"Are you sure this is safe" you say looking at Deaton, Scott, and Peter. "Its worth a shot isn't it" Peter says smirking.
"Well all I want is my boyfriend back so i'll try anything" you say sitting next to Stiles or should you say "Void Stiles".
Before you know it Scott digs his claws in the back of your neck causing you to gasp.
"Scott" you say as you look down to see yourself tied. You look up to see Scott to be in the same position as you.
After minutes of lying there Scott unties you. "We're in Stiles mind" he says looking at you.
"Yeah its wierd" you say looking at the room around you. "Lets go this way" he says walking out the door.
As you follow him the door shuts closed. "SCOTT" you scream hitting the door.
You then hear voice's behind you. You slowly turn around to see a door.
You walk towards the door opening it to see you and Stiles a couple months ago. "Happy Anniversary babe" Stiles says as you walk through the park hand in hand.
You stop and look at him "Happy Anniversary" .
A tear slipped down your cheek as you see you and Stiles happy. Ever since he's been possessed by the nogitsune Stiles wasn't Stiles.
"Hop on" you hear Stiles say. You look up to see yourself laughing as you jump on his back.
"I love you" he says. "I love you to" you say.
"MEREDITH" you hear someone scream.
You shut your eyes, as you open them you see yourself back in the McCall household.
"Did it work did we save him" you say looking at Deaton. "Why dont you take a look for yourself" he says.
"What" you say confused. You look to see your Stiles coming out from behind Scott.
You smile before running into his arms. "I love you" he whispered. "I love you to" you whisper back.
Haii well I hope you like it!!!Still have more imagines to do before I start writing preferences again.
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Bye guys.