"Weddings Bells for rainbows and apples (part 4)"

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A/N: OMG another part of their wedding I had to add. Then I'll be doing the honey moon on the next chapter. Well kinda. You'll have to see for y'all's self. Hope y'all like this as much as the last one. Enjoy!

This was definitely something to be called the best day ever! They both finally were married and couldn't be any happier. They couldn't wait for their honeymoon, but decided to have fun with the last minutes with their friends and family.
Everyone was having a party. Dancing to the music, eating some food and the cake, and just sitting it standing talking.
The mane five gather together so happy and excited. The couple came together with their friends holding each other's hands.
Pinkie Pie was the first to run to them and said with excitement in her voice "I am sooooo GLAD FOR YOU BOTH!!"
"Thanks Pinkie." Applejack said.
"Now Pinkie Pie," Sunset Shimmer said. "You weren't suppose to bring out the party canon."
"I couldn't help myself! I wanted to jut spread explode it out for their wedding."
"Truth to be told," Applejack said. "I think it was more romantic that way Pinkie. Thanks."
Pinkie smiled feeling great.
"I thought that was simply beautiful." Rarity said whipping her tears and wet mascara away. "I couldn't hold my tears. Oh and pass me the bouquet to me when y'all leave for y'all's honeymoon."
"No no no."
They turned and saw Trixie appear behind the married couple. "I want the bouquet. Throw it to me."
"Why would you need it?" Rarity asked. "You're not marrying someone."
"Not yet. Please pass me the bouquet."
"No! She's passing it to me!"
"No me!"
The both girls started to fight over the bouquet leaving everyone else out.
"Well, this night got interesting." Rainbow Dash said.
"But I am so happy for you both." Twilight smile with sparkles on her eyes. "So where are y'all going?"
"She won't say a thing and neither will my Granny." Applejack said.
"I'm not ruining the surprise." She smirked.
"It's not a stripe club is it?" Fluttershy asked. "That would be a weird place for a honeymoon."
"As much as I would like to see Applejack or me in that position, most certainly no."
"Is it far?" Sunset Shimmer asked.
"Very far. But I'm still not saying a thing."
"Come on everyone!" Pinkie jumped up and down. "Let's get cake before the speeches starts!"
Everyone ran towards the big cake getting a piece.
"You did a good job on the cake Sunset." Rainbow Dash said.
"Well, I had to make it special for my friends somehow, couldn't I?" She smiled.
Fluttershy was getting herself a piece. When she reached her left hand towards the scooper, another touch it making her hand feel tension. She looked up and blushed pink holding her hand back as she stared at Big Mac. "Sorry."
"No no. You take it."
She grabbed the scooper and gave herself a piece. "So I hear Rainbow Dash's dad is gonna help at Sweet Apple Acres."
"Eeyep. Might be a big help from another athlete from Rainbow's family."
"Yeah. Her father is a real sweet person. He'll always be there to help."
Rainbow Dash wonder what took long and saw Fluttershy talking to Big Mac and smiled, not wanting to ruin her moment with him.
"Oh baby! I am so proud!" She heard the voice of an old woman.
She turned and was so surprised to see her. "Grandmama!" She reached out to hug her grandma leaving her cake by herself. She pulled back to ace her grandma. "What are you doing here?"
"Why I got your invitation and was real excited to see you honey."
Strange. She never sent her grandma an invite. But then she looked over and saw her dad smirked at her. She looked back at her grandma and said "I'm so happy you're here." She gave in another hug.
"Me too honey." Then her grandma hold back to look at her granddaughter. "Boy you're getting more tall like your father use to when he graduated."
"And you're still looking young grandma. I'm surprised you're able to pull it off."
"Well, it takes practice, don't it?"
Her grandma was barley close to looking old. Her rainbow hair still shine through like her's and her father's. Her skin was light purple and had magenta eyes like Dash. Her wrinkles barley show on her face or arms, as she always wore the cool clothes. She wear a white t-shirt with a fire fly shooting rainbow stars, and black track pants. She was athletic back in her day.
"You still awesome Grandma."
"Thanks sweetie. Sooo, where's your bride? I've been looking forward to meeting her."
Rainbow never thought her grandma would want to see her. She actually thought her grandma would be ashamed of her being a lesbian.
She grabbed her grandma's hand an lead her towards Applejack as she got herself a piece. "Hey AJ." She said getting her attention.
Although when she turned around, she had a piece of cake all in her mouth. "Yeah? What up?" She said with her mouth full.
"Um," Rainbow did her hardest not to laugh. "This is my grandma, Rainbow Star."
Applejack covered her mouth and blushed making an appearance like this to her grandma. "Oh! Good even... I'm sorry. I didn't expect to meet you. But it's such an honor." She finally whipped the cake off her.
"Oh it's an honor meeting you dear." She said smiling. "I mean when Rainbow Dash is always talking about you, I knew your friendship would be close. But I didn't expect it to be this close. But I know one thing. I enjoy it a lot. Congrats on you both."
Then she reached her arms towards Applejack to give her a hug. Rainbow Star was so shorter compared to the married couple. It was actually kinda hard for her to hug.
"Oh boy. I haven't been to a wedding since your mom married your father." She looked back at her granddaughter.
"I still couldn't believe they didn't have a big wedding." She said.
"Hell-o!" Pinkie got in between the couple and old woman with cake stuff in her mouth. "We have to sit for speeches!"
"Oh this must be Pinkie Pie." Rainbow Star could tell by her hair.
"Yep. Pinkie, this is my grandma."
"Oh hi." She finally got the cake down her throat. "Are you gonna do a speech?"
"Well.. I didn't think about it at first. But I think I have a words."
"Yay! Then let's sit down!" She jumped towards her table.
"Did you get a piece?" Applejack asked.
"Oh. No my bad."
They chuckled and Rainbow Dash got herself a piece.
Rainbow Star decided to join Rainbow Blaze and Sky Blue at their table missing them. Applejack and Rainbow Dash sat on a table that was almost the center of attention. It was for their own selfs.
Then the one to be on the stage first was Pinkie Pie. She jumped herself on the stage and started off with the mic in front.
"Hellooo everyone!" She said.
It almost broke everyone's ear drum, but they got use to it.
"I like to start off with a few things. I never except to have any lesbian friends or something amazing like tonight. And I hope that everyone here had a good night cause I planned this whole thing. Now girls," she turned her head towards the married couple. "I hope you got enough sleep these past few months after graduation, cause you sure aren't gonna get much after this wedding."
Everyone laugh at her being dirty. Dash blushed but felt better when Applejack wrapped her arm around her.
Next one was Rarity. "To be honest, I was very shock when I discover that for of my friends loved each other more than friends. But after a while, I finally learned, that sometimes you gotta accept what your friend's accept. Even if my folks think it's wrong, then they can shove it up their butts."
Everyone laughed of Rarity being this way.
"And I hope you both have fun on you honeymoon. And I hope you liked the dresses. Cause I do a fabulous job didn't I?"
Next was Big Macintosh.
"I grew up with my little sister. I was afraid one day when she finds someone she is really into that she would be more distracted by work than him. But I was glad when she accepted Rainbow Dash. When they were in high school, Dash was always around to help out, and I appreciate it a lot. Thank you Rainbow."
She smiled feeling grateful.
"And Applejack, I hope you'll be able to have fun. Cause sometimes you need a break. I love you little sis, but you do come out to stress when you leave the farm."
She blushed of embarrassment.
"Does she all the time?" Someone asked in the crowd.
Next was Fluttershy.
"Rainbow Dash has always been there for me, helping me with my family problems, and making sure I was okay. And Applejack, she was always there when I needed the most help with Angel or anything. And I think with them two together, they'll make a stronger love than anyone I barley known. And I hope you both are real happy. I will be a little lonely when they leave, but I'll always have the Apple family to keep me company."
Everyone just thought she was the sweetest. Especially Rainbow Star.
Next was Scootaloo.
"It is so awesome that Rainbow Dash and Applejack are married! I mean, I never expected Rainbow to be married. But I love how she's always been like a sister to me, as I hope that she'll e having fun nights with AJ, cause they're both awesome!"
Everyone just thought she was fun. Although, Scoots could hear laughter from Diamond Tiara an Silverspoon in the back.
"And I hope you guys come back with big smiles, and no clothes."
Everyone just bursted out laughing. That was epic of Scootaloo.
Next was Sunset Shimmer.
"I regret what I've done to everyone back in high school, especially separating these two lovebirds. But I'm glad their friendship has change me. I like to mostly thank Rainbow Dash for helping me get through with this crush on my princess."
Twilight blushed feeling good to be there tonight.
"And I think on their honeymoon, they will come back probably asleep."
Everyone laughed at Sunset Shimmer loving this new and fun her.
Next was Sweetie Belle.
"I mean I don't talk to these two that much, and I know I'm not huge fans like Scootaloo.."
"Hey!" They laughed as she kinda embarrassed her friend.
"But I do like how they married and took this big step. I actually kinda wonder if I get to be a lesbian. But even if I do, and my parents freak out that I am, I know Rarity, and everyone will be there for me. And I'm glad tees two are there for anyone no matter what."
Rarity was clapping loud giving her little sister a big hand.
Next was Applebloom.
"I can't believe my sister is married before my big brother. It's kinda hard to believe. But then again, who wouldn't wanna married a hot girl like her?"
Everyone just laughed of how silly Applebloom is.
"And I think, that no matter what happens with my sister or Rainbow, I always will enjoy their relationship. And I hope you guys have fun on y'all's honeymoon. It will be lonely at Sweet Apple Acres, but I know when I look up at the moon, my sister is always watching it."
Applejack gave her sister a thumbs up as she bowed.
Next was Sky Blue.
"I was afraid Rainbow Dash wouldn't accept me into her family after meeting Rainbow Blaze. But after a while, we manage to get along with each other, and I love her just like she's my own. And I hope Applejack will take good care of her, cause she's gonna need it pretty much."
Everyone laughed while Rainbow blushed but smiled at her stepmom being there for her.
Next was Granny Smith and her's was very, very child like. She sang this song she use to sing to Applejack when she was just a little girl.
"Hush my little buttercup Applejack, Granny Smith's gonna make sure you get your apple pie..."
While she sang this, Applejack did everything she can to hide from everyone, but Rainbow kept her away from hiding.
"Maybe I should sing you that from now on." She whispered.
"I beg of you please don't."
Next was Rainbow Star.
"By heaven above, I like thank the parents who made this special blond Applejack, for coming to our world, and making it a better place for my little grand baby. I haven't seen her this happy since she discovered I was here. Or, wait that was just a few minutes ago, wasn't it?"
Everyone laugh at this woman's memory problem. Rainbow Dash and Applejack did everything they can to not laugh at her. It was not easy for them at all.
Next was Twilight.
"I was happy to discover two if my friends were fillyfoolers..."
Everyone looked at her confused. She hasn't been to CHS in a long time so she's getting see to both different worlds.
"Uh, I mean lesbians. I meant to say that. Anyways, I was happy an I was happy to discovered I was one too. And for being here today, I will never think of another person would color Applejack's dark world, and would brighten Rainbow Dash's world."
They smiled at their maid of honor, glad for her to come tonight.
Next was Trixie. Oh god...
"I am trying to change for everyone after dealing with everything in high school. And I can't blame anyone here tonight for hating me, but I hope one day, you will all see me change like Sunset Shimmer did. And I must say tonight, is one night I'll never forget, and I howl you both won't forget it either."
This new and improve Trixie, everyone seemed to like her. As much as she was annoying since High school, Rainbow thanks her for inviting her to the party. Cause she would never admit her feelings to Applejack.
Next was Rainbow Blaze and he looked pretty nervous.
"I was afraid my daughter would have a hard time eyeing along with people. I didn't think that she would find one person to always depend on. But when I her so much about this girl Applejack, I can tell it would be the strongest of friendship. Instead, she has found the love she's been meaning to find. I was so happy AJ was able to help my baby get through everything for better or worse. She has brought peace to her and me."
Applejack thought that was real sweet of Rainbow Dash's father to say. When she looked at Rainbow, she realized her tears were falling down her cheeks. She whipped her tears making her smile.
"And Applejack," he continued. "I wanna thank you, for always being there for Dashie. I owe so much respect and I don't know anyone else who could make her happy."
Now Applejack felt like crying, but she hold back.
Next was the final one Button Mash.
"I may not know much about marriage or the same ladies, but I do know that these two gals are happy to be one of a couple. They're my favorite one. They're my OTP." But then he thought for a moment and asked "Mom, what does OTP mean?"
Everyone laugh at his silliness making him blush and laugh too.
He definitely made this speech thing a laugh.

The rest of the night, everyone party on one side but there was some slow music being made.
Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and Scootaloo were at the cake getting more. Sunset Shimmer and Button Mash appeared behind them. "This is one awesome wedding!" Buttons cheered.
"You bet it was." Applebloom said agreeing.
"So when's our next meeting?"
"Tomorrow night." Sweetie Belle said. "And I'll be bringing brownies."
The girls laugh at his silly cheered. The one who mostly enjoy it was Sweetie Belle.
Sweetie Belle and Button Mash known each other for years. Since they were babies. Sweetie Belle as her folks had to move away one day and Button Mash missed his best friend. One day, him and his mom moved to CHS and he was thrilled to see Sweetie Belle do fine. Scootaloo and Applebloom think she has a huge crush on the boy, and you won't believe it, but she does.
Sunset Shimmer was distracted with laughter, she barley noticed Twilight wrapping her arms around her neck and pulling her in to kiss her cheek.
"Good speech. I loved it." She said.
Sunset Shimmer turned around to face her and pulled her in for a kiss. "I think I loved your's the most."
"I think they're the happiest married couple yet."
While everyone party, there was some quietly music was the party center was but barley anyone was there. Applejack and Rainbow Dash went there instead to dance to their slow song.
The song they were playing "Still the one".
Applejack found herself crying remembering this song.
Rainbow Dash pulled her away and stopped dancing to see her tears fall from her cheeks. "Hey, what's wrong?"
"Nothing." She whipped them away and they still kept coming back. "I just remember this song when you were singing it for our proposal."
She smiled and kissed her cheek to get rid of that tear that stayed. "I just feel this is definitely out song."
"I guess I'm mostly crying, cause everything is amazing tonight. The wedding, the speeches and vows, even you and everyone here tonight."
"Well, no one can compare to your beauty my princess."
"Doesn't make you a princess too?"
"No I'm the queen."
"Oh brother."
She hugged her wife spinning her around a little low. She loved her hugs of how nice they felt.
"Your father was the one who helped me get through with this, you know?" Applejack said.
"I know. He's always there to help people."
"And with his advice," she pulled away to look into Rainbow's magenta eyes and smile. "You will always remain in my heart, no matter what happens."
She smile back and said "And you'll always be in mine."
Rainbow then got a hold of Applejack's hand and placed it on her chest where she could feel her heartbeat. She smiled and blushed of this, remembering when she did this being found raped repeatedly.
Applejack smiled feeling her heart beat go so fast. By then, she was able to get Rainbow's hand and placed on her heartbeat.
Rainbow Dash missed feeling her's of how nice it was. She smiled at her and went in for a kiss still holding her chest.
Applejack pulled away and looked into those magenta eyes and smiled loving them.
"So who are you throwing the bouquet to?" Rainbow asked.
"I don't know. I was gonna try Rarity, but how Trixie was being so kind on stage, I can't decided."
"Let the flowers decide then."
"So they can now talk?"
Rainbow laughed imagining how that would be funny. Applejack laughed along with he and continue to kiss her rainbow wife.

A/N: yes I ship Button and Sweetie Belle. I ship everyone. I know this chapter is long, but it's not as bad as the last one right? See you on their honeymoon!

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