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6 PM: 

Before Yoonmin and the boys went to Houston for their first concert, the members bought tickets for all of them to attend a Harry Styles concert. Jungkook had no idea that they would be attending, but Yoonmin was the one to buy her and him a ticket just a few days before they left. Their concert for day 2 wouldn't start until later that night so they had time until they had to head to the stadium to get ready. 

Yoonmin was sitting in her hotel room getting ready for the concert since it started at 7. She told Jungkook to get ready but didn't tell him where or what they would be doing. 


She took a few pictures and posted them on her socials before calling it good and heading over to Jungkook's room

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She took a few pictures and posted them on her socials before calling it good and heading over to Jungkook's room. Before she even headed over, she heard the a few knocks at her door. She knitted her eyebrows in confusion at who it could be since she told Jungkook she would come to his room when she was ready. She opened the door to see her bunny-like baby standing there but once he saw her a smile formed on his lips. He was wearing a brownish animal print hoodie with a black cap and the hood up, black pants and boots to match. To Yoonmin he looked cute but hot in her opinion. 

"You look pretty, baby", Jungkook pulled the girl into his arms by her waist, her wrapping her arms around his neck. She frowned slightly at the term "pretty". Of course, she believed it but that's not how she felt in the moment. Some day's she feels pretty, beautiful, stunning, or even gorgeous. Then other days she may feel handsome or more manly; today was one of those days. 

When the two pulled away, Jungkook noticed the sad expression on Yoonmin's face. 

"Baby what's wrong? Did I do something wrong", he questioned in a panicked tone. Yoonmin chuckled a bit at his actions, he was still getting used to being a boyfriend dealing with a women's emotions every day; especially when her period came around. One minute she wants cuddles but then another time she tells him politely to leave her alone for a while. 

"It's just since I came out to you and the boy's I've been...scared to say anything about how I want to be identified, even by you", Jungkook's face softened at her reasoning. How could he be so stupid? Obviously if she's genderfluid this type of stuff matters to her. He felt like such a dumbass, it was embarrassing. 

"I'm sorry baby, I wasn't really thinking about that. I'm such a dumbass for a boyfriend", he chuckled. 

"No no you're not, you didn't know". 

"Well, how do you feel right now?", Jungkook questioned. 

"Oh u-um", she chuckled shyly, a blush creeping onto her face. She wasn't expecting him to ask how she felt in the moment. 

"Don't be shy just tell me, you don't feel pretty so how do you feel?". 

"I-I feel...handsome actually", she replied, giving the boy a nervous look. Jungkook didn't seem like the type of boyfriend who would be homophobic, he would never be; not in a million years. 

"Well then", he smirked, pulling the girl back into his arms. She yelped a bit at the action, grabbing onto his shoulders. He gave her a love-filled kiss, a kiss he's always meant. That no matter her race, her sexuality, or where she came from, she means everything to him.  

"You look very handsome", he smiled, crashing their foreheads together gently. 

"You're okay with it?". 

"Of course, I am, it's you being you. That's all I want", he brought her into one last kiss, making sure not to go too far since they were in the middle of the hallway. 

"Baby, we're in the hallway", she giggled. 

"Okay okay, I'll stop", he chuckled. 


Everyone was in on their way to the concert. Jungkook was practically jumping up and down, so excited to know what the surprise was. 

"Can't you just tell me now? We're almost there aren't", Kook whined with a pout on his lips. 

"Aish, why are always the impatient one?", Jīn scolded mildly. 

"We're almost there, baby just a little longer", Yoonmin chuckled, kissing the boy's pouty lips. 

They had arrived at the venue Harry was doing his concert at. Cameras flashed as they parked on the side of the street. 

"Suprise~", Yoonmin sung. Jungkook gasped slightly, a bunny smile forming on his lips and his eyes going big. 

"Really? We're going to see Harry Styles!". 

"Yes bun", she giggled. Her and boys got out and started walking into the venue with guards right by their side protecting them. As they walked in, it was almost full but screaming was already filling the area. The members took their seat. They were pretty close to the stage since Yoonmin told the boys to get their tickets early. 

The lights were dimming as everyone was settled and excited. Cheers were starting to get louder as Harry walked out onto the stage. Yoonmin and the boys started to cheer and yell, Jungkook being the loudest. The first song started to play throughout the venue, and it was one of Jungkook's personal favorites; "Falling". 

Everyone started to sing along, flashlights being turned on and waved around in the air by thousands of hands. Jungkook went around Yoonmin, hugging her from behind by her waist. They sung together smiling at each other every once in a while. 

"Best surprise ever", Jungkook whispered into the girl's ear. 

"Glad you liked it, bun". 


He's so fucking adorable<3 

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He's so fucking adorable<3 

Hello love bugs! I wanted to base this chapter off the actual fact that they went to a Harry Styles concert while doing their concerts lol. I'm so glad they went, and THEY MET LIZZO. Anyways lol hope you all enjoy it:) 

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