"Weddings bells for Rainbows and Apples (part 3)"

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A/N: omg the day is here! Just so you know. Probably half of these pictures I put on the chapters won't be my own work and may be a little different. Hopefully you guys respect that. Anyways, enjoy!

One month later...
"Where is she?!" Rarity was close to having a heart attack. "She is going to be so late!"
"Rarity calmed down." Applejack and Fluttershy did everything they can to keep her calm.
"No! I will not! Not till she finally shows--!"
"Sorry!" They finally heard Rainbow Dash run through the doors sweating and panting. Her hair looked so much of a mess and she looked exhausted. "Sorry I am so late!"
"Where in the name of Canterlot were you?!" Rarity said.
Rainbow was about to speak but thought about it. "Uh... you sure you want the honest truth?"
Rarity shook her head and said "Never mind! We have to get you two ready!" She turned towards the other two girls. "Fluttershy!"
"Yes ma'am." She said getting her attention focus.
"I need you to help Applejack get ready! I'll do Rainbow Dash! Do her in the other room!"
"Got it." Then she pushed Applejack into the other room that was an extra dressing room.
Rarity pushed Rainbow to the mirror and sat her down getting her makeup box. "Now reason why I need to do you cause with your skin, it's hard to have a perfect color. So we might have loads of practice on you."
"I hope you don't freak out, but I didn't exactly have time to brush my hair." She blushed pink.
Rarity only groaned and face palm herself.
Today was the day. Their wedding. So many people had shown up. Mostly the Apple family. But some members of Rainbow Dash's family came. Their friends were also there too. There was Flash Sentry, Trixie, Lyra, Bon Bon, and many more.
The decorations looked nice. There were loads of pink roses everywhere but also blue. There were white streamers everywhere and the cake Sunset Shimmer finish was fantastic to everyone.
The ones surrounding the cake were the flower girls.
"Ugh! I hate wearing dresses!" Scootaloo said.
"But at least we get to see my sister marrying Rainbow Dash." Applebloom said. "And that's exciting!"
"Plus my surer worked hard on these dresses." Sweetie Belle said.
Rarity was in luck to finish each dress in time. The Flower girls dresses were absolutely adorable. On the top part, there were loads of flower and a red heart. Around the waists were pink sparkly ribbons with a red rose on their side. The skirts were purple with a pretty side of blue flowers.
Sunset Shimmer appeared next to the girls looking a little sad still.
"Hey Sunset." Applebloom said. But she notice she did not look happy still. "She didn't make it?"
"I somehow had the feeling she was never gonna show up." She said crossing her arms.
"But what do you think of my sister' dress for you?" Sweetie Belle said, hoping it would make her feel a little better.
The bridesmaids dresses were amazing. They each on their tops were a peachy color with lines going down to the black belt that was around their waists. On each side of the dress had a pink rose or a blue or purple one. The skirts were shirt instead of long and were white sparkly with blue sparkles.
"I love it. A lot. I just wish the maid of honor was here."
"Hey Scootabloom!" They heard the voice of Diamond Tiara's mocking voice.
Silverspoon appeared next to her laughing as well. "Hey guys! Wishing this was your wedding!"
Still going on thinking Scootaloo and Applebloom like each other. They blushed with embarrassment as the two snobs walked away.
Suddenly, a voice appear behind Sunset Shimmer. "Such rude girls."
"Yeah. But you get use to Diamond Tiara's annoying voice when you've been with them for two or three years being picked on all the time." She said not paying attention of who it was.
When she did, she felt her jaw drop. "Wait a minute!"
Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle laugh at Sunset Shimmer's silliness not realizing Twilight Sparkle was right behind her.
"I knew you come!" She hugged her princess.
"Well, I wouldn't miss being the maid of honor now would I?" She said.
But that's when Sunset Shimmer realized how late it was. "Oh shoot! We gotta get you dressed!" Then she dragged Twilight's a arm leading her away from the three girls and the cake.
Suddenly, Trixie showed up behind them seeing the cake for herself. "I can't wait to try that cake."
"Us too." They all agreed.
"I am mostly looking forward to getting bouquet when one of them throws it when they leave. I want to set my heart on someone one day."
"Well good luck with that Trixie." Applebloom said.
He's looked at many strange walls before, but when he saw Rarity's wall of sweet boys, he never expected so many of them.
"Come on honey!" Sky Blue was so excited. But then she noticed why e stopped.
"Are those pictures of boys?" He asked a little confused.
"I guess." But then one caught her eye and she pointed to it and said "That one is cute."
"Rainbow darling, quit being so stubborn." They heard Rarity's voice in the other room.
"Well I'm not putting on green. It's not my style." They heard Rainbow Dash.
"Oh my gosh! Come on!" Sky Blue ran off without him and ran into the dressing room, seeing her stepdaughter look so beautiful.
Rainbow's makeup was simple and pretty. It was dark blue eye shadow with black mascara that showed her eye lashes. She had only a little slightest of blush of light blue. She had no lipstick, which was good.
Sky Blue felt she could cry. "Oh my gosh! You look beautiful dear!"
"Thanks." She blushed pink cheeks.
"Rainbow Blaze, get in here!"
"You sure?" He called out. "I don't want to be intrude of sexual problems like I did in high school."
"You won't honey."
He peek to make sure and saw his daughter was still in a robe smiling for him to come in. He walked into the room of squealing girls. When he saw his daughter, he felt his jaw drop.
"You look fantastic honey." He said.
"Thanks dad."
"I'm just glad she came in time so I could finished." Rarity said.
"Me too. Can't believe you almost missed your wedding from a nightmare you were having."
"A nightmare?"
"I'm just shock the state hasn't tried to stop this wedding." Blaze said. "But I'm also glad cause I wouldn't want to see my daughter heart broken."
She smiled at her father.
"Ooh! Who wants to see the wedding dress?" Rarity asked.
"Ooh! I do!" Sky Blue followed Rarity to the dresses and search for Rainbow's.
Blaze walked up to his daughter and started to search his pocket. "I wanna give ya something Dashie." When he finally got it out of his pocket, he reach it towards her and was surprised. It was a clip that was a lightning bolt of blue, yellow, and red with a cloud (Cutie mark).
"This use to be your Mom's on our wedding day. And I think she would want you to have it."
"No dad. I can't take something of mom. I mean, it's awesome looking, but I don't want to lose it."
He smirked and placed it in his daughter's hands and closed them so she could hold it. "Your mom wanted to for you."
Rainbow Dash knew he rather usually don't take no for an answer. Plus it was something she's been missing on her dress all this time. "How did you and mom got married?"
"Simple. We just got married in the church with not many people. It wasn't exactly big like this." He said.
Rainbow looked at the clip and put it on the side of her green parts of her hair. She stood up and said "Thanks dad."
She tried to reach for a hug, but Rarity got in between them and said "No! No smudging my master piece."
Rainbow Blaze chuckled. "She's right. You looked just like your mom. So I wouldn't want to ruin it."
"Blaze come look at the dress! It's beautiful!" Sky Blue said holding it.
Rainbow Blaze began to join his wife as for Rarity continued to do Rainbow Dash's makeup.

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