Chapter 25

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3rd person's POV
A bit of time passed, and her knocks started becoming less hopeful, until someone finally opened it.

"Ugh, stop knocking so much! It's annoying." Polly said.

Sasha chuckled but soon quieted down once she remembered Anne.

"Uh... Can... Can we go inside?"

"I mean, why should I let you? You were knocking a lot."

Marcy knelt down, which Polly wasn't amused of, and said. "We'll get you something at the store next time?"

"I can just ask Hop Pop—"

"We'll stop bothering you if you let us go in."

Polly went quiet before saying. "You make a good point."

"Fine, you guys can come in." She said and went back in the house, leaving the door open for the two.

They let out sighs but went in and closed the door behind them.

They immediately went to Anne's room, and opened it.

"Anne, we—"

They quickly quieted down once they realized she was asleep, and they cautiously walked up to her.

She was sleeping, she must've been really tired if she hadn't even put a cover over herself.

Sasha smiled slightly, and grabbed the blanket before gently putting it over her.

Are you sure you like Marcy? You seem to like Anne more.

Sasha's smile dropped at the thought, she was more confused than ever about her feelings.

She sighed before turning towards Marcy, but she didn't look into her eyes.

"She's sleeping, we should talk to her tomorrow, and she does need her space."

Marcy hesitated but nodded, and they left the house.

They walked in silence, this time Sasha was deep in thought.

I like Marcy, not Anne, but why do I get the same feeling with Anne that I do with Marcy?

I can't possibly like two people at the same time, right?

That's so complicated— ugh, feelings are stupid.

She sighed as Marcy was still in her thoughts.

I like Sasha, of course I do since I kissed her, but I also like Anne...

I'm just afraid I might lose one of them if we have to choose who we want in the end...

But Sasha also seems to like Anne... I'm not stupid, I see the way she looks at her.

And I think Anne likes Sasha? Which means they like each other and I might just be getting in the way...

Love is complicated, huh?

Back with Anne, she had finally fell asleep but she had an interesting dream.

She was in a white room that had nothing in it, and she furrowed her brows at it.

She looked around and saw nothing, but she jolted once a voice spoke.

"Anne Boonchuy..."

"What? Who's there?" She said, looking around but still seeing no one.

"No one important... Now, your best friends, what do you think of them?"

It went silent as Anne hesitated.

"They're... good friends."

"Pfft, is that what they're calling them nowadays? Lovers are friends?"

Anne blushed and said. "We're friends! Best friends, even!"

"Whatever, these friends of yours, how do they make you feel?"

It went silent as Anne sighed.

"How do they make me feel?" She repeated the question to herself.

Anne smiled before saying. "Well... They make me giddy, my day is always better when they're there, even if we're not doing anything important, their smiles are cute too... and I just— it's hard to explain what I love about them, because I just love them... for them."

The voice hummed, and Anne's smile dropped once she thought about the two kissing.

"But there's also a downside."

"How so?"

"It's just... them filling up my thoughts and having such a strong hold on me makes me feel weak."

"That's not weak, that's called being in love, it's a nice feeling if you accept it."

"But I can't, I won't! I've been hurt before and I don't want to think lowly of them!"

"Well... Sometimes you just have to take that risk, because if you don't, you'll regret it, and maybe they're your soulmates, who knows?"

"But... They love each other!"

"Okay... Then leave them be."

"I-I wish I could, but I can't."

"Maybe I'm being a little selfish... But can you blame me? I mean... How would you feel if your crushes kissed in front of you?"

It went silent, and she said. "Exactly."

"But I guess it doesn't matter how I feel anyways..."

"I love them... But they love each other."

"Has it ever occurred to you that... They might also like you?"

"How is that possible?"

"I mean, you love them both, so maybe they're the same with you."

"Huh... But... they seem so in love!"

"Again, that doesn't mean they can't also be in love with you."

"Anyways, I'd love to talk more but this is probably the last you'll see of me."

"Wait what—" Anne said, but before she could continue, she had suddenly stopped as it went black.

She woke up in her bed, and she surprisingly remembered the dream.

"That was really weird..."

To be continued...

(A/N) I'm feeling generous today by making a few chapters, including this long one. Anyways, have a good day! :)

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