*Read author's note below*
Scott- "Lydia maybe that date wasn't a good idea" you say as you and Lydia walk into her room.
"Why not, it looked like you had fun" she tells you. You sigh and fall back on her bed "I just, when he kissed me there was no spark, it didn't feel right" you say looking at her.
"Well you do seem happier when you're with Scott" she says as you look up at her and nod.
Before you can say anything the doorbell downstairs rings. "Can you get that" she asks you.
Walking downstairs, opening the door you freeze seeing Scott standing there.
"W-What are you doing here" you ask. "Lydia called me" he simply says.
"Of course she did" you whisper."So where did you guys go" he ask. "Oh we went on a double date" you say looking down.
"Oh" he says sadly. "Did you have fun" he added. You look at him for a few seconds before shaking your head no.
"It just doesn't feel the same without you" you tell him. "I miss you" he says.
You smile and look at him "I miss you to Scott". He grabs your hand pulling you closer to him. He looks into your eyes before pressing his lips to yours.
Seconds later you pull away and smile. "Am I a genius or what" you hear Lydia say. You turn around and look up to see Lydia standing at the top of the stairs.
"Was this your idea" you ask. "Yes" she smiles. You smile and look up at your best friend "thank you".
Stiles- "So" Ben says as he parks outside your house. "Im sorry Ben you're a really sweet guy but-" he cuts you off. "You still love Stiles" he says as you smile a bit and nod.
"Its fine, I hope we could be friends" he says as you smile. "Well thank you" you say as you lean over and kiss his cheek before opening the car door getting out.
As you stand infront of your door you stop to look for your keys when a voice scares you.
"You went on a date" Stiles says standing up from the chair. You turn to look at him and nod.
"Did you have fun" he says. "What are you doing here Stiles" you say ignoring his question.
"I wanted to see you" he says. "Well that's no reason for you to be here okay you kissed Malia, we broke up I hope you're happy with her, now please leave me alone" you say tears threatening to escape.
"We've been together for 2 years almost 3 and you just want me to leave you alone" he says sounding upset.
"I didn't ask for this to happen okay this is all your fault not mine, if you didnt want any of this to happen then maybe you should've not kissed Malia" you start.
"You put me through shit everyone asking me about our relationship and what's happening, and all you do is nothing just walk in the hallways holding her hand.
Do you know how hard is that to watch, when the only person you'll love the only person you'll ever love is with someone else." you shout crying at this point.
"Im sorry" he says looking at you. You put your hand over your mouth and sob. Stiles walks towards you wrapping his arms around you, as you put your head on his chest.
"I love you (Y/N) I do it was a stupid mistake that i'll regret, im sorry I miss you" he says rubbing your back.
You pull away and look at him "I miss you too Stiles". "Take me back" he says as you nod.