"Wedding Bells for Rainbows and Apples (part 1)"

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A/N: I've never seen or been to a weddings before so I hope I don't screw this up at all. And I hope you guys will like the chapters of the wedding. Enjoy!

One months later...

"Rarity, these are killing my feet." Applejack said as she walked down with the white high heels in her feet.
"Oh come on darling. You're worn cow boots all your life and you never complain that those hurt."
"Cause they're in my size. I'm thinking these are too small."
Rarity took a glance at her feet and began to see her point. Her feet look like they were about to explode since they're red. "I guess they are too small." She took them off the cowgirl's feet revealing more redness.
"Thank you."
"I'll be getting the ones in your size tomorrow. You have only one month to be ready."
"It's just surprises me cause weddings usually take over a year."
"Well that's cause I'm paying for all of it. Except the honeymoon. Rainbow Dash said she has that covered."
"Where is Rainbow anyway?"
But that's when Rarity realized. She gasp "Oh my! The dresses!" She ran up the stairs yelling for Applejack to meet her inside the dressing room soon.
Pinkie Pie began to jump to Applejack and said "Come check out the ceremony!"
Applejack followed the hyper girl, leading her to it. "I just started working on it and still have work to do. But what do you think? Any ideas I can add?"
The place was amazing. There were loads of chair facing the alter leaving an empty spot for a long white cloth leading down to it. Where the alter was was having a white board like they did at the fall formal. It was a start, and Pinkie said she get it done.
Applejack can imagine the place and had a few ideas. "Well you know, where the boards are? I say you should put up white or pink roses surrounding it."
"Ooh! That's perfect!" She jumped.
"This is great Pinkie. I'm glad you're our party planner."
"Me too. I wonder how Fluttershy is going with the music."
"Me too. Wanna check?"
"Yeah. I need a break."
They both walked around the cemetery to try and find their shy friend on the music. Applejack really was curious about the music. She knows they have to have it to where it's soft, gentle, and graceful.
When they walked, they began to hear lovely being played. It seem to actually be the sound of birds. They turn and saw their friend letting the birds sing their hearts out.
The blue jay was singing the most loudest. It went over board. "Oh my." Fluttershy began to notice. "Um, excuse mr. Jay."
The bird stopped singing getting his attention to be on her.
"Um, no offense, but you were a little bit off track. Try and stay with the rest of us, okay?"
The jay nodded his head understanding.
"Wow, Flutters." Pinkie said betting her attention. "The music sounds amazing!"
"Oh thank you." She blushed.
"Yeah. Do you think they'll be able to do it at the ceremony?" Applejack asked.
"I think so. Mr. Jay we'll have to work on since he loves to sing."
"Well they do fantastic sugarcube."
"How's the shoes feeling on you?"
"Well, they were too small. Plus I hate high heels."
"You haw to either way for your wedding." Pinkie said.
"I know. I just wish there was a way to make them comfortable instead of pain."
They heard Rarity's voice from above the building they were at. They each looked up seeing the fashionista above them.
"I need you in the dressing room darling!" Then she went back in the room.
"Oh boy. Time for the dresses or torture." She said crossing her arms.
"Oh come on!" Pinkie said. "At least you and Rainbow get beautiful dresses. I don't know what we're going to wear."
"I'm curious of who's your bridesmaids." Fluttershy said.
"Rarity said she'll be in charge of that. If you need me I'll be in dressing hell." She laughed and walked back into the house.
The building they own was a home Rarity planned for her future home after se graduated. Her father bought it so she can let go about losing money, but that wasn't helping at all for her. She was glad she had it though because she's doing Rainbow and Applejack's wedding.
Applejack asked up the glass stairs. She as shock she never falls through it. She continued to walk through the big halls an found the dressing room. Although when she walked in, she saw Rarity pulling something to make it tighter on Rainbow Dash. Rainbow looked as if her eyes are about to pop out.
"Rarity..." She said in a high voice. "I... can't.. breath... in this."
"Nonsense dear. Just hold still." She said still pulling.
"Rarity, her eyes are about to pop out." Applejack said.
Rarity opened her eyes finally looked of how she was pulling on Rainbow Dash and saw her in pain. She let go and gave her a chance to finally breath and pull herself together.
"Oh. Sorry Rainbow. I'm just real excited cause I'm half way done with your dress. Then I'll be doing Applejack's, the bridesmaids dresses, the flower girls, and the maid of honor."
"That reminds me." Applejack said. "Who are the bridesmaids and everyone?"
"Yeah." Rainbow Dash got her voice back. "We only have one more month and we're just now almost finishing up."
"Well, I believe the bridesmaids should be Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and me ,the flower girls I thought should be Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, and the maid of honor I believe should be Twilight."
"Well, I think Applebloom and her friends being the flower girls is a good idea." Applejack said.
"Yeah. Just make sure to make Scootaloo's look twenty percent cooler." Dash said.
"Oh brother." Rarity rolled her eyes.
"And Twilight being the maid of honor is a good idea." Rainbow said.
"I thought so since she help us be reunited all over."
"But what about Sunset Shimmer?" Applejack asked.
Rarity didn't even think about her for a moment. She was so nervous but also excited about this, she never thought of something for Sunset. Especially for what she's going through with Twilight.
"Oh. I didn't even.... oh dear."
"Why don't you let her be a bridesmaid too?" Rainbow Dash asked.
"But there's only suppose to be three for Applejack."
"Wait a minute. Me?"
"Well yes darling. I mean, you're more of the female than Rainbow Dash. No offense to you both."
"Non taken with me." Rainbow said.
"Some taken." She crossed her arms a little offended.
"Anyways, I was thinking she can take your place." Rainbow continue. "I mean, so that way she can feel important than some cook and inviter."
"Well.... I guess it wouldn't hurt. But I call dibs getting the bouquet!"
"Rarity, I'm just gonna throw it." Applejack said. "I can't just give it to ya personally."
"Well try to throw it at me."
Applejack only facepalm herself while Rainbow giggled.
"Now we need to work on you dear." She walked to Applejack to get her size and weight for her own dress. "Now, if I get every size of you, I'll be done in a bit."
"Oh Applejack." They heard a voice of an old woman appear.
Never expected to hear that but Applejack didn't expect her to come that fast. "Oh, hey Granny Smith."
"Hello dears." She said holding a big white box in her arms. "I couldn't help but over hear you are talking about dresses."
"That's right." Rarity said. "We're just about to work on her's."
"Well not anymore, cause I got something to show Applejack."
They really wanted to finish up Applejack's sine they only have one more month. But better be done than never.
"Uh, okay." Applejack walked to her grandmother outside of the room.
"Well, at least I can try to finish you up." Rarity went back to Rainbow Dash leading her to the mirror.
Granny Smith was excited to show Applejack but was real hard at showing.
"Whatcha wanna show Granny?" Applejack asked.
"Well, I know how much this wedding means to you," she said. Then she reach for the lid of the box. "And I wanna give you something your mama would want you to have." Then she pulled it off.
It was magnificent of what Applejack was seeing. It was silky white. At the top was barley shoulders with a gray ribbon wrapped around the waste. Her skirt was white but had a gray sparkly thing on it making it beautiful. Applejack couldn't believe Granny Smith was giving her, her mother's wedding dress.
"No. No Granny. I can't take mama's dress." She said.
"Oh sugarcube, your ma would want you to wear it." Granny said. "You should have heard her when she told me she wanted you to wear it. She said 'my sweet Applejack, I hope when you do married anyone, I hope it will be someone who makes your smile appear everyday. I would want your wedding dress to be mine. I want your smile to be shown from something cause I know I won't be around much. And I want you to have something to remember me.'"
Applejack could feel tears come from her eyes but she hold back. She's never heard her mother day that. Then again she was pretty young so she probably wouldn't have remember.
"But... But Granny what if I get it dirty? What if I step into the mud and-"
"Applejack, this is your dress now and your mama wouldn't mind by the smallest piece of bread being put on." Granny said. "I'm sure your mama wouldn't mind a little mess. You just promise her one thing."
Applejack nodded understanding.
"You put a smile on your face too when you put this on for your ma and pa. They are very proud of you."
Applejack smiled at her Granny and gave her a hug. "Thanks Granny for this. I really appreciate it."
"Oh you're very welcome. At least now Rarity dear doesn't have to do your dress from dressing hell."
Applejack laughed at her Granny. She's never heard her cuss before. As an adult, Applejack thought it be best to start cussing on some terms. She actually began to think why Rainbow never cusses.
She walked back into the dressing room with Granny Smith to see Rarity starting to see Rainbow's skirt to her dress on her.
"I don't think I can hold still much longer Rarity." Rainbow said feeling vey uncomfortable.
"Just don't move your legs dear. Stretch your arms of you have to." Rory said not looking up.
"Hey uh Rarity?" Applejack said.
"Yes Applejack?"
"I think you're gonna be one dress short."
She stopped her sewing and looked t the cowgirls and her grandmother. "What do you mean?"
Granny then open the box revealing the dress. Rarity ran up to them to see it up close.
"I want Applejack to wear her mama's dress since she wanted to see her daughter grow up." Granny said. "I hope it ain't a problem dear."
"Well heavens no." Rarity said. "At least I'll be done with two dresses by the end of the day."
"Glad you understand Rarity." Applejack patted her back.
"Um, I'm about to lose balance over here." Rainbow said.
Rarity ran to Rainbow and continued sewing. She looked back at them both seeing them laugh of how she can't take this dressing thing. While Granny giggled, Applejack stopped laughing and blew a kiss to Rainbow Dash making her blush pink cheeks of embarrassment.
Suddenly, three girls decided to run in and check the place of how big the dressing room was.
"Wooo wee! This place is bigger than the farm we own." Applebloom said.
"Yep. I wish I had my own house." Sweetie Belle said.
Rarity recognized the voices and saw them three in the room. "Oh Sweetie Belle dear. You're not suppose to be in here."
"We know. I was just giving them a your of your new home. You're lucky you get one." Sweetie Belle said.
Sweetie Belle and her folks never get along anymore. She use to be princess after Rarity and now that Rarity is getting older, anything the bought for their oldest princess, was like they were trying to win her affection. They lost their attention for Sweetie Belle so she always feel so alone at home. Rarity was the only one there for her when it's home.
"Well remember, you and your friend can have slumber parties here. Just don't touch anything." She said.
Too late was all anyone in the room could say. Scootaloo was touching a breakable box and because she here Rarity not to touch anything, she almost dropped it. Luckily Applebloom caught it and put it back on the counter gently.
Rainbow Dash suddenly started to chuckle at them both being silly. She was thinking of something else with them two.
Applejack, Granny Smith and Rarity notice her laughing. "What's so funny dear?" Rarity asked.
"N-Nothing." Obviously that was a funny lie.
"What?" Applejack asked.
"Oh nothing. Just your little sister and everyone in the room is a little funny at the moment to me." She grinned.
The three of them didn't quite understand. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are best friends. What could she be...?
"Oh!" Granny Smith started laughing, getting Rainbow's point. "Oh Rainbow Dash, you are a dirty girl!"
She grinned to prove she was.
Rarity and Applejack only stared at each other. Then Applejack looked at her Granny and asked "What do you mean?"
"Oh nothing sweetie. Ain't nothing big to know." She never once seen Granny laugh so hard in her life. It worried her she might get a heart attack.
But she felt she could get one when Applebloom jumped on her big sister's back and looked so happy. "I'm just so excited! My sister's getting married! And I've never been to a wedding before so it's exciting!"
"What's more exciting dear, is that you, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo will be the flower girls." Rarity said.
Applebloom and Sweetie Belle cheered with excitement, but Scootaloo did not look thrilled about this. That only made Rainbow want to keep laughing.
"Hey, do you guys want some fizzy Apple cider for the food?" Applebloom asked.
"Awe yeah!" Rainbow said. "Being in the cider!"
"That only depends I there isn't drugs again like last time."
Every time someone or herself would drink the cider, Applejack would have to check and smell it herself to make sure there were no drugs to drugged the person like it did to Rainbow at Trixie's party.
"Don't worry sis. We'll check it. Let's get it right now."
The girls went out to get the fizzy Apple Cider from their home excited leaving the adults in the dressing room.
They came back with loads of boxes and had Big Macintosh carry about three more since he's strong and actually offer to help.
"Can you believe it Big Mac? I'm so excited Applejack is getting married." Applebloom said.
"Eeyep." He said. "I expect her to get married before me."
"How come?" Sweetie Belle asked.
"Because, my eye is on one person, and I'm not sure one person would bother to be with me. Applejack has something special that anyone would want her."
"Oh come big bro." Applebloom said. "I'm sure there's someone who would want someone like you. Just wait for the right lady to come to you."
But they were distracted, Fluttershy accidentally bumped into Big Mac mostly almost making him drop the Apple Cider.
"Oh my!" She blushed of embarrassment. "I'm so sorry!"
"Hey Fluttershy." Applebloom said.
"Hi girls. I'm sorry I didn't see you. I was trying to look for Angel so we can put on his bow tie to see if it fits him."
"How is Angel behaving?" Big Mac asked.
"Oh, h-he's fine. Very stubborn, but that's just him being him."
"If he still gives you a hard time, you can always ask me, so that way I can fix his attitude."
"Well, I think that might be a big help. Thanks Big Mac."
He nodded basically saying your welcome with a slight blush spread across his face as he stared at the shy girl.
"Hey Fluttershy?" Scootaloo asked. "Where do you guys usually put the food?"
"Oh. Well usually in the shelter kitchen." She pointed to the half part of Rarity's building with the sign saying KITCHEN.
"Okay. Thank you."
Then they each went towards the kitchen while Fluttershy continued to chase Angel.
Applebloom kick the door opening it and walked in with her friends and big brother. All they saw in the room was a big cake. It was like they were in heaven.
The cake was about three cakes big and had amazing frosting. Above the edges were leaves kinda with apples everywhere on the cake making it a nice touch. The inside frosting and ale was a beautiful color. It was rainbows. At the bottom of each part of the cake was pretty blue clouds. This cake looked to be representing Applejack and Rainbow Dash at their wedding.
Sunset Shimmer was getting the finally part done with the cake, finished finally.
"Hey Sunset!" Applebloom waved with one hand.
She looked down and saw the girls and tall man. "Oh. Hey guys!" She waved back.
"Where do you want us to put the Apple Cider?"
"Um..." she tried looking for a place to put them since she had so much food to do. But then she pointed to the counter that was next to the four and said "Place them on the counter to your left."
They put each one on finally finished. There was gonna be a lot of people so she had to make a big cake.
"Hey Big Mac, can you get the rest?" Applebloom asked.
"Eeyep." Then he walked out to get the rest from his house.
Sunset Shimmer jumped off the small ladder and made her feet make it to the ground facing the three youngins.
"You did an amazing job on the cake Sunset Shimmer." Scootaloo said.
"Thanks. I figure why not show it's to do with the Apple family and Rainbow's family." She said.
"Well it's true. My entire Apple family is coming." Applebloom said.
"Wait, is Babs coming?" Sweetie Belle asked.
"Heck yeah!"
They each jumped in excitement for Applebloom's cousin coming.
"I just wish Twilight would come to this." Sunset looked sad thinking of Twilight never being around.
"Why can't she come?"
"Well, she has responsibilities of where she's from. It's hard to explain."
"Well just pray. She'll come. I know it." Applebloom said.
"I just feel bad summer is almost over an the wedding is in one more month and everyone barley got to do much this summer."
"I could care less about summer." Scootaloo said. "At least we'll be having a wedding which is in a month for Rainbow Dash and Applejack."
"Yeah. At least it's worth seeing them together next month." Applebloom said.
Suddenly a phone buzzed and the girls know it couldn't be Sunset Shimmer since she doesn't have a phone anymore. She lost it in the water when she was looking at a waterfall last month.
Sweetie Belle look at her's and it wasn't her's. Applebloom doesn't have her phone with her since she is barley on it. Scootaloo looked at her's and realized it was her's. But she didn't like what she saw.
"What's wrong?" Sunset Shimmer asked.
"Uh, nothing. Nothing important." She said blushing red.
There was something wrong. Applebloom decided to grab her phone and take a look. She didn't like it either.
"What is it?" Sweetie Belle asked.
"It's Diamond Tiara again." She answered.
Applebloom showed a photo to the two girls showing a photo she and Scootaloo took three days ago. It was on Facebook and Diamond Tiara commented on it.
"Wow, just like Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Lesbo freaks!"
-Diamond Tiara
Sunset Shimmer couldn't believe what she was reading. Then she and Sweetie Belle read Silverspoon's comment.
"Yeah! They're perfect since they are both losers. But who would go with Sweetie Belle?"
Then they read the next one from Snips and Snails.
"I say she's mine!"
"No she's mine!"
Before Applebloom gave Scootaloo back her phone, another comment was put on from Twist.
"Y'all leave them alone! Y'all don't have proof they're lesbians!"
"Oh please. They're just like their lesbians sisters!"
-Diamond Tiara
Then a surprising text came from the great and powerful Trixie.
"The great and powerful Trixie believes you better get off this picture or I will have a talk with principal Celestia!"
"You're friends with Trixie on here?" Applebloom asked.
"She actually is having a change of heart." Scootaloo said.
"Why didn't you girls say anything about this?" Sunset Shimmer asked.
"Because there's no point of it." Applebloom answered.
Ever since the proposal, Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon believe that Applebloom and Scootaloo will be lesbians soon just like Rainbow Dash and Applejack. But they've never felt that way about each other. They're just best friends. Sweetie Belle on the other hand is always trying to be a taken from Snips and Snails since they want her the most. She wants nothing to do with them.
"Guys you gotta talk with someone about this." Sunset Shimmer said.
"No Sunset. We can't be snitches." Sweetie Belle said.
"Yeah. We're alright with people thinking we're lesbos." Scootaloo said. "We wouldn't want to be snitches too."
"Sunset please promise you won't tell my sister or anyone. Please." Applebloom begged.
If Sunset had learned anything from Twilight, you must always tell the truth and go get help. But these three did not want anything to be heard with the adults. They're all no longer freshman. They're actually already juniors but still act a little young.
She sighed and said "Aright. But you guys gotta tell soon."
"Sure thing. Thanks Sunset." They smiled at their adult friend.
Then Big Mac came in with more fizzy Apple Cider.
"Thinking of getting drunk huh Big Mac?" Sunset joked.
He smiled and said as he place the boxes down. "Nope."

A/N: omg this is loooooonnnnnggggg! And this is just part one. I think I did a good job though. And I'm thinking of two more couple coming in this chapter and I think y'all know who the couples are. Anyway, I'll see y'all in the next chapter. Stay beautiful!

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