Rainbow knew it, Pinkie was facing her. "Soooooo.... Can I name the baby?! Please?!" She jumped up and down.
"I don't Pinkie." Rainbow said. "AJ and I already decided if it's a girl, she's naming and if it's a boy, I'm naming it."
"Aw man! Can I at least make the bedroom?"
"If you an build a house just for us." Applejack joked.
"Okay!" Then she ran out of the hospital. There was literally smoke coming out as she ran.
Everyone looked surprise.
"I was only joking." Applejack laughed.
"Ooh! I can't wait for the baby!" Rarity squealed.
"Us too. I just wished it still had a part of Applejack somewhere."
"Don't worry. We'll have to work on it sugarcube."
With those being said, Rarity and Rainbow Dash walked out of the hospital together while Sunset Shimmer and Applejack walked out side by side. By then, Applejack had an idea.
"Sunset Shimmer. Do you still have that book you give a message to princess Twilight?" She asked.
"Yeah. It's in my backpack. Why?"
"I need it for something really important."

"Ooh I can't wait!" Granny Smith was looking so excited, she could dance. "We're getting another Apple!"
"I'm gonna get another sister!" Applebloom seemed the most excited.
"Actually you're probably gonna get either a niece or nephew." Applejack said. "But that's exactly like a brother or sister. Me and Rainbow were thinking of waiting till about two months, but might as well spoil the surprise."
"Eeyep." Big Mac said.
"Ooh I can't wait for the new youngin to add to our family." Granny Smith said. "And I'm real proud ya both."
"I understand Applejack. But why me?"
"Because you actually offer to help Applejack and Rainbow Dash with their child idea."
"And don't worry Granny Smith." Applejack said. "We'll be out of the barn soon so we won't be problem to y'all."
"Oh Applejack. You know you and Rainbow would never be a problem if you still stayed around. We still give you both the help you need."
Applejack smiled as her family agreed to always be there. "Thanks y'all. Y'all are the best family."
"He where is Rainbow?" Applebloom asked.
"She's sleeping. I figure since I woke her up with freezing water this morning, might as well let her sleep for the night."
"Oh you are a sweet wife Applejack." Granny Smith said.
"Just like ma." Big Mac smiled.
Applejack was relief to let her family know Rainbow was pregnant. She just felt bad cause she couldn't come down for dinner cause she was so tired.
Applejack came up to her room and made sure Rainbow was still asleep. Luckily she was.
She tip toe in and turned on the lamp light so she can look at her messy desk.
"Oh Applejack..." Rainbow said sounding tired.
Applejack looked back and saw she was only dreaming. She smiled of how cute she was sleeping.
"I love you..."
"I love you too sugarcube." She whispered. She felt before anything else, she shouldn't walk to Rainbow and give her a kiss on her forehead.
Rainbow smiled as she felt that kiss on her forehead and continued to sleep.
Applejack walked back to her desk and sat down. She open the book Sunset Shimmer gave her and went to an empty page. She had a pen in her hand and started to write.

"Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,

This is Applejack speaking from Canterlot High. I need your help...."

A/N: ooh! Who's getting curious?! Hope you guys liked the chapter and the new couple I added to this story. It's already the middle of the night and I'm on a roll. See ya on the next one!

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