Scott Imagine for Kamile

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"Hey babe" Scott says pecking your lips as you approach him and the rest of the pack at school.

"Hey" you smile back. "So I was thinking that if you want to come over tonight" you say smiling.

"Yeah" Scott says kissing your cheek. At the corner of your eye you can see Kira roll her eyes.

"Alright i'll see you guys later" you say walking towards your locker. "Yeah me to see you later" he says kissing your forehead.

You smile and walk towards your locker. Opening it you hear Kira talking to Malia.

"Why are they always kissing" Kira asks her. "Um probably because there together you know boyfriend girlfriend" Malia says.

"I just hate it when she's around us" was the last thing you hear before you head towards Scott's locker.

"Scott can I tell you something" you tell Scott. "Yeah what is it" he says.

"Is Kira like jealous of us or something" you ask. Scott sighs

"yeah she's jealous its because she told me she kinda likes me" he says.

"Oh" was all you say. Scott turns to you "but I love you not her okay" Scott says.

You smile at him "okay". "I got to get to class i'll see you later babe" he says.

You peck his lips "see you later" you say heading to class.

Haii sorry its not that great, but hope you still like it!!!!

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