"Hey babe Scott's coming over" Stiles says as you walk towards the kitchen.
"Okay when's he getting here" you say grabbing a water bottle. Stiles opens his mouth but the sound of the doorbell cut him off "now" he says.
"Okay i'll just be upstairs if you need me" you say walking upstairs. You went to the room and started watching tv.
30 minutes later you decided to see what Stiles and Scott are doing. You slowly walk down the stairs when you hear your name amd decide to listen.
"So did you tell Sarah" you hear Scott say. "About what" Stiles said.
"That she was your second choice" Scott says.
You froze, I was Stiles second choice you thought. I thought he loved me you said to yourself.
"Scott im not just ganna go up to her and be like oh hey Sarah did you know you were my second choice" Stiles says.
As soon as he finished tears were streaming down the side of your face. You decided to walk in.
Still crying you start talking "So I was your second choice". Stiles and Scott jumped when they heard you.
Stiles looks at you and his eyes widened "Baby listen to me ". "Don't baby me Stiles I thought you loved me" you say raising your voice.
"Umm I gotta go i'll talk to you later Stiles" Scott says running out the door.
"Look Sarah okay yes you were my second choice but-" you cut him off. "But what Stiles huh I just found out I was your second choice so you never meant to be with me it was all a lie" you said tears falling down.
"Sarah I do love you yes you were my second choice but once I got to know you I started to fall for you. When I asked you to be my girlfriend I did mean it I lost feelings for the other person.
I don't love them anymore every since I asked you out I love you and only you. Im sorry will you forgive me" Stiles says wiping your tears away.
You nod and hug him. "Im sorry Sarah I Iove you to the moon and back" Stiles says hugging you tighter.
"I love you to Stiles" you say. "Im so ganna kick Scott's werewolf ass for mentioning that" Stiles says causing you to laugh.
Haii hope you like it!!!!