Stiles Imagine for Ally

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"No stop" you say running down the halls. You and Stiles were at the school dance and you had to go to the restroom and when you came out Kali was there.

"Ally the more you run the more I want to attack you" Kali says as she slams you against the lockers.

"AHHHH" you scream. "Tsk Tsk Tsk you should have been more careful Ally" Kali says throwing you on the floor.

"AHHHH" you scream as she bites your shoulder. "Goodbye Ally" she says walking away.

"Ally" Stiles screams as he and Scott run to you.

"She bit me" you say pointing to your shoulder. "Scott is she going to become a werewolf" Stiles asks.

"I think she bit her shoulder pretty deep" Scott says observing your shoulder.

"Ally close your eyes and then open them" Scott says. You hesitate for a second but then close your eyes.

When you open your eyes Scott and Stiles stare at you. "What" you ask.

"Your eyes are yellow. Your a werewolf" Scott says. You start to tear up. "Scott can I talk to Stiles alone" you say. "Yeah" he says walking away.

"Do you still love me if im a werewolf" you ask Stiles. He smiles at you "I will always love you no matter what" he says kissing you.

Hope you like it!!!

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