*Please read authors note below*
Scott- It's been a week since Scott had gone to Mexico to save Derek.
You missed Scott terribly because your parents we're out of town and you always felt like someone was staring at you.
You were downstairs when you hear noises. "Hello" you said outloud. "Mom Dad is that you" you said but you just heard footsteps.
You pulled out your phone and called Scott but it immeditaly went to voicemail.
You felt someone wrap there arms behind you causing you to scream. "Shh its me" a familiar voice said.
You turned around and saw Scott. "Scott" you said wrapping your arms around him.
"I missed you" you say. "I missed you to babe" he says kissing your forehead.
"Why didnt you answer my calls" you ask him. "Well we kind of have a problem with Derek so it took longer than expected" he said.
"What happened to Derek" you ask. "Lets just say he looks different" he says causing you to raise an eyebrow before giving Scott a peck on the lips.
Stiles- A tear slipped as you looked at the picture of you and Stiles on your nightstand.
Every since Stiles has been possessed by the nogitsune you haven't see him at all. He's been through hospitals and eichen house and you didnt know when he was going to be back.
The doorbell rang downstairs causing you to wipe your eyes and make your way to the door.
You open the door to see Stiles standing there. You stared at him for a few seconds before speaking "is it really you".
He nods at you before pulling you into a hug. "I missed you so much" you say as you start to cry.
"I missed you to baby girl" he tells you. He looks at you and presses his lips to yours.
You pull and way and looked at him. "Is he really gone" you say referring to void Stiles. He chuckles and looks at you "Yes baby he's gone we killed him".
"Okay good" you say. "I missed you" he says again. "Me to, you wanna go upstairs to my room" you say smiling.
He looks at you and smiles "lets go". You smile before you both make your way upstairs.
Derek- "Scott where are we going its 6am im pregnant and tired"you say as you walk down the spiral staircase.
"Have you heard from Derek" he says helping you downstairs. "No its been 2 weeks since he left to do god knows what" you say as you stand at the bottom of the stairs.
"Do you miss him" Scott tells you. "Yeah" you say as you put your hand on your bump.
"Turn around" Scott smiles. You turn around to see Derek standing there smirking. "Scott do you see him to or am I just going crazy" you whisper to Scott.
He laughs and looks at you, "Yes (Y/N) I see him to". You look at Derek and smile.
"Are you going to stand there or are you going to hug me" he says.
You smile and wrap your arms around his torso. "I missed you" you say. "I miss you to" he says, "And I missed you to" he says putting his hand on your bump.
He then looks up at Scott "thanks Scott". "No problem" he says before walking out.
"C'mon you look tired" he says picking you up before walking upstairs.
Isaac- You were on your phone looking at a picture of you and Isaac. Its been 2 months since Isaac moved to France and you missed him alot.
All of a sudden your phone starts ringing and a picture of Isaac pops up. "Hello" you say as you answer.
"Hi sweetheart" he says over the phone. "I miss you" he says and with that you started crying.
"I miss you to Isaac" you say crying. "Sweetheart dont cry we'll see each other before you know it" he tells you.
Before you can respond the doorbell rings. "Hold on Isaac someones at the door" you say as you make your way downstairs.
As you opened the door you cover your mouth with your hand as you start crying again.
"Hi sweetheart missed me" Isaac says standing at the door, opening his arms. You nod as you quickly jump in his arms wrapping your legs around his torso.
"I missed you so much" you cry into his neck. "I missed you to sweetheart, I love you" he says.
"I love you to" you say and he places his lips on your. Your lips moving in perfect sync before you pull away.
"What are you doing back" you say looking at him. "Well I missed you so much that I decided to move back here with you" he tells you.
"Your going to move in with me" you say smiling. "If its okay with you" he says laughing a little. "Yes"'you scream causing him to laugh.
"Okay now lets go catch up" he says winking at you before running upstairs.
Haii guys here's an update.I decided to do this in 2 parts. Next part it will be Jackson, Aiden, and Liam.
Sorry for the lack of updates school starts Monday and i've been doing hw and other things before school starts.
Okay so I will try to complete the next part hopefully before school starts.
Also I need idea's guys. Im running out of idea's. If you guys have any idea's Please comment or Message me Please.
Also if you guys want to message me about anything dont be afraid to. :)
Anyways what are you guys planning to do for your birthday this year? I might either go to Disneyland or Shopping.
Don't forget to read, comment, vote, and follow.
Bye guys.