the assault wasn't my fault
the abuse wasn't my fault
i blamed myself
this happens to so many other people like me who are victimized and taken advantage of
but i want to let all of these individuals and myself know
it is not your fault
don't allow it to ruin you
please never stop fighting
i love you
you did nothing wrong
you deserved better than what happened to you
i beg you listen to these words
never forget them
engrave them on your heart
you are surviving
i am surviving
we are surviving
the pain will end
and i pray for all those hurting that the people who hurt you get what they deserve.
- survivors

the words inside my heart
Poesiei write the overwhelming feelings in my heart and thoughts in my mind. my sole purpose for writing is to help others relate to what i have to say. i hope my poetry helps everyone who reads it in some way. * ALL MY WRITING IS ORIGINAL PLEASE DON'T S...