"Wedding bells for Rainbows and Apples (part 2)

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A/N: oye! Me legs hurt like jello! Hey I was thinking of making Scootaloo and Applebloom as a couple. What do y'all think? Should I do it or no? Also I hope you guys weren't bored with the last one being so long. Enjoy and hopefully this won't e long too XD lol

"Oh yes, this is perfect." Rarity said as she was finishing up the of the sewing on Rainbow Dash's wedding dress. Already has passed one day and she's done with her dress.
Rainbow's seem simple and beautiful too. It was short sleeve sparkly top with a gray ribbon around her waist. Her skirt was all just white. Even though it wasn't what Rarity would be expecting, it seemed perfect. Although she felt something was missing.
Rainbow look at the dress she was wearing and smiled. "I think I like this one."
"You sure there isn't something I can add?" Rarity asked. "I feel there's something missing."
Rainbow was able to look at herself through the mirrors. She believed the dress looks fine on her, but she will agree. There is something missing. "Hm, now that you mention it, I have no idea."
"Well, maybe we can find it later. You're suppose to meet Granny Smith for something, remember?"
Rainbow gasped remembering. "Oh man!" Then she ran behind a curtain and started to take off her dress.
"Be careful taking it off!" Rarity said. "And I really need to use the restroom before I do the bridesmaids dresses."
"Here, I'll watch her." She heard Applejack behind her.
She thanked her and ran to the restroom.
Rainbow was trying her hardest to take it off but she couldn't exactly find the zipper.
"Where is it? I can't find it." She was beginning to get annoyed with it.
Suddenly, she felt someone unzip her dress for her. She felt it go all the way down to her bottom where the skirt was and it stopped with two hands going inside of her dress where her body remain.
"You need help?"
"I got it AJ. Thanks though. I can do the rest." She began to move the short sleeves part of the dress.
When she did, she stopped trying to do everything cause Applejack began to kiss her neck and hold her breasts.
"You look so beautiful in that dress." She said.
"No no. I'm not suppose to be beautiful. You are." Rainbow said.
"Oh yeah?" Then Applejack decided to push Rainbow against the wall and kiss her lips. Today, they taste kinda like blueberries.
Rainbow moan feeling the heated kiss. She placed her hand gently and softly on Applejack's cheek and continue to kiss. But then she pushed her away and breathe for air. "But AJ, I gotta meet your Granny, about something important."
"What is it?" Applejack still kiss her neck.
"Well... it's something for our honeymoon. And I kinda need to get to her."
"She can wait, can't she?" She began to kiss Rainbow's collar bone and took down more of the dress to kiss her breasts.
Rainbow gasped quietly and couldn't hold back. 'Just once!' She thought. 'Just once and I guess Granny will understand!'
She began to drop to the floor so she can continued kissing Applejack. Her kisses were so amazing today.
"Applejack!" They heard Rarity on the other side of the curtain. They stop to listen to her. "I know you're trying to have sex in there! But it's gonna have to wait for y'all's honey moon!"
They blushed of embarrassment. Applejack stood up an helped Rainbow up making the dress fall hitting the floor. She walked towards the curtain and moved it to see Rarity cross her arms an stomp her foot real lightly. She looked back at Rainbow and waved leaving her behind the curtain.
'Applejack must no longer want to wait.' Rainbow thought.
So far after the proposal, Applejack and Rainbow Dash agreed not to have any sexual contact until their honeymoon so they can be on track. Rainbow didn't think she could last for it any longer this past month. She did pretty good until now when Applejack decides to surprise her.
"You almost done Rainbow Dash?" Rarity asked.
"Yes. Almost." Rainbow started to put on her clothes so she can be able to come out and find Granny Smith.
Rarity was getting impatient. Luckily, Rainbow finally got out and gave Rarity the dress and ran out of the dressing room.
"Make sure to tell Sweetie Belle and her friends to meet me in here including Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy!" Rarity yelled putting away her dress.
She ran and ran and ran until she found the three young girls and her two friends. She already told them three and Pinkie Pie to meet Rarity. But then she found Fluttershy where she was making her music. When she did, she caught her talking to someone.
She smiled as she saw her friend talk to Big Mac looking happy for once in her life.
"You know if there is any problem you can always come to me." He said.
"Well, t-thank you. I do like some company when Rainbow Dash and Applejack go on their honeymoon." She said.
"What about your other friends?"
"Well Rarity is thinking about going up state with her sister to see her parents for a week, Pinkie Pie is going to babysit all week of the baby cakes, and Sunset Shimmer might visit Twilight before she starts her job when summer is over."
"What's her job?"
"A teacher for CHS."
"Seems something easy for her."
"Yeah. I kinda gave her the idea."
"Well yeah. I am gonna miss Applejack while she's gone. Mostly Granny. Hopefully three months go by till the beginning or end of October."
"Oh yeah."
"I think I'll stick around with ya for the rest of the months if I'm done with work in time."
She looked real happy and blushed to know someone will always be there for her.
He looked at his watch and said "I better help Granny Smith with the honeymoon problems since an old woman can't handle it by herself. Good luck with the music." Then he walked off.
Fluttershy blushed as the butterflies flutter through her stomach.
"Well, someone is giving it a try." Rainbow surprised her by talking behind her.
She smiled at her friend and rubbed her arm.
"I think he likes you."
"You think so?"
"Eeyep. Just be yourself, and who knows? Maybe he'll ask you out."
"Oh. I don't expect him to date me fast. I want to be a little patience with the whole thing."
"Suit yourself. I just wish there was phone service out there so that way you can text me."
"Me too. But where are you and Applejack going?"
"Can't tell. It's a surprise for AJ. Only me and Granny Smith know."
Fluttershy knows her friend wants it to be a surprise for Applejack, but she wish she knew where it was.
But she wasn't the only one.
Rainbow continue to run looking for Granny Smith and found her talking to Big Mac. She made sure Applejack wasn't around and ran towards her.
"There you are." Granny looked happy to see her granddaughter's wife.
"Hey Granny. Is Applejack around?"
"Around back taking care of the barn."
Big Mac left the two ladies alone so they can talk.
"So how far is it again?"
"Oh it's only to where you have to cross the ocean. But there's something there you both could enjoy before arriving."
Big Mac walked to the barn seeing his little sister petting the horses. He saw in her face was a worried expression that he's barley use to seeing.
"Uh, AJ?" He said getting her attention.
"What's up Big Mac?" She said whipped her arm.
"Something wrong? You look worried."
"Cause I am." She looked back on the horse and pet it. "What if the barn need some extra help and I'm not here to help take care of it with you and Applebloom? I would be feeling irresponsible cause I wasn't here to help out."
He smiled at his little sister and patted her shoulder. "You know, you're just like ma in that way."
She looked back at her big brother surprise. "Really?"
"Eeyep. When dad died, I remember her always worried about leaving the house. She mostly worried about you and Applebloom. Only cause she always wanted to be there for you."
Applejack kinda felt bad her brother hasn't mention himself until..
"She always looked out for me to make sure I can be as strong as I am now. She was the reason this barn was made and mostly you to be born."
She smiled and gave her big brother a hug and he hugged her.
"The point is," he pulled her away to look at her. "The barn will be fine. Me and Applebloom know what we're doing and Granny Smith will always make our meals so we won't be worn out. You have fun on you're honeymoon. It's suppose to be your special months."
"But that's just it. What if these mints go by too slow and I can't thinks straight without knowing the farm is fine."
"You have a phone don't ya?"
"Yes. But there's no service where ever Rainbow is taking us. We can't even send a letter."
"Oh. Well I promise you one thing. The barn and us will be fine. Sweet Apple Acres will always be the same. Remember that Applejack?"
She still wanted to find a way to know everything will be fine. But if Big Macintosh says the barn will be fine, then it'll be fine.
She hugged her brother again, knowing she'll miss him and his 'eeyeps'.
"And also know this," he said as he still hugged her. "Ma and pa are very proud of you."
"Thanks Big Mac."
He patted her back and let go of her so they can both go back to what they were doing.
She was going to take the dump of animal poop out to the trash but then she stopped when she spotted Rainbow Dash talking to Granny Smith.
She didn't expect to find her here with Granny. She walked to them two and said "Hey guys."
Rainbow and Granny looked surprise to see her. Then Granny immediately hide a paper that she was showing Rainbow Dash. Rainbow tried to look like nothing was happening.
Applejack knows a lie when she looks at Rainbow's expressions. "Okay. What's going on?"
"Oh nothing AJ." She said blushing pink cheeks.
"Granny come on. This is your granddaughter Applejack. One of your most honest grand kids ever."
"Nice try Applejack." She said. "But don't play the innocent card on me just yet. In the mean time, I need to finish the windows. They're as nasty as Applebloom's diapers when she was a youngin." Then she walked out leaving the two girls alone.
Applejack stared at Rainbow waiting for her to answer. The only response she got was a laugh. Then she thought of thing of how to get her to spill.
"Hey Rainbow. Can you get the other bag of animal dump? It's in the barn. I gotta take this one." She began to walked off.
"Okay." She walked to the barn looking for the bag of animal dump.
She should have been curious about Applejack's expression when she asked her to help but she didn't. She looked everywhere but couldn't find it.
"Hey AJ! Where is it?" She yelled for her hoping she could hear.
Instead her only response was the barn doors closing. She looked back seeing Applejack lock them with a big block of wood so Rainbow wouldn't get out. Then she looked at Rainbow seductively again.
'Not again.' As much as Rainbow loved their Tickle time, she still wanted to keep her promise about waiting for it.
"Applejack. What the hay is going on?" She said feeling nervous.
"Why nothing Rainbow." She said walking towards Rainbow. She wrapped her arms around Rainbow's neck and began to kiss her lips.
She had to dug her tongue in to make a heated kiss.
"Applejack..." Rainbow tried to talk as her lady began to kiss her neck. ".. didn't we promise to wait?"
"We did." She said going down to Rainbow Dash's legs.
She began to feel turned on but she couldn't break a promise. She almost did earlier. "Then what are you-- aah!"
She fell backwards against the hay floor making hay fly in the air.
She lifted herself up seeing Applejack hold her left foot trying to untied her shoe.
"Applejack. Let go of my-!"
"Rainbow, are you gonna tell me where we're going on our honeymoon?" She said looking challenging.
She pulled of Rainbow's sock revealing her light blue foot.
"I ain't gonna..."
That's when Rainbow realized what Applejack was doing.
"You wouldn't dare."
"I would." She grinned at the rainbow haired girl.
Rainbow tried to think of a way out of this. It can't happen. She loses control when it happens and Applejack knows it.
As much as it will be torture to Rainbow Dash, she cannot tell where they're going.
"Nope. Forget it. It's not happening."
Applejack smiled. "Alright then." Then she used her right hand and began to tickle Rainbow's foot.
Rainbow tried to hold back, trying not laugh. But she just couldn't take it.
She bursts out laughing. Applejack found her weak spot. She tried squirming to get Applejack to stop, but Applejack seemed to have a good grip on Rainbow.
"A-Applejack! S-S-Stop! Ha ha ha!" She said about to have tears pop in her eyes.
"Not till you tell me where we're going." She said tickling faster.
Rainbow was basically crying and laughing at the same time. It was too much. She could think of only one hing to do.
"Okay! Okay! I'll tell you! Just s-stop!" She said.
Then Applejack stopped her tickling as Rainbow was panting for air.
"Well Rainbow." She said waiting.
"Hold on... *pant*.. let me breathe..*pant*..." She had to move her hair away from her face.
Applejack thought she looked kinda got with her hair being messy. Rainbow Dash finally got chance to breathe and sit up facing Applejack.
"Well, where we going?"
She smirked and said "To the air!"
Then before she could do anything, Applejack realized she was being lifted in lifted air by Rainbow Dash. She couldn't breathe with her laughing. "Dash put me down!"
"Nope. This is punishment." She said spinning around.
Applejack wouldn't stop laughing. Being spin is what mostly made her laugh. But being spin was probably not a good thing.
"Uh Rainbow?" But she tried to hold back her breath and that's when Rainbow realized she was about to hurl.
"Oh! Hang on." She gently put Applejack in the ground landing down with her.
She watched her girl trying to hold back. She hoped she was alright.
Applejack finally got a hold of herself and placed her hand on her chest to finally breathe.
"You okay Applejack?" She asked.
She nodded and said "Yeah. I'm okay. Just don't go so fast on spinning."
"Got it."
Applejack was able to get Rainbow by her hair and pulled her down to lay against the hay floor. They laughed and sighed feeling calm finally. Applejack looked at her and said "So seriously. Where we going?"
"I'm not telling you AJ."
She groaned. "Why not?"
"Because it would ruin the surprise."
"Screw it being a surprise." She wrapped her arm around Rainbow's and had her leg against her's. "I wanna know now." She did the fat lip to see of it would work.
Rainbow only smiled to show she wasn't going to spill.
There was only one thing Applejack could possibly think of.
She began to kiss Rainbow's light blue skin making her moan quietly. She pulled herself to be on top of Rainbow Dash and continue to kiss it.
"Applejack." She said. "Is this the reason why you keep heating me up?"
She looked at Rainbow and saw she looked betrayed. She can't lie but telling the truth could also hurt. "Well uh...." she sighed and just let it out. "Yes."
She smiled and placed her hand on Applejack's cheek and said "It might be working." Then she pulled Applejack in for another kiss.
She dug her tongue inside for another tongue war. They both almost lost with the slobber everywhere in each other's mouth. This was so good. They've been holding back for a month and want each other bad.
Before she knew it she was unbuttoning Applejack's shirt. But that was what stop her. "Applejack..." She stopped her and took a breather. She began to rub her thigh as Applejack lifted up to look down at her. "I promise on our honeymoon, it'll be better than ever."
"Trying to play 'Better than ever' now?" She laughed with Rainbow about that song they use to play.
"Maybe. But I'm being serious. And I promise you'll like the place."
Applejack was dying to know where they're going. But since Rainbow promises she'll like, she'll have no choice but to wait.
"I also promise ya this. We'll be having different kinda of fun before we arrived."
"What do you mean?"
"You'll see."
Applejack smiled, as so did Rainbow, and kissed her passionately against the hay floor.

A/N: I put a lot of emotion on this I believe. Such a shame we might be moving and I might not be able to update much. Hope you guys liked the chapter and I'll see ya'll in the wedding! 😘 blowing kisses!!

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