"My family and me"

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A/N: this story is almost finished and I think you guys are gonna like the ending and yet be a little confused. While at that enjoy the chapter of being alive!

Everything remain black. Applejack didn't remember much except that her life was destroy thanks to Skyscraper. She never got to hug her son, protect her little sister, kiss Rainbow Dash. She is gone forever.
Or was she?
She began to wake up into a strange world. She soon found herself seeing memories of her childhood. With her mother and father when they were alive, when Granny Smith was young, before Applebloom was born and when Big Mac was still always there for her whenever she needed him.
She remember her mother beautiful. She had red skin and blond hair and always had her smile. Her eyes were orange and beautiful and she was a sweetheart to all her children. She was close to her mother more than her father.
"What the heck happen?" She said hoping someone would answer.
"You are a hero sugarcube." A voice said behind her. She knew that voice from anywhere and she missed it for so long. When she turned around, she could t believe it when she saw her father standing there looking very proud.
She felt her eyes water up. As usual, you wouldn't know what to do when you see the person you love that's dead standing in front of you. She then just ran to her father and hugged him. "Pa. What happen?"
"You and your brother saved your wife and son." He said looking down at her. "And I must say I am very proud of you Applejack."
"You are?"
"Of course. You followed your heart during the worst problems in high school, fall into the arms of your one true love, and protect your family. How can I not be proud? Me and your ma?"
Thinking of her mother made her remember what happen seen her and Rainbow's mom. She still never figured out how they were together.
"And I know what you're thinking. How did Rainbow's ma meet your ma?" He said making her look shock. "Well, your ma was confused with her love choices. She never felt well with man. She was friend's with her high school friend, Firefly. But they got too close and their families saw there could be no future between them. They moved away to started their life but saw they shouldn't, all because they saw the future."
"What was the future pa?"
"You and Rainbow Dash. You both wouldn't exist and have their personalities to continue this connection. Plus y'all look cuter together."
"That's true." She smiled admitting it.
"Now hon, I want you to know, that I'm not disappointed with what choices you make. I'm very proud with everything you chose. You learned half of your mistakes, you saw what was in everyone's heart, and you and Rainbow Dash created something that is special to both families. And you both should show it to them all."
"How do we do that?"
He grinned at his daughter. "Hello. Family reunion."
"Ohhh. That's a great idea pa. But Rainbow's family is kinda against her."
"So? They should know how she grow and how you and her will be making JackDash grow. Now I want you to promise me something sugarcube."
"Okay." She nodded.
"Promise me you'll always be there for Rainbow, for JackDash, and for everyone you love. No mater what happens."
She smiled. She knew this promise she could possibly keep. Anything for her parents. "I promise pa, if you promise you'll give ma this hug for me." She then hugged her father again making him smile and hug back.
"I will hon. You better start to wake up. Your wife is crying for you."
"Yes sir-e."
She chuckled still hugging her father. While she remain hugging him, it all began to turn white. She didn't see her father after that. But she could hear him speak. "I love you."
Soon her eyes began to have her vision back and she saw a light over her head. It was kinda of a light bulb for a hospital. That's when Applejack realized she was in a hospital.
She slowly lifted herself up and was soon seeing her friends, her siblings and Granny, but she saw no sight of her family.
The first one to see her awake was Rarity. "Oh thank heavens you're alright!"
Everyone then saw her and finally their faces lifted up. "Applejack! Are you okay?!" Applebloom ran to her sister who remain on the bed.
"I'm fine sugarcube. Just a little light headed." She said rubbing her head. "What in the hay happen?"
"Simple pumpkin." Granny said. "You tried to save your family but so far you got shot in the stomach and passed out. Your wife was almost killed till Big Mac grabbed his shotgun and shot that fool down."
"Eeyep." He said feeling pride.
"We rushed you to the hospital as soon as we could." Fluttershy said as she remain standing next to Twilight.
"What is it with me and everyone getting into the hospital for some reason?" She laughed.
"Well it's better than last time when you came in with a maid costume on." Pinkie reminded her.
She laughed remembering. "But where's Rainbow and JD? Are they safe?"
"Yeah. They were taken to the other room." Sunset Shimmer said. "So far Rainbow kinda broke her arm saving ya."
By then she was surprised from a hug from her little sister. "I'm just glad you're alive."
"What about Scoots? Is she alright?"
By then Applebloom was blushing red. She looked so embarrassed.
"Oh she's fine." Fluttershy was blushing too but mostly smiling.
"I still got a picture of it." Pinkie said holding her phone.
"The point is everyone is safe, and it seems Skyscraper is gonna be in a mental hospital for a while." Twilight said. "He's a bit of a nut job."
By then she was laughing. "That's promising."
"Well I am glad you're alive honey," Granny Smith said. "But we better get going to head to the farm. We have to clean up the mess he made and the apples will be rotten when we get there." She then hugged her granddaughter. "You take care now and see you soon."
"Be careful sis." Applebloom hugged her before leaving as so did Big Mac. Then the Apple family left while the friends remain in the room.
"How does it feel being in the hospital for the first time?" Twilight asked smiling.
"Ah. Feels weird honestly." She said.
"Well at least the coffee is delicious." Rarity said as she was about to get another sip. But then she saw she was out. "And it looks like I'll be getting more."
"I better come too." Pinkie said. "I'm out of gummy bears."
"I actually some of that coffee." Sunset said.
"We'll be right back." Twilight said as they were about to head to the door.
Applejack nodded and let them go. She thought she was gonna be alone for a few minutes.
She saw Rainbow Dash crashing through the door seeing her look so worried. She smiled as she saw her "Hey sugarcube."
Rainbow Dash didn't respond and ran towards her to give her a hug with one arm since the other was broken. "Oh my gosh. I thought I lost you."
"It's okay. I'm here." She hugged back with two arms. She was so glad to feel her hug again.
But then Rainbow made a face and sounded mad when she pulled away and said "Really Applejack? Just jump in and try to save me. I had it under control and you just had to try and get us both killed."
While she continued her yelling, Applejack could care less. She didn't even care if it was risky at the time. She wanted to save them both. To prove she wasn't mad...
"You don't know mad I am at y-" by them Rainbow was cut off by Applejack's lip as they touch her's. As much as she was mad with Applejack, she then decided to enjoy the kiss they shared. It lasted long and nice. No tongue or nothing extreme. Just a simple kiss.
Applejack broke the kiss and looked up at Rainbow Dash smiling. Rainbow still gave a face. "Don't think you're gonna get away with this. It was not funny."
"I know. I just love to see you mad. It's cute."
She then finally smiled and said "Not as cute as you AJ."
By then they both shared another kiss in the hospital.

Later that day...

"You sure AJ?"
"Positive. I think it would be a good idea."
Seemed it was a lucky day for them to come home with no problem. It was night time and Applejack had an idea she wanted Rainbow and her to do.
"But I don't think my relatives would want to come. They already hate me as it is." Rainbow Dash said.
"Well then that's their lost. They should love you for who you are and what you have birth to. And even if they don't show," she then wrapped her arm around her waist pulling her closer. "know that you got my family, and you're my family."
Rainbow Dash smiled at her wife. "Well it's just, I don't they would go if we had our reunion. And plus I wouldn't want them to start drama with you."
"Drama? Ha! That's my middle name."
"Oh brother." She rolled her eyes laughing.
"Well I think we should do it soon. Have a Apple and Rainbow family reunion. It would probably be the biggest family photo ever."
"True. So hey, did you know what happen to Applebloom and Scootaloo today?" She was then smiling so weakly.
"Hmm no one told me. Is Scootaloo alright though?"
"She's fine. She's actually happy now that Applebloom is in love with her."
Applejack's face was full of surprisement. "Shut up."
"Ain't playing. She actually kissed her after we took you to the hospital."
"Oh my gosh. Looks like someone will definitely be taking care of my little sister."
Rainbow then leaned forward her smiling. "And you have someone to take care of you." She then tried to kiss her but she felt pain and hold back. "Ow."
"Your arm?"
"Yeah. Sorry."
"Don't be. It's okay. I just hope it'll e feeling better soon." By then, Applejack leaned up to Rainbow instead and placed her lips into her's.
Rainbow moaned into the kiss loving it. She wanted to fall backwards and let Applejack ale control of her, but she didn't want to hurt herself again. Plus, someone was awake.
They heard the sound of JackDash crying and stopped kissing. They laugh and missed the sound of himself. Applejack got off the bed and said "I got him." Then she left her room to he to the nursery.
Rainbow smiled and decided to join her. So she got up and walked out of the bedroom to find the nursery. She found Applejack holding their son trying to make him stop crying.
"Sugarcube, what's wrong?" Applejack didn't know what was wrong.
Applejack looked back at her smiling.
"When he cries like that, usually means he had a bad dream."
"Oh. How'd you know that?"
"He cries just like me. But he's still tired."
She looked at the baby in her arms and asked softly "Are you sleepy?"
He nodded and hiccup.
"We need to do something about those hiccups."
Rainbow Dash walked towards them and said "I got an idea. Give him to me."
"You sure?"
"Yeah." She grabbed him out of Applejack's arms and hold him with one arm. She then rock him and sang.
"Baby, please, rest your head."
Applejack couldn't believe she didn't think about a lullaby at first. She then joined in. "Now it is, time for bed."
Rainbow smiled at her and continued to sing. "You're cuter than,"
"Pinkie Pie."
They both giggled at that.
"Our little,"
"Um, Pumpkin pie?"
She smiled at Applejack and nodded. She didn't know what else to sing. She saw JackDash was still awake. "Aww it didn't work. He looks scared."
Applejack could see Rainbow's arm was tired. She then knew what to do, to make their son feel safe. "I got him." She grabbed him out of Rainbow's arms and started to rock him and sing. "Twinkle, twinkle, how time flies."
"And steeps slowly, in the scray sky." Rainbow then sing.
"Baby, please, close your eyes."
"You're as sweet as,"
"Apple pie."
Applejack and Rainbow could see he was starting to fall asleep. They both were leading towards the crib. While putting him down, Rainbow continued to sing. "As you grow, and learn, and play."
"In our hearts, you'll always stay." Applejack then kissed her son before he closed his eyes.
"So dream and dream the night away." Rainbow sing seeing him close his eyes drifted off to sleep. She then kissed him and tips toe out the nursery with Applejack.
They both made it to bed and were about to head to sleep. "I can't believe you were using that lullaby from the Rugrats movie." Applejack said putting the covers over her.
"I couldn't think of anything else. Don't judge me." Rainbow said as she laid back and turned off the lights. She looked at Applejack as she was staring at her with her green eyes. "You know I do love you. No matter if we're separate or mad, I'll always love you and JackDash."
"And I'll always love you." She then kissed Rainbow and said "Goodnight my rainbow." Then she drifted to sleep.
Rainbow Dash then look up to the moon. She still found it beautiful to look at. When she was looking up into the moon, she saw something. A shadow. It looked a lot like her mother before she died. She wink at Rainbow making her gasp being surprised. Then the shadow disappeared.
Rainbow Dash looked back at Applejack and smiled of how she was sleeping. She kissed her cheek and whispered "Goodnight my Apple. I love you too."
Then off she drifted to sleep for the peacefully beautiful night.

A/N: adorable and almost finished with the story! I hope you guys will like the last one like this one. Have a good night everybody!

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