"Control your temper"

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A/N: this might not be much either but it will lead to the next chapter for a very good reason once you read every detail. Hope you guys will like it!

"Why do I have to go? There's no point if everyone will be laughing at me."
"You missed out on too many days. You need to go sometime Applebloom."
Seems Monday came and Applebloom was walking to school with Rainbow Dash by her side. She offer to take her after what she heard at the slumber party.
"But I look so much like a boy. And it's all Scootaloo's fault." Applebloom said.
"You can't always blame her you know." Rainbow said. "And besides, the hair looks great on you."
Applebloom looked at her so confused. "How?"
"I know it sounds crazy, but you looked just like my mom before she died. She had her hair just like that."
"Why did she die?"
"She got a disease from a guy that was from Europe. Not sure what it was but she died before I turned one. The point is, it doesn't matter what others will think of you. Just as long as you're being you, you're perfect just the way you are."
Applebloom smiled at her sister-in-law. She loved having her around at Sweet Apple Acres. She was always a big hand and is always there for her.
She couldn't help but hugged Rainbow.
Rainbow smiled as she was being hugged and hugged back. Scootaloo she may look down to as a sister, but same goes for Applebloom.
Applebloom fixed her hair a little and decided to her to class.
When they both arrived, the entire class saw Applebloom and were in shock. Sunset Shimmer tried to show support since she is her teacher. "Glad you're here Applebloom." She said hoping she'll feel better.
"You weren't kidding," Button Mash whispered to Sweetie Belle. "Her hair is short."
"Yep. Poor Applebloom."
Applebloom and Rainbow saw Scootaloo in the corner desk by herself. Kinda sad. She even had tears in her own eyes.
Rainbow felt in need to take Applebloom to her seat to help her out. She was carrying her backpack.
When she sat down, Rainbow decided to search through her bag to get everything she needed. Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon smirked as they saw her sit there.
Diamond Tiara waved her hand in the air getting Sunset Shimmer's attention. "Miss Shimmer, do you think we can leans about the horrible basics of how lesbians cut their hair?"
Everyone laughed thinking it was funny. But Diamond Tiara made a mistake saying that.
Rainbow Dash looked back at her as she continue to smile and laugh. "Excuse me?" She said not taking her eyes off her.
"Rainbow Dash." Sunset Shimmer knew this wasn't gonna to well.
Rainbow slowly walked over to her desk with an angry glare. Her desk was closest to the door. "Hm?" She said.
This time, she actually scared the entire classroom when her voice got deep and said a little loud and mad "What did you say you little brat?!"
Diamond Tiara's eyes were filled with horror as she saw her shadow hanging above.
Without thinking, Rainbow Dash got a hold of Diamond Tiara's desk and threw it hitting the next desk: Silverspoon's.
The students gasped and screamed, some got up thinking she was gonna do something else. Rainbow looked down at the girl still with an angry glare and could see she's done enough. "That's what I thought. Don't make me catch you actually like a stupid brat. Do you understand?!"
"Y-Y-Yes ma'am." Diamond Tiara was filled with tears.
Rainbow couldn't believe what she has done. She saw how the students were looking at her. She felt she had to run and get out of the classroom before it gets out of hand.
Now she was in big trouble.

Later that day...

"Why thank you sir." Granny Smith told Rainbow Blaze as he handed her some money.
"Anything for family. Hey, has Rainbow Dash come back?" He asked hoping she said yes.
"Why yeah. She's up in Applejack's room. She didn't look happy when she are home. I just hope she's alright."
"Well, when you get the chance to talk to her, tell her I like to see my baby again. Now I better get home before Sky Blue gives out all the maher potatoes to my mom." Then he waved goodbye and ran off.
"Such a gentlemen." She said walking back inside.
It was almost sundown and Applebloom should be getting off from school by then. Big Mac and Applejack consigned cleaning their living room since it had a few pieces of crumbs everywhere.
Granny Smith went to Applejack and asked "She still won't talk?"
"No. I'm really worry Granny Smith. She won't tell me what-"
"Applejack." Big Mac went to his sister with the phone in his hand. "It's for you."
Applejack thanked her brother and put the phone to her ear. "Hello?" She said standing up and walked into the kitchen. "Yes this is Applejack."
But what she was hearing on the phone wasn't good. She started to make a face full of surprisement, and anger too. "Oh really?"
Rainbow Dash has been in Applejack's room after coming home and taking Applebloom to school. She felt she shouldn't tell anyone what happen at the classroom. She couldn't risk being in so much trouble. She started to believe the entire classroom thought she was nuts, and Scootaloo and Applebloom would never want her around them.
She couldn't blame them...
She heard stomping coming up in the hall and saw Applejack dash through the door and slammed it shut. It was so loud, the house shook. She locked it and stomped to Rainbow Dash giving her an angry face.
"Rainbow Danger Dash, what the heck?!" She said.
"What? What did I- whoa!"
Before she knew it, Applejack pushed herself against Rainbow Dash and pinned her against the bed. She felt the pillows against her head smashing her to where her face could be hidden under those. Applejack was holding her wrists so she couldn't break free if she tried.
"Why would you do something so crazy and cause yourself to get into so much trouble?!" She said.
"What are you tal-"
"Don't you play dumb with me! You threw a desk and broke it almost hurting a student in Applebloom's class today!"
Rainbow couldn't believe. She knew. But how?
"I got a call from the school saying you destroy school property, and almost abused a student underage! So what is the matter with you?!"
Rainbow didn't know what to do. With Applejack pinning her down and yelling really scared her, but at the same time...
By then, Applejack saw she was giggling small. "What is so dang funny?"
She looked surprised.
"When you get mad it's really cute, you know?"
But then she felt fear struck her heart when Applejack grabbed her light blue shirt and got closer to her face. "Well is not about to get cute when I'm upset! Now why would you do something so stupid?!"
"Um, maybe to defend you and your little sister!" She yelled back.
Applejack looked surprised at her that she started yelling. But she was mostly concern with what she just said.
She calmed her voice finally and asked "What do you mean?"
"Your little sister was being picked on by a stupid brat, so I lost control and threw her desk okay?! Does that answer your question?!"
Seemed Applejack really got Rainbow into yelling loudly. "Kinda. What did you mean by me?"
Rainbow finally calmed down and sighed to breath a little.
Applejack rose up sat on the bed again letting Rainbow sit up.
"She was saying how lesbians were such losers especially how they cut their hair. That was just really, really insulting and I just..." She trailed off as felt she need to cry now.
Applejack felt pretty bad she yelled. She scooted over and wrapped her arms around her neck leaning her in for a hug. "I'm sorry." She whispered. "I'm sorry really. I just couldn't believe you would do something crazy."
Rainbow smiled small and looked into Applejack's green eyes. She smiled more as she saw them again. "I'm sorry too for losing control. I can't control my temper that well. It's even real hard on me to do it."
"Well you know, when I was a youngin, my ma taught me the easy way to control yourself. Just take a deep breath and punch a pillow. Let's try."
Rainbow gave her a look that was saying 'are you for real?'.
"Don't give me that look." She said. "Now breath."
Rainbow felt she really had to do this. She took a deep breath and hold it in till Applejack said. She waited but Applejack took forever.
Applejack couldn't help but laugh making Rainbow finally breath. She was panting for air. "What... The heck... AJ?"
"Sorry. Just wanted to see how long you would take." She said. "Let's try again. Breath in."
She did it again.
"And breath out."
Rainbow breath out and felt a little better.
"Now punch a pillow."
Rainbow looked at the pillows that were at the head of the bed and punched on feeling proud and better. But then her hand began to ache.
"Ow." She said. "I think I also hit the head of the bed."
Applejack looked at her hand and felt she needed to kiss her hand. Rainbow blushed but smiled liking it. "Feel better?"
"Yeah. Thanks." She said.
After Applejack was done kissing her hand, she leaned in to kiss her lips passionately. She started to kiss where Applejack would just fall backwards and let Rainbow kiss her all over. But she hold back and still continued to stood kissing.
Rainbow pulled away to breath and said "We really need a place of our own soon."
"Same here."
Then they both decided to head downstairs and help out with dinner.
While they did, Rainbow and Applejack were stopped as they saw Applebloom looking up at them. Applejack walked to her sister to hug her and said "Welcome home sugarcube."
"Hey Applejack." She said. Then she pulled away when she saw Rainbow walk into the kitchen. She then handed Applejack an envelope and said "You might wanna read this?"
After giving that to her sister, Applebloom found Rainbow Dash doing the dishes. "Hey Rainbow Dash?"
Rainbow looked back at her and was a little nervous. She turned off the water and walked to the girl. "Yeah?"
"Thank you." She smiled which made Dash confused.
"For what?"
"For defending me this morning. If it were to for you, everyone would still believe I was an annoying homosexual. No offense. And everyone wrote apologize letters to me from Sunset Shimmer's orders."
She ran to her and hugged her again like when they are in the halls. "You're the best friend anyone could ask for."
Rainbow smiled and hugged back. "Yeah, I get that a lot." Then she pulled away to face Applebloom. "I'm prod of ya."
"Applebloom!" Granny Smith called for her youngest granddaughter. "Mind giving me a hand with the field?"
"Coming Granny!" She then out her backpack on the counter and ran to her.
Applejack came in the kitchen with her arms crossed and had her angry face back on again.
Now Rainbow was nervous. "What?"
"You really need a job Rainbow." She laughed. "It says you destroy the property of school grounds and will have to pay sixty five dollars this week?"
Rainbow was so surprised. She really messed up that desk. And now she has to pay for it?
"Oh shoot." She buried her hands to her face.
Applejack walked to her and hugged her again. "Don't worry," she said. "We'll figure this out together." She pulled away to looked at her magenta eyes. "And you know, you are a good mom like you are to Applebloom."
"AJ, I told you. We have to think this through of how we're going to have our baby."
"Well you don't wanna adopt, which I can't blame ya, but how if we're both girls?"
Rainbow Dash then took a hold of her hand and looked into her green eyes smiling. "We'll find a way together."
Then they both leaned in to kissed again.
Without either of them noticing, one person seemed to have the best idea ever. But Big Mac knew he had to have their permission if they can do it.
"Let's hope they say yes." He said to himself.

A/N: remember that part everyone. Like I said, the next chapter will be exciting and yet sad. Hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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