"The strange things happening to Rainbow Dash"

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A/N: sorry our wi-fi got cut off everyone. I hope you all survived cause I feel I can't. Right now I am in the library before it closes and it will probably take me an hour to finish this. I hope this chapter could lighten everyone's day and enjoy.

The next day was a beautiful sight and Applejack was thrill to wake up to it. She felt good waking up and seeing Rainbow sleeping next to her peacefully. That night was the best night that's she's ever slept and did good on Rainbow. She felt powerful that she had cum inside Rainbow, and now she was excited to see soon their baby will be.
She got out of bed and walked to Rainbow giving her a kiss on the forehead. She smiled as she felt her kiss and continued to sleep. Applejack then walked down the stairs to make breakfast.
She was cooking eggs, bacon, and French toast. She felt like a true mother already just cooking breakfast. She heard a buzz and saw she got a text from Pinkie Pie.

"When you and Rainbow are dress, meet me at the other part of Sugarcube Corner! I got a SURPRISE for you!"
-Pinkie Pie

"Oh boy." Applejack laugh and put down her phone when the eggs sizzled.
Luckily Rainbow woke up and found her wife in the kitchen. She smirk and decided to sit down still waking up. She rub her forehead feeling really dizzy and blurry.
Applejack smiled as she saw her sitting at the table. "Hey sugarcube. Slept well?"
"Kinda." Rainbow said rubbing her eye.
Applejack was able to finish one plate and gave it to Rainbow Dash. She saw she was tired and notice something odd about her hand. It was gray on the palm part, her finger, everywhere till it hit her wrist. "Rainbow Dash, why the heck is your hand gray?"
Rainbow took a look of her hand and was surprise. "Huh? Must have been paint or something. I don't know." She then took a bite of the eggs. "And thanks for breakfast."
Applejack kept staring at her hand and was surprise Rainbow didn't even care. She didn't find a gray hand pretty normal.
Rainbow looked at her and smile "It's okay. It's probably nothing." She then lifted her gray hand and placed it on Applejack's cheek.
She gasped as she felt it touch her. Her hand did not feel normal. It was cold. She grab her gray hand and looked to see what could be the problem.
"Something is wrong. Are you freezing sugarcube?"
"No. I feel warm. Why?"
That scared Applejack. She doesn't even feel her own cold hand. But most question why was it gray?
"Well, make sure to get dress in a minute." Applejack told her. "We gotta visit Pinkie Pie at the other side of sugarcube corner for some surprise."
"Well, won't this be fun." Rainbow giggled as she took another bite of her eggs. She look at her wife and saw she looked worried. Then she leaned in to kiss her cheek and that made her feel a little better.

"Where the heck is Pinkie?" Rainbow said.
"She said it should be somewhere around here." Applejack said.
Seems they made it there almost. Applejack drove her red truck but Rainbow feels the moment they make it to Sugarcube Corner, they should walk so she could get a little exercise.
"Be careful. Please." Applejack hold her other hand as it was still light blue and warm.
"AJ, I'll be careful. You gotta stop worrying you know." She said.
"I just don't get what this surprise sh-"
They both stop as they saw it and they couldn't believe their eyes. Seemed Pinkie's surprise was something certainly good to show.
She jumped to them as they arrived with shock expressions. "You made it! Soooo what do you think?!"
You won't believe what their surprise was. Because Pinkie Pie offer to make the baby's bedroom, it wasn't the only thing she made. She made an actual home!
It was kinda more of a mobile home. It wide and was still being built. There was only two windows showing and the door wasn't put on quite yet. Who knew Pinkie knew how to build things?
Applejack and Rainbow Dash were so in shock they didn't know what to say about it. That was what kinda worried Pinkie and gave her the wrong idea. She looked down sad and said "Oh. You don't like it."
"Like it?" Rainbow said.
"Not a chance Pinkie Pie." Applejack nodded.
Pinkie felt so sad. She began to feel her hair began to flip and be straight. She looked so sad, she was almost close to crying. Until a hug was received to her by Rainbow and Applejack.
"We love it!" They both said.
She smiled wide with her hair being poofy again. She hugged back and let go to jump and say "It mostly came from when I volunteer to make the baby's room. I was thinking of it should look like but I remember you guys don't have a place of your own so I decided to make a house for yourselves. We just started yesterday."
"Pinkie Pie, this is so sweet. Since when you did know how to build things?" Applejack asked.
"Well, while you guys were on y'all's honeymoon, I help around the Apple farm. It honestly felt like home. Well anyways, your brother Big Mac needed help and I volunteer to help. Because I got inspired, he and Granny Smith decide to help me learn to build so that way maybe I can become a builder. But after a while I started to think it's not my thing. Partying is my thing!" She said too fast for them.
"..... So in other words," Rainbow said. "You learn from Granny Smith and Big Macintosh?"
"Well I'm glad." Applejack said. "Thank you very much Pinkie Pie."
She miked huge and said jumping "Come on! I'll show you the house inside!" Then she jumped inside.
Rainbow Dash and Applejack followed her and were mostly amazed by the inside of it. There wasn't any furniture yet but it showed how you can walk in and that there were two openings how to get into places. One way was towards the kitchen and the other was not build yet.
"This is the living room." Pinkie said. Then she lead them to the kitchen. "This is the kitchen, and over there," she pointed to the non-built hallway. "Is where the bedrooms will be made for you guys."
"This is fantastic Pinkie Pie. I don't know how else we can thank you." Rainbow said.
"Just as long I see the baby I'm completely fine."
"You're real excited huh sugarcube?"
"And even though this is an icky job," they heard Rarity's voice and saw their friend carry a giant box of tools. She looked disgusted by holding it. "It's at least worth it. By the way, I made some outfits for your little darling since she'll be a beautiful young lady."
"Oh boy." Applejack smirk knowing how this will turn out.
"But I promise they're not full on my style." She then grabbed a line of clothes and surprised their eyes.
They weren't exactly all dresses. They were mostly also skirt that had soccer balls and apples and shirts that look pretty cool. Some dresses seem only suitable for special occasions.
"R-Rarity, you really made these?" Rainbow stuttered.
"What? Do you know another fashionista that knows your baby?" She joked.
"These are great Rare." Applejack said. "Thank you."
"It is no trouble at all darlings. Just can't wait for another six months for a new family member."
"Same here." Fluttershy came in with some wood in her hands. "I'm still real sorry I almost hurt myself with a big misunderstanding."
Rainbow facepalm herself and said "Okay Flutters. For the fifty six time, we forgive you. You gotta let that go."
"I can't. I almost killed myself and almost made you lose your wife the day you became pregnant."
"What was in the past, stays in the past sugarcube." Applejack told her.
"Touché." Rarity said. "If only Twilight and Sunset Shimmer were here to have this moment. Speaking of which, where is Sunset?"
"She's probably still in school. She is a new teacher." Pinkie said.
"I'm just glad principal Celestia have her a chance with other students. Luna was seriously thinking of letting her be a janitor instead." Fluttershy said.
Rainbow looked surprise. "A janitor?"
"She thought it was best to clean up her messes."
Applejack looked back at her wife and was scared. She took a glance at her gray hand and saw it was still gray,but it was going up to her arm to where her shoulder was. She knew then something was wrong.
"Applejack?" Rarity's voice finally came to her senses.
"Are you alright?"
"Um yeah. Just..." She trailed off still looking at her arm.
Everyone began to notice it. "Um did you paint last night Rainbow?" Pinkie asked.
Rainbow looked at her arm and saw it was growing. She didn't looked scared. Just confused. "Huh? That's funny. It was only my hand before."
"Are you sick?" Fluttershy asked worried.
"I don't think so. I don't feel sick."
That's when Applejack was real worried.

Later that day...

"I still don't understand why you need it longer. I may not be with Twilight anymore, but I look to look at it like a lesson." Sunset Shimmer said to Applejack as they walked up to Sweet Apple Acres.
"A lesson? Like what?" She asked.
"Never cheat whenever you're desperate." She look real sad. She may look like she's feeling better,but inside she was depress.
"Oh sugarcube it will be okay. Hopefully Twilight will still be your friend. That's what mostly count if the relationship you had before is still a friend. Look at Buckley and me. We're still friends."
"Yeah but that's him. Twilight will never speak to me again."
She smiled and place her hand on her shoulder. "It will be okay."
She smiled, glad Applejack understood her. "Well I better get going. I gotta grade the homework over the weekend and I feel I should hurry before it starts."
"Okay. See ya around Sunset."
Then Sunset Shimmer left while Applejack went inside to see her family together.
They were surrounding Rainbow Dash as she remain sitting on the couch. They look so happy for some reason. When Applejack got a good eye, she saw Rainbow's gray arm remain at the shoulder length.
Applebloom was the first to see her sister. "Applejack! You won't believe! Your baby girl is kicking!"
She looked surprised. "She is?"
"Darn Tootin!" Granny Smith said as her hand was place on Rainbow's stomach. "Come and feel."
Applejack felt soon she might not feel the wonderful feeling of her baby kicking. So she put aside the book to feel. She bend to her knees and place her hand on Rainbow's stomach and wait for the kick.
Nothing happen.
"I don't feel- woah." She finally felt it an couldn't believe it. Their baby girl was actually kicking inside Rainbow. She may have seen it in movies and thought it was silly, but now Applejack discovered a baby's kick is just important as changing their diapers.
She smiled that she could feel the kicking. "I can't believe. I can't believe she's kicking."
"Ooh! I'm so excited for her to come out here!" Applebloom said.
"We all are Applebloom." Granny said.
"Eeyep." Big Mac said.
Applejack smiled and looked at Rainbow. But she then realized that Rainbow didn't look well. Usually during pregnancy you're suppose to feel nauseous. But Rainbow Dash looked more like she was about to shut down and explode. "You okay Rainbow?"
"Yeah. Just... I just feel nauseous." She said with a laugh.
"Oh do you need the bucket?" Granny asked.
"No I'll..... Actually yes."
Granny laughed. "Applebloom get the bucket please."
Then Applebloom stood up and ran to get the bucket Rainbow has been puking in.
Applejack knew she could be nauseous, but this seem like another lie to take care for herself.
Luckily everyone went to bed and Applejack remain awake a little. She was still tired but fought it so she can walk towards her desk. She open the book and grab a pen to start writing.

"Dear princ-"

Applejack jumped and saw her wife was up. She looked tired waking up but she smiled.
"Oh. Why are you awake Rainbow?"
"I should ask you the same thing." She said. "Aren't you coming to bed?"
"I will. I just need to do some things." But her yawn she made gave her away from being up.
Rainbow smirk and moved the covers so it showed the other side of the bed. "Come on AJ. You're tired. It's no wonder you're not sleeping well."
Applejack didn't really want to go to bed. But she was tired. Maybe she could write to Twilight another night.
She stood up and walked towards the bed and snuggle in and pull the covers over her.
"How come you're up so much?" Rainbow asked.
"Oh. Um no reason. Just not usually tired."
"AJ that's a lie. And I know it. Just tell me what's wrong."
As much as she knew Rainbow would hate it, she had to save it so she doesn't know that she put a potion inside of her. "I don't know. I guess cause with your arm is growing gray, I'm worried something is wrong."
"It's probably nothing. Maybe Applebloom painted on me last night. You got a stop worrying about me."
"I know. I just don't want what happen to Braeburn's girlfriend. She killed her baby just cause she wasn't being careful."
"Hey I'm careful. I promise, I'll protect our little girl with my life."
She smiled as she waved her hand.
"So have you thought of any names?"
"Actually I have. You might not like it. I was thinking maybe Applecloud might be a good name."
"Applecloud. I like it." She looked away seeing the good in the name. "It's an Apple family kind of name, it's twenty percent cooler than my name, and-"
She trailed off when she heard the snoring of Applejack. She fell asleep that quick. She smiled and kissed Applejack's cheek. "Goodnight AJ." She whispered and turned off the lamp. Then off she went into her dream world sleeping.

A/N: lmao this is suppose to be romantic and I'm watching Family Guy off a guy's phone. I'm weird. Hope you guys like the chapter. I will skip through a few months just so we could get to a dry important part. See ya!

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