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6:30 PM: 

Yoonmin and the boy's had just came back from practicing their new choreography for their music video shooting they had in a few days. It left Yoonmin very exhausted, she fell asleep in her bed as soon as they got back to the dorm. It was 6:30 now and she had just woken up, taken a shower, and now she was about to do her first V-live with army. This was her first one so she didn't know how it would. If anyone would even join or send her any love globally.  


Yoonmin walked downstairs to the kitchen to see Yoongi sitting at the kitchen island on his phone and watching Jin cook dinner

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Yoonmin walked downstairs to the kitchen to see Yoongi sitting at the kitchen island on his phone and watching Jin cook dinner. She needed to ask him if she could use his studio for her V-live to at least look a little professional. 

"Hey Yoongi-ah?", she called out, he hummed back in response. 

"Can I use your studio? I'm going to do my first V-live today", 

"Aish finally, I felt like you were never going to actually do one", Yoongi teased. "You can though, I don't mind. It should be unlocked". 

"Why the hell would you lock it? No one else goes in there but you", Jin questioned as he poured rice into a cooker. 

"You know how paranoid I get, just natural instincts", Yoonmin just laughed at their little bond they have with each other. She thanked Yoongi before heading off to his studio, hopefully remembering exactly where it was. The company was still working on getting her studio finished, they said it would hopefully be done by next week. 

She soon arrived at his studio, admiring the black and blue color scheme around the room. She got everything set up, now just taking deep breaths before actually starting the live. When she clicked play, thousands of armies started to flood through the comment section. She was receiving heart after heart. A smile slowly appeared on her lips. She was very excited to see so many already joining, considering there were different time zones around them. 

"Um hello everyone", she chuckled shyly, waving at the camera. "Me and the just got back from rehearsals and I thought maybe I would come here since I haven't yet. I've been too scared and nervous to so I tried holding it off the best I could but the boys kept saying I should sooner or later so hear I am", Yoonmin laughed. 

"Ah, so many questions", she chuckled once more. "You should get more tattoos. Well, I've actually been thinking about getting one more just to complete this sleeve fully. And now I'm second thinking on rather I should get an eyebrow piercing since they look kind of cool on other people. What do you guys think?", everyone started to instantly comment that she should, some even in all caps. She laughed lightly seeing how quick everyone was to actually respond to her questions.

"Alright then, I guess I will get one. I really only wanna get one since I seen Jungkook with one", she chuckled at her reasoning. "Oh someone asked a good question, how was your debut performance? Guys, I was so fucking nervous", she gasped, panicking rather she was aloud to swear on there or not.

"Sorry everyone, I don't know if I'm aloud to swear on here or not". Everyone started to comment Namjoon had sworn on live quite a few times. She laughed at that but was very relieved. "Ah, thank you all, I got scared for a second. Anyways, yeah I think I was just very nervous especially knowing that you all would be seeing it as soon as it aired. But, I got a lot of love in return so I'm glad everyone went well in the end", she read the comments as she talked, soon seeing someone complimenting her.

"Your so pretty, aww thank you", she became shy at the praise. "I got so many compliments from my debut performance. I looked through the comments on Youtube and so many of you kept praising me for my dancing, I became so shy", she chuckled.

She ended up being on there for an hour so, playing some music on her phone to ease her nerves of being on camera.

She sadly had to end the live, not wanting to leave so many armies. Now, she was downstairs eating dinner with the boys. Jin made rice, traditional kimchi, and dumplings.

"Ah, hyung your such a good cook", Namjoon praised.

"Yeah Jin Hyung, thank you. This honestly just reminds me of my Mom's cooking", Yoonmin added as she stuffed a dumpling into her mouth.

"Well if it's for you guys, I don't mind", Jin chuckled.

"Oh, Bang PD-Min messaged me. He said we're gonna start working on our songs in the studio after our award show", Namjoon announced as he read the text. "Ah, that's perfect timing. I just finished writing the lyrics for our last song", Yoongi said. "Oh, what songs are we including in the album?", Yoonmin questioned.

"Life goes on which we will be shooting an mv for soon. Dis-ease, Stay, Dynamite, Telepathy, Fly to my room, and Blue and Grey", Yoonmin nodded at Namjoon's response. She used to work on her singing a lot during her trainee days so that didn't scare her as much.

"Hey guys?", everyone turned their head quickly to Yoonmin, having their full attention. "I'm sorry for worrying you guys yesterday, I really wasn't trying to. I just have...separation anxiety. When I start to panic if someone I'm close to leaves me", she explained, guilt written in her voice.

"We figured it might have been that. But don't be sorry for something you can't control. Like your tics, you can't control that either", Namjoon added. Yoonmins tics slowly started to come back after her debut performance because of all the stress and worry she had built up.

"Yeah, their getting worse too", as soon as she said that, her tics started again. Their either happen in her neck or leg area. She hates them the most, the only because it embarrasses her. She kept rubbing her neck, hoping it would stop them but it obviously didn't.

"Yoonmin-ah, it's okay to show them", Jimin reassured her, rubbing circles on her back. She nodded, hesitantly removing her hand from her neck. She let them go, it happening every minute or so. It looked like she was tilting her head in a swift motion but it was just how the tics worked.

She tried picking up her chopsticks to continue eating but her tics were getting so bad, she started shaking. She became frustrated, tears started to weld in her brownish orbs.

"Hey hey, it's okay. Here, you want help?", Jungkook questioned, picking up her chopsticks. She nodded timidly, having a dumpling fed to her. Jungkook continued to feed her until her tics died down, having a bite or two out of his portion occasionally.

After dinner, Yoonmin sat in her room with Jungkook cuddling. Her tics left her a bit embarrassed afterwards so she needed comfort.

"You okay?", Jungkook questioned. Yoonmin thought his voice sounded so calm, so deep, so comforting. She was the biggest fan of him when he sung.

"Yeah, but...can we cuddle a little longer? Your really comfy", Jungkook chuckled at her words.

"Of course, Yoonmin-ah".



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