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4:44 PM: 

It was the day after Yoonmin's debute performance with the boys and everything went well. She gained a bunch of love from armies and it even caused some people to join the fandom. It truly surprised her. It honestly reminded her of that one saying "some things don't happen over night". Well, Yoonmin was literally gaining fans overnight. She wished she was able to connect to some of her fans through social media but she can only follow the members on her media's. She is allowed to have Tiktok but couldn't post video's so she just saved them in her drafts for her private account. The company was only doing it because of the safety guidelines they have with K-Pop idols in the industry. 

Currently, Yoonmin was sitting in her room up in the dorm watching "Friday" on her TV. It was her top favorite African American movie. When she was still living back at home, she could only really watch it with her sister but it was hard to watch some films with her mother considering she has a full race of Korean in her, it's her father that's black. Since she doesn't know much about the culture, she just sticks to watching Korean dramas and movies in her free time.

"Mmm-hmm yeah, yeah, well let me tell you what. You just tell the bitch whoeva she is, when I catch her, Imma beat her ass!", A female snapped from the movie, sending Yoonmin into a fit of giggles and laughs. She was one her favorite characters in the movie, Joi. She obviously was nothing like her but she was always accussing the main character Craig of cheating on her with different girls.

*Knock Knock* 

Yoonmin hears a few knocks at her door. She quickly turns her head in that direction, pausing her movie in the process. She went over to her closet to throw on a plain black baggy T-shirt since she only had on sweats and a sports bra. She walked back over to the door, opening it to see Jungkook standing there holding a bunch of snacks in his hands. She was kind of token aback as she stood there, admiring the man in front of her.

 He was average height, muscular, had a sleeve full of tattoos. He had just gotten his hair cut but it was already growing up rather quickly. He has multiple ear piercings and a lip piercing. His eyes are what attracted her the most, how soft and brownish they looked. She shook her thoughts away once he started speaking. 

"Hey um, I-I was wondering if maybe you wanted to watch a movie with me? We only have a few days off so I thought we could spend some time together. As friends obviously", he added in a panic. All the girl could do was giggle, making Kook more flustered. She hasn't really spent time getting to really know any of the boys. 

"Now would be the perfect time", Yoonmin thought. 

"I'd love to spend some time with you Jungkook-ah. Actually, I'm watching one of my favorite movies right now if you wanna watch it with me?", she offered. 

"I'm down with that", he chuckled in return, feeling more at ease with the girl for once. 

The two went back over to her bed, snuggling into her soft blankets. 

"Goddamn! You've got to be a stupid motherfucker to get fired on your day off", Both Jungkook and Yoonmin laugh at the character on the big clear screen in front of them. She applied Korean captions to the movie so Jungkook could fully understand.

"Woah, there's no filter on here is there?", Jungkook questioned in Korean as he laughed. It was cute to Yoonmin that the boy was still learning English. 

"No", she laughed in return. 

"Hey, can I ask you something?", Jungkook questioned.

"Of course".

"So at the interview a few days ago, is it true about how you grew up? Like living in a strict household. If you don't wanna answer you don't have to".

"No it's okay, I don't mind. Yes, it is true. Obviously I got to do what any other kid my age got to do but it's just mainly my father who caused those bad moments. He was always more strict on me. He scolded me for the smallest things, even beat me. Hell, I still have scars", Yoonmin felt herself becoming choked up. She had to look up at the ceiling to stop her tears from falling. 

"Yoonmin-ah, it's okay to cry. I'm right here", Jungkook scooted closer to her. She instantly melting in his touch, him moving her closer into his arms. He rubbed little circles on her back, whispering comforting words to her.

Yoonmin felt so comfortable with him. It's almost like the boy understood, even though his childhood was probably way better than hers.

"Y'Know, Yoongi actually didn't have the best childhood either. His parents didn't beat on him but they were very strict. They weren't supportive of what he wanted to do either. I'm sorry you had to go through that though, no one should have to go through that", Yoonmin just continued to cry into the boys shoulder. It truly broke Jungkooks heart, he didn't think he was the best comforter in the world. He knew who was though.

"I'll be right back", Jungkook quickly crawled out of her bed, running downstairs in a hurry.

The boys were chilling down in the living room watching a Korean film when Jungkook ran in out of breath.

"Jimin-ah, I need you please", he panted out.

"Why? What's wrong Kookie?", Jimin questioned with worry. "Just come with me please", Kook pleaded. Jimin got up quickly, leaving the other boy's confused.

Once they got up to her room, she was having a full-on panic attack. She saw them, and made grabby hands trying her best to control her breathing.

"Oh no no no Kook-ah go get the boys now!", Jimin ordered, Jungkook quickly obeyed leaving the room. "Baby, can you hear me?", she barely shoke her head no. Jimin pulled her into his arms, instructing her gently to follow his breathing.

"Just in and out okay, in and out", she soon started to catch on, being able to feel his heart beating through his chest. It calmed her in a way, causing her to soon to stop crying. "Kook hurry!", he yelled. Just in time, the boys came running in.

"She just started freaking out when I left", Jungkook explained.

"Maybe it's separation anxiety, it's rare but it could be the case", Yoongi replied.

Jungkook brought the girl back into his arms, her gripping his shirt tightly. She started to calm down, only sniffles heard. Soon, it was a very big group hug. She hadn't had this many people hug her all that once, it brought her true comfort.

"T-Thank you", she mumbled out, little whimpers still leaving her mouth.

"Don't thank us, you just need comfort Yoonmin-ah", Hobi replied with his signature sunshine smile.



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