i offered you my bones
my heart
my mind
everything i had
you were so bitter
and it wasn't my fault
but still i offered my all to help you
i wanted to free you from this evil
you were being tortured inside for your wrongs
but i love you
and thought i had to be your savior
i was wrong
you did what you did
i can't offer more of myself to you
it can't continue to be like this
i need all parts of me
i will stop giving them to you
i will stop trying to save you
pay the price
your price is hefty
and you are burning
you will keep burning
i won't burn with you anymore
i'm done trying to be a hero

the words inside my heart
Poetryi write the overwhelming feelings in my heart and thoughts in my mind. my sole purpose for writing is to help others relate to what i have to say. i hope my poetry helps everyone who reads it in some way. * ALL MY WRITING IS ORIGINAL PLEASE DON'T S...