Stalker 🍊

730 31 4

No warnings, but you should at least drink water. Ya thirsty.

Word Count: ~4.9k


Hawks didn't actually hide how bad he felt, yelling at you like that, it was a moment of high emotions where he should have walked away and approached you later. He knows. And it won't happen again if he can help it.

Performing self care on one another has got to be one of the best ways to make up after a fight after all. It serves as a reminder that even through thick times, you love each other.

He was very gentle with your feathers, straightening out each crooked feather carefully. The two of you even shared a longer talk in the privacy of his own home and settled any friction.

When it was his turn, you performed the same treatment, diligently and meticulously sorting out his feathers till they were all perfectly aligned. Sure in a few hours they'd be dirtied, missing, or ruffled, but you still took the time to make his wings shine under the artificial light in his penthouse.

It gave the both of you a sense of pride, being the one to take care of a piece from the other that no one else is allowed to touch. Save for an innocent awestruck fan or a dozen, but neither of you would let a hand reach anywhere near the base of your wings if it wasn't his or yours.

Hawks didn't quite feel comfortable enough to coo while preening you, though a few slipped out to which you gleefully responded. It got the hero's heart racing, his wings making muted flickers when you'd answer his "unsavory noises".

It's become more clear to him that you don't find them unsavory, and you weren't faking it when you cooed back. It brought a warmth to his chest, knowing you genuinely embraced this piece of him. A piece of him that most would find unappealing.

Feeling his hands run through your feathers for the first time was a lot to handle. This time, it wasn't a masseuse and you definitely weren't on suppressants.

Intimate, is the word you'd use describing the night he made up with you.

Though the primal part of your brain was screaming to pounce on him, express how much his preening of you burned your lower abdomen, you held yourself back...for the most part.

There..may have been a long and intense make out session involved after the both of you were cleaned up.

He of course insisted you wear his clothes since your uniform was in the wash. Not that you'd object either way. He brought you to his bedroom, opening his closet. "Lady's choice."

"Oh, why thank you." You'd responded, a wide smile growing, inching closer to the closet. It felt a little strange, being able to pick anything in his closet for you to wear.

Firstly, sweatpants, gotta have those.

Hawks watched with interest as you flipped through the hangers, even going into the back of his closet just to get yourself familiar with every option.

He couldn't help but hold in his laughter and smile when he heard an excited: "Oo!" from inside the confined space.

You walk towards him with wide grin, and he sees the reason for your sudden vocalization. His "Royal Hawkness" shirt. Funny, he hadn't seen that one in a long while, but he's not one to complain, observing his girl put on one of his old favorites.

You shimmied into the article of clothing, popped your wings out, skilled fingers pulling down the zippers under each slit, and walked over to his dresser. Soon as your hand reached for the first drawer, he pressed onto it before you could pull it open, stopping you. At your perplexed look, he gave a friendly smile. "What do you need, angel?"

Persistent Dreams - Hawks x Reader (PAUSED)Where stories live. Discover now