"Talks for me and you"

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A/N: loving this couple so much but very distracted with others. But they are my OTP. Hope you guys won't scream at this chapter.

It's been a month Rainbow Dash and Applejack have been on their honeymoon. They got more aquatinted with Sandia and Sanka being around more. They actually help them more side they're poor and need help.
Today, Applejack decide to help Sandia with the dishes after their lunch they just had. Rainbow Dash decide to help Sanka with the trash bags taking them out.
Applejack smiled as she watched her wife leave into the trees looking real strong.
Sandia saw the gleam in her eyes. "You love her don't you?" She asked in her accent.
"Yeah. I really do." She smiled.
"You know, you both really remind me of this couple that use to come here for a month to be alone."
"Oh yeah? Were they a happy man and wife of the Apple family."
"Well, kinda. There wasn't actually ever a man."
Applejack's eyes widen. What does he mean by there was never a man there?
"What... What do you mean?" She asked looking a bit nervous.
"Well, there were these two girls who use to come here for their own fun time. Since no one in their families accept their relationship, they had to come here to cool down."
Applejack decided to take a drink of her water.
"One of the girls was name Appleblossom I think."
Applejack choked on her water hearing that name. She couldn't believe it.
"Oh. You okay honey?" Sandia asked.
"Yeah. Yeah." Applejack got her voice back and had her drink in her hand. "I just could have sworn you said Appleblossom." Then she took another sip of her water to calm her choking.
"Um, I did."
Now this was a spit take for Applejack hearing that. She spit her water out of her mouth on the counter. She was so in shock.
"What's wrong?"
"That's.... that's my ma's name."
Her mother was known as Appleblossom. She blossom apples very lovely to all the apples of Sweet Apple Acres before she died. Her father was name Applebee and took care of any problems of the apples.
"Well that explains a lot. You do look like her."
"Well... th-that's good to hear, I guess. How old was she when she was dating this woman?"
"About fifteen I think. The other girl, Firefly, looked just like your wife. I have some photos if you want to see them." She began to search through her pocket finding the three photos and hand then to Applejack.
Applejack looked at the first picture and saw her mother at a very young age look so happy. So did Firefly. They were having wine in their hands. She couldn't believe her mother and Rainbow's mother use to date.
She turn to the next page and it showed them out on a fancy date in a fancy restaurant. It honestly looked like they were being chased out. It looked pretty funny.
The last surprised her. She saw her mother kissing Rainbow's mother. It looked like a sweet simple. It was in the bedroom where they sleep at. Kinda creepy.
"Oh wow." She was speechless.
"I know. Surprising girls wanting girls instead of guys." But then Sandia remembered she had to make their bed for them. She ran into the room leaving Applejack alone to look more at the pictures.
She sat on their couch in shock. She kept looking back making sure her eyes were in need of a doctor.
Rainbow Dash came in and said smiling "It is hard taking out the trash." But she noticed how her wife was so quiet. That ain't good. "Hey. You okay?"
"Rainbow Dash, did you know who else use to stay here with my ma?" She asked looking at her.
"Um... I don't so. Why?"
"Funny. Cause Sandia showed me these saying thy use to be here for a month." She showed her pictures.
The only thing she got out of that was Rainbow's shock ness. She must have not known either. "W-W-Wha-What?!"
"Yeah. Creepy huh?"
"I... I don't remember my dad, or anybody in that matter, tell me my mom use to date yours!" She seemed pretty upset. "Y-Y-You don't think we're... sisters do you?"
"I don't think so. That wouldn't make any sense."
They both sat on the couch still looking surprise at the photos. Mostly the one of them both kissing. This was just so weird to them both.
"I never knew about this." Rainbow said. "Granny Smith only said this was your parent'd honey moon. Nothing about our mothers being here."
"Maybe no one else knew." Applejack said. "I mean, Sandia did say they stayed here for a month to get away from everyone who regretted thee relationship."
"I just wonder..."
"Oh come on baby." Applejack wrapped her arm around her wife. "If that was true then we wouldn't be feeling for each other, when we knew were meant to be."
"As much as it sounded real sweet of you," Rainbow said. "You sound real funny when you say baby."
"Oh shut up." They playfully push each other and Applejack was strong enough to be on top of Rainbow Dash to give a kiss to prove there is nothing wrong with their love. And it was proved with their pony ears, wings and tails showing.

"See you guys tomorrow!" Dash waved to the sand and as went back inside of the place. It was already late at night and they had to go home for rest.
She walked towards their bedroom and found her beautiful blond wife lay against the bed with a smile. She joined her and put the covers over her smiling too.
"Someone looks like in a good mood." She said.
"Yeah. I think so." Applejack laid next to her and used her left hand to mess with her green part of her wife's hair. She then had a face of worry but it went back to a smile as she said "Hey Dashie, you know, I've been thinking about our future and thought... maybe it's time.. you know...."
"Add an extra person to our life."
"We already had. We have Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Sunset Shi-"
"No. That's not what I meant."
"Well.. then what did you mean?"
"Well..... I meant like, another one added to our family."
"You mean like Apple family with a new marriage or-"
She sighed. "Not even close sugarcube."
"Well then spill it hon."
"I mean.... like have a baby of our own."
Now she understood. Rainbow blushed a red face and laugh nervously moving back, but because she did, she fell off the bed hitting her tail bone.
"You okay Rainbow?" Applejack looked over the bed.
Rainbow got herself to stand up and said "I'm fine. But AJ, do you hear yourself? A baby? I mean, it sounds like an idea I agree... but don't you think we're taking it too fast."
"I know it's fast. But I do want a baby. Something to keep us smiling on case if we ever get down. Hearing the laughter of a baby or child always make people feel better."
"But AJ, what if I'm not a good parent. I mean, you would be the ultimate favorite cause of how calm, gentle, and honest you are, but I might be a total jerk."
"No you won't. You're good with Applebloom."
"Yeah but only cause she's walking. What if I hurt our child or, something?"
"Now Rainbow, every mistake is a mistake. Even if you do, we can try to work it out. But I know you're a good parents deep down. And if there is any problem, I will be there to help you. Can we soon began to try for a baby please?"
Rainbow wasn't sure this was a good idea. She would love having a baby to be part of their lives, but he's afraid she wouldn't be a good enough parent. But she would have help from Applejack with the baby.
She sighed and sat back on the bed and said "Okay. I'll think about it. But I don't wanna adopt."
Then that kinda confused Applejack. "Then what do you mean?"
"If we have a baby, I want a baby that's just like you and me. Not someone else's child. I want it to have something special about you and me. Nothing about some random stranger."
Applejack smiled of how she wanted something of them two. It was real sweet.
"But mostly, I want it to be exactly like you."
She sighed "Okay miss softie. We'll find a way. But remember this, I want it to be just like you too."
Rainbow then grabbed Applejack's cheek softly and pulled her in for a kiss. She rhythm with her lips. She hoped if they do have a baby, he or she can be a good kisser like themselves. They broke their kiss for air and smiled at each other when their eyes made contact.
"I love you, you know that right?" Dash asked.
"Well you were a butt the while time me and Buckley were one."
"Oh shut it." They both played with each other. They eventually got a chance to sleep and slept pec fully with Applejack on top of Rainbow Dash.

A/N: not much I know. But it's an idea for more chapters which will be coming up soon. Hope you guys liked it.

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