"Three days is a pain"

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A/N: okay clearly my phone sucks. But I hope this chapter will make ya feel better. This is kinda more action if you ask me. Enjoy!

"Rainbow come on. You gotta eat something." Applejack said.
"How can I eat when our son has been missing for three days?" She said.
"How can not eat for three days for that matter?"
It's has been three days since JackDash has been missing for three days and no one has a sight of where he could be. This really destroy Rainbow. She hasn't eaten much for the past three days. All she had was crackers and orange juice. Nothing heavy.
This also destroy Sunset Shimmer. She blames herself for his disappearance. She has been sobbing her eyes out ever since. The only one there for her was Pinkie Pie. She didn't want to leave her alone with her blaming herself.
They both gave up on hope. But Applejack didn't. And she certainly didn't want to give up on Rainbow Dash.
"Look I miss JD as much as you but sitting here and starving is not helping. How is starving yourself even helping?"
"Shows how much I don't deserve good when is my fault he's gone."
"No it's not. It is no one's fault."
"AJ, it is. He's gone all because I ask Sunset to watch him even though I knew she was tired. I am a horrible parent."
Applejack could nothing could make her feel better. Only thing that could work was seeing their son alive and giggling. She still wouldn't give up on anyone.
She stood up from her chair, walked towards Rainbow Dash and grabs the fork stick with bacon putting it to her face. "Eat up."
Rainbow Dash gave her face saying 'Really?'. It was honestly funny.
"Don't give me that look. You got to eat."
"AJ I'm not eating like a kid who can't even hold the fork."
"Well you won't feed yourself so I'll have to do it. Now open up."
"Rainbow, open up."
"I said no."
Applejack didn't know why she is stubborn. It may be adorable at times but it gets annoying at times. But she then had an idea of what to do.
But she gave her one last chance. "Rainbow, this is the last time I'm gonna ask you. You need to eat. Now."
"You may sound scary when you're serious but I'm not eating. I have no tendency to eat." She said.
Applejack then smiled and said "Okay. You left me no choice." She then made her hand reach to Rainbow's stomach and started to tickle her.
Rainbow then bursted out laughing and felt so silly being like a kid. "A-Applejack! Knock it off! Ha ha ha!"
"Open wide." Applejack then put the fork and bacon in her mouth and stopped tickling her.
Rainbow then tried to catch we breath but also swallow the bacon that was shoved in her mouth. Once she did, she looked up at Applejack and smirked at her. "So you think you can just tickle me all you want huh?"
"Well you needed it. You're so cute when you're laughing." She said putting down her fork.
"Well you better look out!" Rainbow ran towards Applejack, grabbed her around her waist and took her to the couch and take it back. She then started to tickle her stomach.
Applejack laughed her heart out feeling Rainbow's finger tickle her. Although her fingers weren't as soft as her's.
"R-Rainbow Dash!" She laughed. "N-Not fair! Ha ha ha!"
"Not funny now is it?" She smiled still tickling her.
She then had an idea. She then leaned to Applejack's neck and started to blow a raspberry. Applejack then bursted out laughing with tears reaching your eyes.
Applejack had an escape idea. She tried reaching for the wall and started to knock on it as if it was the front door.
Rainbow stopped tickling her and looked up. "I think someon- WHOA!"
She was pushed down against the couch and Applejack pinned her down. She them got her right foot and said "Got ya." Then she started to tickle her light blue foot.
Rainbow began to start laughing and felt helpless. "Applejack! Stop it! That tickles! Ha ha ha!"
"Are you gonna stop starving and actually eat?" She said.
"Yes! Yes! Okay! Just please stop! Ha ha ha!"
Applejack thought while tickling her. Then she said "Not yet." She then started to tickle her inner thighs.
"Hey! You said-!"
"What? I like seeing you laughing. Can't help it."
Rainbow then started to have tears in her eyes while she continued laughing her heart out. That's when Applejack stopped and let her catch her breath.
She panted and finally was breathing. She looked up at Applejack and said "You're mean, you know that?"
"I know." She said. "I just wanted to see you smile. Sorry about that."
She started to smile herself and said "You know what? You shouldn't be sorry. It's me because I was being an idiot. Maybe JD is okay."
Applejack messed with her hair, happy she came to her senses. "I'm glad you got to your sense. We just gotta have faith and he'll be back."
They smiled looking into each other's eyes. Applejack then leaned in to kiss Rainbow's lips. She missed those blue lips.
Rainbow then cup her face to make her kiss deeper. Their son may be lost but they know he'll be okay. They could then see everything will be alright.
Rainbow missed these kisses so much, she then started to add her tongue to be inside Applejack's mouth making her moan.
Knock knock!
"Someone's, at the door." Applejack broke the kiss to breath.
"Screw the door." She said trying to kiss her again.
Applejack smiled and said "It'll be just a second."
Rainbow groaned. "Fine. Hurry up."
Applejack giggled and walk to their front door to open it. Although when she did, there was no one there. Which was plain weird.
"Hello?" She called out.
No one answered.
She looked down to the floor and realized the mail came in. Seemed the envelope was for Rainbow Dash with her name on it. She bend to her knees to get and it and walked back to Rainbow Dash who remained on the couch. "Mail came for ya." She said throwing it to her.
Rainbow looked at the front only and threw it on the table while grabbed Applejack to join her on the couch. "Screw the mail." She said as she kissed her.
Their kisses were like bombs exploding their worlds. Fireworks kinda. Their sparks still remain in their love making them smile and in love.
Applejack thought she look at the envelope while being kissed. But when she did, she noticed on the back of it, had an angry face and with big letter saying 'READ NOW!'.
She stopped kissing and kept staring at it. While she did, Rainbow continued her kisses to her neck.
"Rainbow wait." She said.
She groaned in respond and continued to kiss her neck.
"No Rainbow. Seriously."
She stopped and looked at her wife. "What?"
"Is that normal?" She pointed to the envelope.
Rainbow noticed the back and reached to grab and open it. Mostly tearing it up. She then received a letter and read it.
"What is it?" Applejack asked.
Rainbow didn't respond while she still read the letter. She then looked concern, then shock, then she had an angry rage in her face that looked pretty mad. She looked up at Applejack and said "Let's go."
They both got up and got in the red truck. Rainbow was driving even though it was Applejack's and was pretty mad.
Applejack still didn't know why. "Rainbow, what's going on?"
"Okay. I know I should have told you from the start," she said reaching in her pocket for the letter. "but I didn't think it was a big deal and that I didn't want you to freak out."
Applejack grabbed the letter and started to read it.

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