Scott- "No stop you can't just show up out of nowhere and pretend like nothing ever happened" you shout as you and Scott stand infront of your dad or as you say father.
"(Y/N), Scott just hear me out" he says trying to remain calm. "No you cant just come and pretent like everything is okay you're trying to get Stiles dad fired" Scott shouts.
"Thats between me and my job" he says. "Your job sucks" you and Scott say in unison. "I didn't come back here to agrue with you guys I came here to make everything better between us" he says.
"Well newsflash you are not my dad you're just a father" you say. "Hey what is going on in here" Melissa says walking in. "Nothing mom we're just going upstairs" Scott says.
"C'mon sis" Scott says as you make your way upstairs to his room. "I hate him" you say sitting down on his bed.
"Yeah well we'll get through this together as a family we always do" he says. "I love you bro" you smile. "Love you too sis" he laughs.
Stiles- "Thanks again Lydia" you wave at your bestfriend as she drives away, you both had gone out shopping because I mean why not.
"Im home" you shout entering the Stilinski household. Setting your bags down you see your dad sitting down papers scattered everyone and Stiles with an upset face.
"Hey" you say taking a seat next to Stiles who just looked at his dad sad. "I just miss your mother" he says causing you to freeze.
He never talked about her much and this just made you sad. "I miss her alot" he says causing you to turn to Stiles.
"He's drunk" he whispers looking down. "I miss talking to you guys" he says before putting his head down.
"Stiles" you say turning to your brother teary eyed. "Yeah sis" he says. "I miss mom" you say a tear streaming down your face.
He wraps his arm around you as you put your head on his shoulder "I miss her too".
Derek- "Hey (Y/N) what's up" Stiles, Scott, and Isaac says as you storm into the loft, but you ignored them.
"(Y/N) you're home early" Derek says as you walk into the loft. Ignoring him you go straight to him and punch him in the face causing him to fall.
"That's what you get for not telling me" you scream, "And this is what you get for lying to me" you say kicking him.
"(Y/N) calm down" Scott and Isaac say pulling you away. "Guy's she's a Hale you don't ever tell a Hale to calm down" Stiles says.
"What are you talking about" Derek coughs standing up. "You lied to me, you said Peter was dead well guess what Derek I saw him following me around earlier" you shout.
"(Y/N) I was going to tell you" he said. "You know how much I hate him, yet you don't tell me he is alive" you shout.
"I was going to tell you" he says again. "How long has he been alive" you whisper knowing he can hear you.
"I don't know 2, 3 months" he says unsure. "I hate you, you're the worst brother ever" you shout before storming out.
"Well that went well" you hear Stiles say causing Derek to growl.
Isaac- "Isaac stop where are you going" you shout as Isaac started packing clothes in a suitcase.
"Im leaving" he simply says. "Leaving, what do you mean your leaving" you shout at your brother.
He turns to face you and sighs "I'm moving to France with Mr. Argent".
"What, what do you mean your moving to France" you say.