"Big Mac is a Big Help"

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A/N: This might be not that much but it will be a shocker and hopefully the next chapter no one will cry. I'm hoping I won't cry. Enjoy readers!

The next day seemed really quiet to Applejack. Applebloom had school to head, Granny Smith had to visit the elderly home for extra help since she's strong, and Big Mac was working on the fields.
He was told by Applejack that Rainbow Dash will make a baby from him. He wished there was a way where either one of them could be a boy but he wanted to help his sister. He hope he'll do okay since he's never done it before with anyone.
Applejack felt bad Rainbow had to go through this. After what happen with Skyscraper, she's scared Rainbow won't feel comfortable with Big Mac. But she trusted her big brother. He would never hurt Rainbow.
Rainbow Dash was taken a shower feeling a little better. She was nervous herself about this. But she seemed more concern about her letter she got from Skyscraper. She was terrified with what he wrote.
She came out with a towel on and saw Applejack sitting on the bed looking down at her hands. She looked up to Rainbow and smiled. "You look beautiful coming out of the shower."
"Thanks." She blushed. She walked to the closet and got some clothes of her own to put on.
Applejack could see she seemed nervous. "You sure you wanna do this baby?"
Rainbow was afraid to look back to show her face. She looked at her and said "Yeah. I mean I do want a baby. I just hope I'll be okay." She felt fear hit her heart as she remember what happen at Trixie's party back when they were teens.
Applejack walked to her as she was had her bra and underwear. She wrapped her arms around Rainbow's neck and said smiling at her "It will be alright. I promise Big Mac won't hurt you. And I will downstairs if you need anything."
Rainbow smiled and continue to unwrinkled her shirt.
"And know this baby, I am very proud of you wanting to this. And I'll make it up to you."
"You better." Rainbow joked. She turned her head to face Applejack kissed her lips.
Applejack turned her wife around and continue her kiss to become deeper. She was being dominant player and she pushed Rainbow pinning her against the bed. She added her tongue inside Rainbow's mouth invading her mouth. Dash moaned of her actions and fought back feeling her heat pool. She reached down to Applejack's jeans and squeeze her bottom making her gasp.
Applejack pulled away and began to kiss Rainbow's neck.
"Applejack..." Rainbow Dash panted. "I need to get dress... You know..."
"I know." Applejack said. "I'm just getting you ready when Big Mac is finish."
Rainbow said nothing and let Applejack continued to make her be in heat. She kissed her neck and suck on her favorite spot which made her more into it. She moaned and hold Applejack's waist.
"Hey, don't heat me up too much." She giggled.
Applejack smiled and looked up to Rainbow and kissed her cheek. "Man you look cute with your freckles." Rainbow said.
"Not as cute as your magenta eyes my love."
"Trying to be romantic? Well you're awesome at it."
"Not as awesome as my baby rainbow girl." She kissed more of her light blue cheek. Rainbow blushed of how she was being so sweet.
A knocked was made at the door. Applejack got up and knock back. "We'll be out in a minute."
"Okay." Big Mac went back down the stairs.
"Want me to help you?"
"I think I can get dress AJ. But your help would be nice." She smiled.
Applejack gave Rainbow Dash a hand with her clothes, although she really didn't need it. She was just horny with Applejack's touch. Applejack was only doing it to get Rainbow ready.
When she was about to head out of the room with Applejack, her wife stopped her and said "Remember to think of me and way you're doing this. Okay?"
"Sure thing, babe." She smirked at her.
"It sounds really weir when you say it Rainbow."
"I know right?"
They both walked down the stairs and saw Big Mac. He looked pretty nervous himself. Applejack walked to him and out her hand on his shoulder. "You okay Big Mac?"
"Yeah. Just nervous." He said.
"Well you promise me you won't hurt Rainbow right?"
"Eeyep. Shouldn't be hard I believe."
"Y-Yeah. I-I-Ut shouldn't." Rainbow stuttered.
"You're gonna do fine guys. Now I'll be down here doing something. You guys can come out and tell me when y'all are finished, okay?"
Big Mac went up the stairs as Rainbow followed him. Applejack stopped her with her hand and made her look her in the eye. "I promise, it'll be fine."
Rainbow smiled nervously at her wife and walked up the stairs to follow Big Mac.
Applejack stood there and didn't know what to do while they were up in his room. Then she thought of thing she could do.
"I'm gonna make some pie."
Big Mac closed the door after Rainbow came in. He was obviously to know when he's nervous. He turned back and face Rainbow and saw she was blushing red.
"So..." That was all he said.
"So..." Rainbow repeated him trying to look like she wasn't for herself.
"So, let's get started." He started to unbutton his shirt which got Rainbow so red.
"Whoa big boy!" She said stopping him.
He looked at her confused and button his shirt back up.
"Y-You can't just take off your clothes like that." She said.
"I don't?"
"No. You... You have to turn me on first. Make me feel good."
He looked so confused. Now he didn't know what to do. That's when Rainbow realized it.
"You've never made a girl feel good?"
"... I don't girls much. Just my sister's friends and you."
"Oh boy. This isn't gonna be easy." She tried to think of what. She didn't just want his private thing to be there just yet. Not till she feels ready.
So she had an idea she might regret.
"Okay, come here."
He did as he was told and walked to Rainbow standing over her. Se could feel his shadow taking over her.
"Now what?" He asked.
She kinda hated to do this. But she had to in order to feel his sperm come. So she probably did one thing a girl has never done to him.
She kissed him.
It was a long kiss. No movements or anything. Not even tongues. But the kiss felt real nice. This was Big Mac's first kiss. He didn't even know he had his hands on Rainbow's hips.
He pulled away and looked at Rainbow and her magenta eyes. Dash didn't know boys could be good kissers.
They kissed again and before she knew it, Big Mac threw her bed on the bed to get started.
Applejack felt kinda bored ring by herself. While they were busy, she was eating the pie she made. She was was about to try and text someone, but a knock at the door stopped her.
She walked and open the door revealing her friend. "Fluttershy? What are you doing here?"
"Oh. Well Rainbow accidentally forgot her charger when she visited me a few days ago." She said holding the black charger in her hand.
"So that's where it's been. Thanks. Wanna come in? I made pie."
"Sure. I have nothing better to do. Thank you."
She walked on as Applejack closed the door behind her. They both went to the kitchen and sat down as Applejack gave her a piece of the pie.
"This looks delicious." Fluttershy said. She took a bite and had a happy smile on her face. "And it is."
"Thanks. My pa taught me when I was young."
"At least you have some family members."
"Aw come on Fluttershy. You know you got your aunt. And us. We're sisters aren't we?"
"Yeah. I believe so." She smiled. "So what are you doing for the day?"
"I was thinking after Big Mac is done helping Rainbow," Applejack didn't know how to explain it that quickly. "I was thinking of doing something nice for Rainbow. But I got nothing. I owe her big time."
"Well, in my opinion, it's best if you probably sing to Rainbow."
"Sing to her?"
"Yeah. The other day when she was helping me with Angel, she told me how she loved when you were in the Rainbooms singing. She thought you always sounded adorable."
She blushed. And that was actually an idea for Applejack.
"I think I will. Thanks Flutters."
Fluttershy smiled and remain quiet for a moment. She was scared to ask Applejack because how she was close. "So, about Big Mac." She said. "I was wondering, does he have a girlfriend?"
"Nope. Single like a lonely pig. Not saying he is one."
"Okay. Does he have his eye on anyone in particular?"
"Fluttershy, I already know you like him."
Fluttershy's face was so shock. She was blushing pink and was scared now "Really?"
"Yeah. Knew it since day one."
Now she was so embarrassed, she covered her face wit her hands. She was about to cry until Applejack said "And I think he likes you."
She looked back at Applejack surprised. "You really think so?"
"Yep. Because usually he looks at you and likes helping you with any problem. I think you two would be perfect."
She was so thrilled to hear that. Especially from Applejack. She was the sister of her crush and she understood. She was thrilled to have come over.
"Why thank you. Do you mind if I use your restroom?"
"Go nuts. When you go up the stairs, keep going straight and the second door on the left is the bathroom."
Fluttershy stood up and follow the instructions of the stairs. She uses the restrooms quick so she didn't really take her time.
She was about to her back downstairs, when suddenly, she heard moaning in the room on the right. It sounded really weird. She knows she shouldn't be nosy, but she was kinda curious what was going on. So she took a peek.
Her eyes were filled with horror with what she saw. Her heart broke into a million pieces and felt her knees get weak.
"Oh yes... Y-Y-You might need to go deeper..." Rainbow moaned as Big Mac thrusted in her.
"Doing my best. You just feel good." But then he realized what he just said. "Don't tell my sister that."
"Wouldn't even to think about it." She panted as he started to go faster in her.
Fluttershy felt so heart broken. All this time she trusted Rainbow Dash. She look to her as a sister. And now look. She's having sex with her crush she's loved since she got to know Big Macintosh.
She ran down the stairs with tears. So surprise neither of them heard her running and they continued.
Fluttershy made it to the bottom of the stairs and was about to run out of the door.
"Sugarcube, where you going?" Applejack called for her, but she already left and slammed the door with her tears.
Applejack wanted to after her, but she believe it was best to leave Fluttershy alone. Even though she didn't know what happen.
Five minutes later, Big Mac came down the stairs and was red in the face. He looked at his sister still sitting there and gave her a thumbs up.
She came to him with two plate of pie and said "I appreciate this a lot Big Mac. Thank you."
"Anything for my sister." He said taking the plate and went outside.
Applejack walked up the stairs and saw Rainbow sitting at the edge of his bed. She looked so scared for some reason.
She smiled and walked and sat next to her. "Hey, how'd it go?"
"Okay I guess." She said not looking back.
Applejack lend her the pie and smiled as she started to eat it.
"Thanks AJ."
"No prob. Was it hard?"
"Kinda. So, how are we sure I became pregnant?"
"With this." Applejack had a stick in her hand. Rainbow thought she never saw that stick again after high school.
"And I'll help you."
"Oh no. I got it. I know how it works. Thanks though."
"Just one question Rainbow."
Rainbow Dash was all ears for Applejack's question.
"Was he big?"
She just bursted out laughing and almost spilled her pie. That was the most funniest thing she's heard from Applejack. "Really AJ?"
"What? I'm curious." She said giggling.
She calmed herself and whispered to her "Yes. Real big."
They both laugh that whole time. It was a real cracker to be laughing with.
After the pie, Rainbow went to the restroom to take the test. Applejack was nervous it didn't work. She hope it did. Then she feel worse for Rainbow.
She was standing in the hall waiting for her.
She came out and faced Applejack with a sad face. She didn't say anything. Now Applejack was panicking. That far could only mean one thing.
"But... But I was certain-"
"Got ya!"
She looked up at Rainbow confused and saw her smiling again. She showed Applejack the test and revealed it was positive. Now Applejack was with the face of being truly happy.
"Oh my gosh! You're pregnant!" She was so happy.
"I know. You are so easy to fool." Rainbow smirked.
"I don't care. I'm just so happy." She then hugged Rainbow almost to death. She was almost squeezing her too hard but she let go to say "We should be working on baby names."
"I call dibs if it's a boy."
"I'm really proud of you Rainbow. And I promise tonight, I'm gonna make it up to ya."
Rainbow smiled and hugged Applejack again. She pulled away and rub her belly. She couldn't believe she had another living thing inside of her again.
She was happy herself, but she wasn't sure.
Was she ready?

Later that day...

"AJ, come on. I'm already getting hungry even though we just had dinner." Rainbow said laying on the bed with her pajamas on.
"Just a second sugarcube." She called from the bathroom.
Rainbow was already bored of waiting, so she grabbed her phone and decided to text somebody. The most she really wanted to talk to was Fluttershy.

"Hey. What you doing Flutters?"
-Rainbow Dash

"Okay I'm coming out." Applejack called to her wife. She came out of the bathroom that she was in the whole time and Rainbow could not believe what she was wearing.
"You miss this outfit sugar cube?" Applejack said.
"Why are you wearing the maid costume again?" Rainbow asked.
"Because I remember the last time I wore this you were blushing redder than a Apple. And you look so adorable."
What was funny is now Rainbow Dash was actually blushing. But she did like that outfit on her wife.
Applejack walk to the bed and sat on top of Rainbow. She's smart and she was being on top of her.
"Well I certainly am liking this." Rainbow smiled.
"That's not all. Fluttershy told me that you like hearing me sing."
"That's true. You sound like an angel when you sing."
"When I think we should together sing the song you sang when you asked me to marry you. What do you think?"
"I like that."
She move some parts of her hair away from Rainbow's face. Then she started then song:

Applejack: looks like we made it,
Look how far we've come my baby,
Rainbow Dash: we mighta took the long,
We knew we'd get their someday,
They said,
Applejack: I bet,
Together: they'll never make it,
Applejack: but just look at us holding on,
Rainbow Dash: we're still together still going strong,
You're still the one I run to,
Applejack: the one that I belong to,
Rainbow Dash: you're still the one I want for life,
Applejack: you're still the one that I love,
Rainbow Dash: the only one I dream of,
Applejack: you're still the one I kiss,
Together: goodnight."

They both dare deeply into each other's eyes of green and magenta. Both eyes were beautiful just like each other.
Applejack couldn't help herself but just smashed her lips to Rainbow. She was in need to make her feel good.
"I'm guessing this is another part of owing me huh?" Rainbow said as Applejack started to kiss her neck.
She moaned in replied and continued to kiss her neck.
Rainbow felt so good already. It was night time but she felt so in heat. She let Applejack continued. She could feel her hand rubbing against her clits. That's what made her moaned louder.
Applejack stopped kissing her neck and looked at her with a seductive look. "Oh my. This is definitely one dirty girl. Looks like we're going to clean you."
"I am dirty." Rainbow smirked. "Clean me maid."
Applejack smiled began to kissed Rainbow's breasts mostly licking. Dash felt her surrender to Applejack believing this was too good. She loved this.
Her phone buzz and she knew she had to grab it. She reach for it but Applejack stopped her.
"Leave it alone." She said.
"It'll just be a sec babe." She said and got her phone to take a look.
Applejack sighed and wait for Rainbow to put down her phone. She didn't quite yet. She felt she should slowly start to unbutton off her top part of her maid costume.
"Applejack stop." Rainbow told her still looking at her phone. She looked surprise but also scared.
Now Applejack was confused. "What's wrong?"
"Just got a text from Rarity. We gotta go." She stood up and ran to grab her jacket.
"Why? What's wrong?"
"It's Fluttershy. She's in the hospital."

A/N: this again. I love Fluttershy and there's a reason why she's in it. But be excited they're having a baby! ^_^ I'll see you guys in the next chap later. Stay Dazzlings!

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