Jackson- "So how you holding up" Allison asks you as you walk through the hallway. "Im fine I guess he just came to my house saying he's leaving to London and then left. I mean I miss him alot I just dont know anymore" you tell her.
Your boyfriend or I guess ex-boyfriend you dont know if your still together left to London.
"Allison" I hear. We turn around to see Scott, Stiles, Isaac, and Lydia standing a couple feet away. "We need to go" they said in a rush. "Oh yeah i'll see you later (Y/N)"she says in a rush.
"Okay" you say as you open your locker. As you open it a note falls out. You bend down and pick it up.
"Meet me at the lacrosse field-someone" you read to yourself. You sigh and walk to the field.
As you step on the field someone blindfolds you causing you to scream. "What the hell" you scream. "Its just me" they say. "Isaac are you trying to kill me" you say causing him to laugh.
"No just walk" he says as you start walking holding Isaacs hand trying not to trip. "Guys shut up she's here just pull out your phones, record and shut up" you hear Lydia shout.
"Okay ready" Isaac says. "Well I dont know what the hell is going on but I guess" you say kind of annoyed. "Okay 1, 2,3" Isaac says taking the blindfold off.
You scream as you see Jackson standing infront of you smirking. "Jackson" you say jumping in his arms. "Woah calm down tiger" he says hugging you back.
"I thought you were in London" you tell him. "Well I was but I came back" he says causing you to slap him.
"Oww what was that for" he says. "For not calling me now kiss me you idiot" you say causing everyone to laugh.
Aiden- "Have you spoken to Aiden at all" Stiles says as you stop at your locker.
"No he said he was going to be gone for a while and he hasnt called or texted me since" you tell him looking at the picture you had in your locker.
"Well none of us have seen him at all since they lost their alpha powers" Stiles tells you.
"Yeah well he's less of a dick now that he's not an alpha" you say laughing a bit.
"Yeah t-oh my this is just fantastic" he says looking at something behind you.
"So im less of a dick now that im not an alpha" A familiar voice said. You quickly turn around and see Aiden.
"Aiden"'you say hugging him. "Well this is awkward im just ganna go that way, yeah" Stiles says walking away.
"Where were you" you ask him. "Ethan and I just needed some time" he tells you.
"I understand, I missed you" you tell him. "I missed you to now lets go to coaches office" he says smirking.
You laugh and grab his hand.
Liam- "C'mon sweetheart you look beautiful now lets get in the car" your mom tells you.
She unexpectedly told you to put on a dress some heels and look pretty. "Mom where are we even going" you tell her as she starts driving.
"Somewhere now be quite listen to some music or whatever" she tells you.
About 5 minutes later you arrived at the park. "Uhh why are we here"'you groan. "Just stand here and dont move i'll be right over there" she says smiling before running to car.
"Mom if children start attacking me telling me to play with them im blaming you" you shout as you see her laugh from the car.
"Well good thing im not a child" a voice says from behind you. You turn around and freeze when you see Liam standing there.
"Mom am I dreaming" you shout. Liam laughs infront of you "baby your not dreaming".
"Liam" you say as a tear streams down your face. "Aww baby dont cry" he says hugging you.
"I missed you so much" you say your head in his chest. "I missed you to baby" he tells you.
"I love you" you say looking at his eyes. "I love you to" he says before placing his lips on yours.
You pull away and smile before hugging him again.
Haii guys here's Part 2.Well guys I return back to school tommorow which sucks because I mean who wants to go to school.
I will try to have an update atleast every 2 weeks, sooner if im not that busy.
Many of you guys commented ideas on my last update so thank you for your ideas I will try to write them.
Anyways whats your battery percent? Mines 20% meaning I need to charge it before it dies on me.
Dont forget to read, comment, vote, and follow.
Bye guys.