"A bit too early and bit close to death"

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A/N: ooh! Big part and the next everyone is gonna love! This chapter might not be much but I'm a pusher lol jk enjoy :)

3 months later...

"Why Applecloud sis?" Applebloom asked her big sister as she was Apple bucking with her boots. "I mean it a cool name but what gave you the idea two months ago?"
"I guess you can say cause it's our family," Applejack said. "And I know how much Rainbow loves clouds. That was all I could think. Plus I think it's beautiful."
"Oh Applebloom! Applejack!" Granny Smith asked to her two grandchildren. "Dinner is ready!"
It's been six months since Rainbow remain pregnant. There were a few side problems she's been having but mostly were hormones. Her gray hand was growing and it wasn't only that. It was also her feet to her knees, her stomach, even her cheeks. She looked as if she had bruises. Her hair was starting to look more pale than ever. It worried Applejack.
They both made it inside and sat down with everyone at the table. Their dinner was chicken and a side of fruits. They all drank Fizzy Apple Cider.
Rainbow began to feel sharp pains through her system. She did not feel good. Granny was the first to notice. "You okay sugarcube?"
"Yeah." She taking a breath. "Just trying not to break the table."
"Your contractions going through?" Applebloom asked. "That's what we learn from Sunset Shimmer of how woman react when they're close to getting ready for their baby."
"Ah kinda. Just need three more months to go and out comes Applecloud." She smiled. "I just wonder if I can handle it."
"You can sugarcube." Applejack said holding her hand. "And me and Big Mac will be there to help you when you're in labor."
"Wait, me?" Big Mac was surprised.
"Yeah. I want you in there when Applecloud is born."
"But why?" He still didn't understand.
"Because, if it weren't for you, Rainbow wouldn't be carrying our little Apple. I think it's also a good idea since you've experience seeing ma give birth to me and Applebloom, thought it be a good idea to give me a hand with Rainbow Dash."
"Well that's sweet AJ, but I don't think I'm ready to see another vagina open another baby."
Everyone, including himself, was laughing at that. Big Macintosh wasn't sure if he wants to see his sister's wife give birth. Even though it was funny, Rainbow began to feel the contractions come back. She tried to look like she was fine, but either way, she was in pain.
Winona sat next to her staring at her as she remain sitting. Rainbow Dash saw Winona and petted her head. "Good girl."
"Oh and guess what?" Applejack said. "Pinkie finished the house today and we can pack up tomorrow and move in."
"Sweet." Rainbow said agreeing.
That whole night, everyone enjoyed dinner and Rainbow fought her contractions. She knew she shouldn't but she couldn't take them well. She was sitting bed reading a Daring Do while Applejack tried to think of what is wrong with Rainbow. So far she lost the book that could give Twilight messages. Now she lost it. All she got of what's wrong, was Rainbow was looking worse. She skin was becoming gray and her hair was pale and messy.
Rainbow stopped reading and watched Applejack sat on the desk. "Hey AJ. Aren't you tired?"
"Uh, no. Not really. Go to sleep sugarcube." She said not looking back.
Rainbow knew this was silly and got out of bed to walk towards Applejack and wrapped her arms around her and began to kiss her neck. "You sure you're not sleepy babe?"
"I'm sure Rain-"
"Ow!" Rainbow backed up and hold her stomach as her contractions came back.
Applejack stood up and watch her hold it in. She was worried cause she started to glow gray. Her skin and hair. "Are you okay?" She asked.
"Yeah. These contractions are killing me." She said sitting down holding her stomach.
Applejack really wanted Rainbow to just go to sleep to relax. But she won't lie. She's also tired herself. She yawned to prove it.
She walked towards Rainbow and sat on the bed with her. She grabbed her hand and kissed her cheek. "I gotta say, I'm proud of you sugarcube." She said. "You went through six months of pregnancy and only three more months till Applecloud is born. You've done well."
"I think so. I just hope these contractions don't make me go overboard." She said.
"I'm just worried about this." She grabbed Rainbow's gray arm and made her look at herself.
"Well, I will admit it's weird with this happening," Rainbow said. "But it's probably nothing Applejack."
She stilled looked at her arms and everything and was still worried. She feels this had something to do with the potion she gave her. She still didn't say anything about it to her.
Rainbow cup her cheeks with her gray cold hands and said "There's nothing wrong. I promise. Let's just get some sleep. We have to pack up tomorrow."
Applejack smiled and kissed Rainbow. "Sure. As long as I get to cuddle with you."
Rainbow smiled and laid in bed next to Applejack and they drifted off to sleep.

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