"The week of the challenge"

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A/N: just so you know, you readers are awesome! I love you all and you're support! I just hope I'll get to survive with barley eating. That's my challenge right now. Hope you guys like the drawing I made. My class mates laugh when they saw it. Enjoy cause this is probably the longest chapter ever!


The couple only stayed still on the couch just doing their own thing. Applejack was writing in her small book, and Rainbow Dash was playing her soccer ball she got.
They were a little bored since they didn't have much to do.
"So what do you wanna do?" Dash asked.
"I don't know. I thought you got something." Applejack said.
Seems neither of them apologize for their fight and challenge quite yet. Rainbow was still a little mad, but she believes when she wins, Applejack will be apologizing. Applejack seem to have thought the same thing.
"Hey I know." Rainbow said. "Why don't we just play chess?"
"Come on. Its something to do other than sitting around."
"But I don't know how to play."
"I'll show ya."
They began playing and Applejack followed everything she was instructed from Rainbow. Although, she should have been suspected about it.
"Now you go here." Rainbow pointed to a white spot.
Applejack then put her black figure down and waited for Rainbow's move.
Rainbow Dash then smirked and placed her white figure close to Applejack's and hit it making it fly onto the floor. Then she smashed her piece where Applejack's was and said crossing her arms "Checkmate."
Applejack couldn't believe it. She look at the board to see what she did but she should have known about Rainbow Dash's trick.
"Ohh I'll get you for this." She said crossing her arms her tight.
"Well good luck sister, it takes lots of work to win." But then Rainbow's eyes were caught onto Applejack's arms as the crossed over tighter. Her shirt began to look like she was squeezing her breasts through the red shirt. She would not stop staring.
Applejack began to notice and saw what was wrong. She smiled and squeeze them a little harder making them big. Rainbow wouldn't stop looking. But she was lucky to notice how she was being played. "Oh I get your game. Not happening." She ran off before losing control.
Applejack only sat there and realized how weak Rainbow was for her breasts. "I think I know how to make Rainbow crack through this whole thing." She said to herself.
But it seems it won't go well.
Rainbow Dash was peeking through the wall hearing Applejack's words. She pulled back smirking too.
"So she thinks she can make me crack? Well two can play at this kind of game." She said to herself as she ran off.
Seems the two gals were playing hardcore with this challenge. Hopefully one won't crack.


It was Monday and Applejack was tired out. She didn't really sleep good since she couldn't figure out how to clean her clothes. She began to think she'll have to do what her parents an Granny Smith use to do. Hand wash dry and air dry from the wind. And she really didn't want to.
She was folding some sheets since Rainbow and her had a pillow fight and was tired of waking up with feathers. She did pretty good. Big Mac always said she had her cleaning skills from their mother.
Rainbow Dash walked and felt this was the perfect time. Applejack notice her and went back to folding.
Rainbow Dash then dropped a rag on the floor and used her foot to push it under the drawer. "Uh oh." She said getting Applejack's attention. "I accidentally dropped the rag and now it's under the drawer. Looks like I'll have to get it."
"Good thinking." She said continuing to fold.
Rainbow then bend to her knees and reach down pretending to try and reach for it.
Applejack noticed her groaning as thought she needed help. When she turn around, she saw how much Rainbow's panties were showing. Her bottom was in the air so high and Applejack was blushing red cheeks seeing this.
"Almost got it." Rainbow said.
"Take your--" but then Applejack shook her head and immediately went back to folding back she failed, because she fell into the sheets and made a mess.
"Got it!" Rainbow Dash lift up and had the rag in her hand. But then she looked towards Applejack and saw her piled up to the mess of sheets.
She couldn't help but laugh. "What happen? Saw a ghost?"
"Very funny." She said sarcastically. "I know what you're planning Rainbow Dash."
"What? What are you talking?" She tried looking innocent without smiling.
Applejack knew she was lying. But if she told her she knew what was going on, it would be ruined and she would probably lose.
Rainbow decided to give Applejack a hand and lift her to her feet. She laughed some more. "You're real adorable when you fall. You okay?"
She nodded smiling. "Thanks."
"Here I'll do sheets. You can relax for a few minutes." She said grabbing the sheet and fold it.
"No it's okay Rainbow. I got it." She grabbed the sheet from her hands.
But then Rainbow pulled back and said "Now you don't worry you're pretty little hair about work. You need rest."
"Well that's very generous of you, but I know what I'm doing."
"So do I, so let me do it."
"No I'm doing it."
"No me."
The girls fought pulling the sheet away from each other. But it seemed Rainbow had so much force, she pulled with all her might and fell backwards dragging Applejack down with her.
The girls's eyes were close and when Applejack lifted herself up a little, she noticed she remain on top of her wife trapping her.
She felt she couldn't move herself as she stare into those magenta eyes. "Uh, howdy." She smiled feeling awkward as she began to blush pink.
"Same position, as always." Rainbow said remembering. "Remember Pinkie Pie's slumber party?"
"Oh yeah. That was fun." She giggled.
They couldn't help but look at each other's eyes feeling their heart beats. They miss seeing green and pink eyes of beauty.
But neither could lose. "Um, I better get off ya." Applejack finally stood on her feet and used her right hand to help Rainbow Dash up.
She was up on her own feet and Applejack blush more of the situation.
"But seriously, I'll do it AJ." Rainbow said holding the sheet.
Applejack smiled and said "Okay sugarcube. I'll be in there if you need me." Then she left the bedroom letting Rainbow continue the folding.

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