First Kiss

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Scott- You were taking your books out of your locker when someone pushef you against the wall and kissed you.

Your eyes widened you looked at who was it and you saw Scott. You then kissed back. After a while you guys pulled away.

You and Scott just looked at each other. "Wow" you say. "Yeah" Scott says smiling back at you.

Stiles- You and Stile were walking home from school. You were a couple streets from your house.

Now that Stiles is your boyfriend you guys gotten closer. Stiles had now put his arm around your shoulder

You were walking when Stiles stopped. You were about to ask why he stopped but before you could ask he kissed you. You were shocked but then started kissing back.

When you guys pulled away Stiles smiled at you which caused you to blush.

Derek- You and Derek had just finished your 5th date and now he is taking you home.

Since Derek asked you to be his girlfriend you guys been going on dates from time to time.

As you arrived home Derek turned off his car. He looked at you and started leaning in you started to lean in to.

Before you knew it you and Derek were kissing in his car. You pulled away and smiled at him.

Isaac- You and Isaac were sitting on your porch talking. Since Isaac asked you to be his girlfriend you guys will hang out alot.

Then there was an awkward silence leaving you both looking at each other. You then see Isaac leaning in.

You lean in and you felt his lips touch yours. You smile into the kiss. You pull away smiling at each other.

Jackson- You and Jackson went bowling. The person who wins gets a prize from the loser but you dont know the suprise.

Right now you were winning by a couple points. This was the final game. You whatched as the ball hit all pins. You got a strike.

"Yes" you tell Jackson. "I win I win" you say laughing. "Ok Ok do you want your prize" Jacksom says. "Ye-" but you got cut off by Jackson smashing his lips to you.

"Did you like your prize" Jackson saya as you pull away. You blush and smile "yes" you say before smashing your lips to him.

Aiden- You and Aiden went to the carnival. You guys have been there for a while now.

Aiden had won you alot of stuff animals. He said he had to impress his girlfriend by winning every game he played.

You guys where now going on the ferris wheel. You guys had stopped on the top. "Today was fun thanks" you tell Aiden.

You were you going to continue talking when Aiden kissed you. You kissed back and then pulled back. "Best date ever" you say.

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