Scott- "How are my two beautiful girls doing today" Scott says pecking your lips before placing a kiss to your 7 month old baby bump.
"We're doing good" you say taking a seat in the living room.
"Tired" Scott questions. "Yeah my feet and back hurt" you say putting your head on his chest.
"Its all going to be worth it in 2 months" he says placing his hand carefully over your bump.
"I can't wait, but we still need to paint her nursery" you say looking up at him. "Uh i'll do that tommorow" he says.
"As long as you finish it before she's born we're good" you laugh. "I can't wait to meet you baby" Scott says wrapping his arm around your bump.
"We love you" you smile. "I love you too" Scott smiles.
Stiles- "Stiles" you yell from upstairs looking for a shirt that fits. "What's wrong are you hurt, is the baby hurt" he says running into the room.
You frown and shake your head, "nothing fits". "Aww baby come here" he says pulling you into a hug.
"Im fat" you say as you start tearing up. "You're not fat baby, you're 6 months pregnant and your baby bump is growing" Stiles tells you wiping your tears.
"I know im sorry im just hormonal" you laugh. "It's okay baby" he says walking towards the closet.
"Here wear one of my shirts" he says handing you one of his t-shirts. You smile and grab the shirt from his hand.
"Thank you" you say as he bends down and kisses your stomach causing the baby to kick.
"She kicked" Stiles says as you feel another kick. "She already has her daddy wrapped around her finger and she's not even born yet" you laugh causing Stiles to burst out into a smile.
Derek- You quickly walk towards the car as Derek pulls up at the school parking lot. You get in and quickly take off the over sized sweater you had on.
"Finally I could take this stupid sweater off im dying" you say as you lean back and place your hand on your growing baby bump.
Derek looks over at you and laughs before continuing driving. "I don't get why I have to hide my bump people are going to find out im pregnant sooner or later" you say looking at Derek.
He sighs as he pulls up at the loft placing a hand on your bump. "You know I don't want you getting hurt" he says. "Derek the baby and I are safe there hasn't been any trouble for the past 3 weeks" you tell him.
"I know my job is to protect you and now that you're pregnant I have to protect both of you" he says rubbing your bump.
"You are protecting us Derek, maybe a little to much" you laugh causing him to smile.
"Okay you don't have to wear that big sweater anymore" he says causing you to cheer.
"Finally its like 100 degrees out" you say causing you both to laugh.
Isaac- "Sorry i'm late I had to go back and pee" you tell Lydia as you walk into her house.
"It's fine" she laughs as you both go and sit in the living room. As you sit down you lean back putting your hand on your baby bump and sigh.
"Tired" Lydia laughs as she hands you a bottled water. "Yes she's been kicking all day especially when Isaac talks to my belly" you laugh.
"She's going to be such a daddy's girl" Lydia laughs. You smile and look down at your bump "she is".