Stiles Imagine for Rachel

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"Hi whats your name" a boy asks you and your brother Scott as you sit in the sandbox.

"Im Scott and this is my sister Rachel" Scott answers. "Im Stiles" the boy answers.

Even though you were only little kids you thought he was cute. But little did you know Stiles had a crush on you.

~End of Flashback~

"Stiles just tell her, you've had a crush on my sister since we first met" Scott told Stiles.

Stiles and Scott watched as you were opening your locker and putting your books away.

"Dude what if she doesn't like me back" Stiles says.

"Bro just ask her you never know till you ask" Scott says.

"I think i'll just wait till we graduate high school in 3 years" Stiles tells Scott.

"Either you tell her Stiles or i'll tell her myself" Scott tells Stiles.

"Fine but if she laughs in my face im blaming you for all this" Stiles says walking towards you.

"Hey Rachel" Stiles says. You turn around "Hey Stiles".

Um Rachel I need to tell you somthing" Stiles says. He looks over to Scott to see him giving him a thumbs up.

"Okay what is it" you say closing your locker. "Oh um well I-I like you and I was wondering if you will be my g-girlfriend" Stiles stutters.

You just stand there looking at him. "I guess you dont feel the same way so I just go over there" Stiles says turning around.

Befow he could leave you grab his hand and smash your lips to his. You pull away and smile "yes i'll be your girlfriend.

"Really?" Stiles asks. "Yes you idiot I liked you since we first met" you say.

"Great ok imma be over there" he says pointing to Scott. "Okay see you later" you say.

He smiles and walks towards Scott. Seconds later you hear cheering from behind you.

You turn around to see Stiles jumping up and down while Scott just stands there smiling.

"My idiots" you smile walking away.

Sorry for the wait.

Hope you like it!!!!

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