"Scootabloom became real"

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I have a message for crystal-dashie . Thank you for making me feel better. If me and you were sisters, I say I love my sister hood since I have four and they're not much like me. So thank you and hope you like this chapter. 😄✌️

A/N: sorry I haven't update much of this. I'm doing my best cause I wanna get to the best part of this story. I hope you guys like it a little and hope you'll accept this new shipping I'm adding.

Applejack ran as fast as she can to Sweet Apple Acres. Lucky for her, it remain the same. No crops were ruined, the animals were still alive, and the barn was still up.
She ran into the house without knocking and first ran into Granny Smith.
"Oh, welcome home Applejack." She said leaning in for a hug from her granddaughter.
"Hey Granny Smith." She said hugging her Granny. She then pulled away and asked "Where's Applebloom?"
Her Granny's smiley face disappeared. She now looked nervous. "Oh Applejack, you probably don't wanna see her."
"Is she alright?"
"Oh she's fine. It's just her hair I'm a little nervous about."
"Eeyep." She saw her big brother walk in and see his little sister return. "No hug for me?"
She smiled and hugged her big brother saying she was glad to be back. "What happen to her hair?" She asked pulling away from her brother.
"Well, she came home one night, and she just had very short hair. Probably shorter than Big Mac's."
"Eeyep. Maybe you're the only one who can get her to tell who started this."
"I think so too." Applejack agreed.
"You sure hon?" Granny said. "When we tried talking to get, she refused to try and speak. She's been in her room thus while time, not wanting to go back to school."
"Don't worry Granny Smith. I'll go talk to her. And it's great to be home again. I certainly missed y'all."
"Oh we missed you too honey."
After receiving a kiss on the cheek from her Granny, Applejack ran up the stairs found Applebloom's door. She could hear sobbing on the other side. She knocked on the door lightly and slowly open it. She saw her blanket covering herself.
"Go away!" She heard Applebloom's voice.
"Applebloom, what happen?"
"What are you doing here Applejack?"
"Our honeymoon is over. And I ran over here to find out what happen. Did some girls hurt you? And why aren't you and Scootaloo talking?"
She waited for her sister to come out. She sighed waiting as she at on the bed next to her.
Applebloom did come out of her blanket, but her hair was defiantly short. It was up to her baby hairs. She looked almost like a boy. She had tears falling down her cheeks as she saw her big sister look surprised.
"Oh my lord."
"Yeah. It's cut." She said.
"What happen? You can tell me Applebloom. I don't like seeing my lil sister upset. Now what happen?"
Applebloom took her time to calm her voice and her tears as try continue to fall. She took a deep breath and said "It all started back at Pinkie's party that she threw."

(Flashback at Pinkie's house...)

Everyone seemed to have a blast at Pinkie's party. There was music up loud and high and everyone was dancing. No one brought Apple Cider because they were frighten it would be full of drugs. A few people came into the party and was amazed. The last ones to come in were Rarity, Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle. Applebloom still had her long hair that day.
"Now remember girls," Rarity said. "Do not talk to strangers, do not eat or drink stuff that you've never seen before, and have fun." She left them by theirselves so she can get to her friends.
"This party is amazing!" Sweetie Belle said.
"You bet it is!" Applebloom said.
"And it's gonna be more fun when we throw the confetti bombs at everyone!" Scootaloo said as she had a colorful bomb in her hand.
"Hey let's get those ready! I'll go get the canons!" Sweetie Belle ran back outside to get them. So surprising her family owns canons.
While she did that, Scootaloo and Applebloom went to the basement to get the bombs ready. They sat each one on the table and study them.
"Just understand if a bomb has a small hole, means that it is for the sticks we'll be using." Scootaloo said.
"Okay. Uh, like this one?" Applebloom showed her the bomb as it had a small hole.
"Yeah like that one."
They continued to spread them. Sweetie Belle later came in with the canons and had to run back outside to get the sticks for the bombs with holes.
Applebloom was putting some bombs into the canons excited. "I am so excited for this! This will be the best party! Right?" She looked back at Scootaloo and saw she was looking at her phone looking sad.
Scootaloo still continued and put her phone down looking sad.
Applebloom sighed and walked towards her to grab her phone from her pocket.
Scootaloo stopped her by grabbing her arm and looked her in the eye. "It's nothing. Really."
"No it's something." She grabbed the phone saw another thing on Facebook. It was the post of them having fun at the party. Seemed Diamond Tiara was the first to comment on it.
"As in having fun, having sex I betcha!"
-Diamond Tiara
"Me too!"
"What a bunch of..." Applebloom didn't even want to say what she was going to say. In her family, you gotta try and never cuss.
She looked to see Scootaloo's face and saw she was embarrassed. "Hey, just forget them. They don't know what they're talking about."
Scootaloo wouldn't try to look at Applebloom, so Applebloom thought of one thing to do.
She walked slowly next to her and reach her hands to be on her waist and said "Tickle torture!"
Soon Scootaloo came back to laugh as she felt Applebloom's fingers tickles her to death. Scootaloo's tickle spot was her waist and weakness. That's how Applebloom knew to do it.
By then Scootaloo fell to the floor laughing her heart out and Applebloom loved hearing her laugh. It was just adorable. When she, Scootaloo tried catching her breath. That was fun.
"See? Nothing to worry about." Applebloom said looking down to her.
Scootaloo then realized Applebloom was on top of her and blushed. She felt her heart beat start to go fast and her mind was racing. She then started to realize how beautiful Applebloom was. With her long beautiful red hair and orange eyes, it made her remember so much beauty being made in nature.
"Okay guys! I got the sticks!"
"Great." Applebloom ran to Sweetie Belle letting Scootaloo get up on her own.
"Alright, let's get the bombs for sticks and get started."
"What are y'all up to?"
They looked up and saw Pinkie Pie walk down to the basement with a serious look.
Now what will they do?
"Well you see," Scootaloo tried to think of something. "We were... we uh..."
"We were trying to pull a prank and make bomb confetti go everywhere." Sweetie Belle said. She does not like to lie.
Pinkie only stared at them. Then she finally smiled and said "Well good luck." Then she ran back to the party.
They were surprised she didn't mind. But she was just being Pinkie Pie. The silly one.
They had put the canons in place was ready for a true party. Scootaloo and Applebloom came out of the basement with Sweetie Belle and had the button so they can let them out.
"Ready?" Sweetie Belle whispered.
"One, two, three!"
They smashed the button together and confetti flew everywhere. Everyone was surprised at first, but they seemed to enjoyed the confetti.
"Woo hoo!" Applebloom cheered.
Suddenly, they saw a purple girl running out of the party with tears in her eyes. They thought their confetti made everyone happy.
Now Twilight was sad?

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