Teen Wolf Preferences

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How you meet:

Scott- You met Scott in the middle of junior year. You were the new girl in school and he showed you around. The first time you saw him you knew there was something special about him.

Stiles- You met Stiles at the sheriff's station. Your dad was the new deputy in town. You sat down next to Stiles waiting for your dad to be done. You guys talked for hours until your dad was ready to go. You guys exchanged numbers and talked everyday.

Derek- Your best friends with Scott and Stiles. You were helping Scott find his inhaler in the woods when you saw Derek. At first he didn't notice you since you were behind Stiles but then he couldn't take his eyes off of you.

Isaac- You were moving next to Isaac's house. When you arrived your parents went to go buy some food and that left you to unload the boxes by yourself. Isaac saw you and decided to help you. From there and on you guys became great friends.

Jackson-You were taking your niece to the park. You sat down next to Jackson on the bench. You guys talked for a while until your niece said she wanted to go home. You guys exchanged numbers and continued talking.

Aiden- You and Aiden met at school. You were late to class and there was only one seat available and that was next to Aiden. When class ended you guys started talking and became friends.

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