Scott- You walked into English class stopping when you see Scott and Kira laughing.
You take a deep breathe before taking a seat in the back of the class.
You put your head down waiting till class starts when you see feel someone tap your shoulder.
You look up to see Lydia taking a seat next to you. "Don"t worry sweetheart I know how you feel" she tells you.
"We broke up last week, and he already moved on" you sigh.
"Maybe you should do the same" she suggests. "Lydia I can't move on when the only person I want to be with is gone" you say looking over at Scott.
He smiles at Kira before turning his head making eye contact with you.
You quickly turn your head around looking at Lydia.
"Maybe I should move on" you say looking down at your book a tear falling down.
Stiles- You silently walk down the halls trying not to run into Stiles. You walk to your locking jumping a bit when you so Lydia there.
"What exactly happened between you and Stiles" she asks you. "Nothing happened" you say as the memory comes back to mind.
You had went over to Stiles house for a movie date, when you caught him kissing Malia, so you broke up with him.
"(Y/N) stop lying you and Stiles don't even hang out anymore, he's always with Malia now" Lydia tells you before looking at someone behind you.
You turn your head around to see Stiles and Malia down the halls hand in hand.
You turn to Lydia looking at her tears in your eyes, "I broke up with him".
"Hey Lydia" Stiles says walking up to you guys. "(Y/N)" Stiles quietly says.
"Its nice to know you moved on so quickly" you say shutting your locker before walking away.
"(Y/N) wait" you hear Lydia shout, but you just run towards the girls bathroom.
Derek- "Scott, Stiles just take me back home I don't want to see him" you shout as Scott and Stiles drag you to Derek's loft.
"You need to talk it out, you're not the same anymore since he broke up with you" Scott says.
"I don't care about him anymore" you say obviously lying. "Just talk to him" Stiles says.
"Fine if I talk to him will you leave me alone" you say. "Yes" they say opening the door.
You walk in but freeze when you see Derek and Braeden making out. "I told you this wasn't a good idea, so why didn't you listen to me" you shout at Scott and Stiles.
"We're sorry" Scott says.
"He moved on okay, maybe I should too, now just leave me alone" you shout before running out.
"Awkward" Stiles says looking around, Derek glaring at them both.
Isaac- You sigh as you sit in your car. School just ended and honestly it was the longest day for you.
You broke up with Isaac about 5 days ago because he started developing feeling for Allison, so you broke it off.
All day you saw Isaac and Allison laughing, smiling, and flirting with each other.
"(Y/N)" someone knocks on your window. You look to see Scott, Stiles, and Lydia.
You wipe your eyes not noticing the tears you have and put the window down, "Im fine guys" you tell them.