"Lydia can I just go home" you tell Lydia as she drags you into the front doors of school.
"Katrina you can't just not come to school its the law" she tells you causing you to groan.
Lydia is your cousin who you recently moved into with. Your parents were in a car crash and they didn't survive, so now you live with Lydia.
"I don't know anybody here" you tell her ad she drags you towards some people. "You can hang out with my friends and I" she says. "Is one of them atleast cute" you whisper causing her to laugh.
"Lydia" a group of people say as she stands infront of them. "Guys this is Katrina my cousin" she says as you slightly wave. They smiled as they started to greet you.
"Im Scott" one of them said. "Kira, Liam, Malia" three of them greeted as you smiled.
"Stiles buddy you ganna say something" Scott said to Stiles.
"Your hot" he said outloud before covering his mouth.
You smile and look down. "Did I just say that" he whispers. "Yes you did" Lydia says as he smiles a bit.
"Im just ganna say it, why did you come here" Malia says. "Malia" everyone hisses at her.
"Its none of your concern" Lydia says. "No its okay Lyds, um my parents died in a car crash so im living with Lydia now" you say.
"Im sorry" Scott says. "Its okay, I should be getting to class" you say. "I'll walk you" Stiles says. You nod as you start walking away.
"Sorry to hear about you parents" he says. "Its okay" you tell him with a small smile.
"Um so I was wondering if maybe you wanted to get some ice cream after school" he starts.
"I mean you dont have to if-" but you cut him off. "I love to Stiles" you tell him.
"Good" he says as you both smile.
Hey im sooo sorry for the wait, I hope you like it.Also for those other people that I promised an imagine dont worry im working on them right now and should be updated as soon as I finish writing it.
Anyways again I hope you like it!!
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Bye guys.