Scott- Its been 2 days since Scott slapped you and you havent spoken to him since.
Since today was Monday that meant school meaning you have to see Scott in every single one of your classes.
You were 10 minutes late to school but you didnt care, all that matters to you was trying to avoid Scott.
As you opened your locker there was a big stuffed bear holding some flowers, candy, and an im sorry card.
"Im sorry" you bear from behind you. You turn around to see Scott looking at you regret filling his eyes.
"Im sorry" he repeated again. You nod as tears stream down your cheek.
He walks towards you and engraves you in a hug. "Im sorry babe I didnt mean to do that I was just caught in the moment" he says looking into your eyes.
"Its okay" you say. "Its not I missed our anniversary, so to make it up to you today after school im taking you out to dinner" he says.
"Okay" you say. "I love you" he says smiling. "I love you to Scotty" you tell him before pecking his lips.
Stiles- *(Y/D/N) means your daughters name*
You woke up to your daughter moving around in your arms and a headache.
After what happened yesturday between you and Stiles, he hasnt come back leaving you and (Y/D/N) alone for the night.
"Mommy" you hear your daughter say. "Yes baby what is it" you tell her. "Where's daddy" she says looking at you.
You smile softly at her. "I dont k-" but a voice cut you off. "Im right here" you turn around to see Stiles his eyes red from crying.
You and (Y/D/N) sit up and look at him. "Daddy" she says hopping off the bed running to him. He kneels down and looks at her.
"Hi baby girl. Can you go play in your room while I talk to mommy real quick" he tells her. "Okay" she says running off to her room.
He smiles at her before standing up and talking a seat next to you. "Baby im sorry" he says pushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
"I didnt mean to fight with you, I didnt mean to push you to the wall, and lastly I didnt mean to storm out. Im sorry baby can you please forgive me" he says holding his arma out.
You nod and place your head on his chest. "Im sorry for yelling" you say. "Im sorry to" he says kissing your forhead causing you to smile.
Derek- It was 2am when you woke up to knocking from your room balcony. You sigh and sit up looking in the mirror before walking towards the door.
Your face was red from all the crying and a small bruise from Derek's punch . You sigh again and walk to your door.
You open it to see Derek standing there. "Derek what are you doing here" you say looking at him.
"Can we talk" he says. You nod and walk back into your Derek following behind. "Are your parents home" he asks. "No there away for 3 months buisness" you say looking down.
"Derek why did you come here" you say looking into his eyes. "I came here to say im sorry, Im sorry" he says.
"Is the big bad Derek saying sorry" you say smiling. "Yeah yeah make fun of me but im sorry baby I didnt mean to hit you I just dont want you to get hurt" he says.
"Its okay i'll forgive you if you spent the rest the day here with me" you say. He smirks before taking his shirt and pants off before climbing next to you in bed.