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9 PM: 

It was around dinner time for the members, Jin had just finished cooking. It had been a few hours since Yoonmin had freaked out, she was still in her room after all that time. She had stopped crying about an hour ago, but she couldn't bring herself to go downstairs, knowing Jungkook would be there waiting for her. She was sitting there on her bed, holding one of her stuffies in her arms. She had her Air pods in, playing a playlist she found on Spotify that had all the songs Jungkook has made. His voice calmed her, more than someone would know. All she wanted was to be in his arms, hearing him whisper sweet, comforting words to her. But she felt disgusted of herself, like she shouldn't have that privilege. 

The members were already down at the table eating, silence filling the room. Usually it was filled with chatter; mainly because Yoonmin was there with them. Of course, before she even came it was chaotic, but she made it even better once she arrived there at the dorm. Jungkook had hardly touched his food, maybe picking at it from time to time. He wanted to see Yoonmin but the boys told him she needed space like any other women that deals with their overwhelming emotions; even though Yoonmin was dealing with more than just emotions as a woman. 

"Can I just go check on her? I'm sure she's fine now", Jungkook questioned, growing impatient. 

"No Kook-ah, if she hasn't come down here by now then she needs more time", Jin replied. 

"Well, I should be up there with her", Jungkook came back, scooting away from the table. 

"Kook-ah just listen to Jin Hyung wait until she's r- 

"No Namjoon-ah! I'm not staying down here for another fucking minute, knowing she's still crying up there! She's hurting and I need to be up there with her!", he snapped back with a stern voice, making the members flinch. He quickly walked upstairs, now standing in front of Yoonmin's door. He was hesitant but he brough his hand to the door, knocking a few times. 

Yoonmin's head quickly went to the door, taking out her Air pods. 

"C-Come in", she stuttered out, her voice sounded a bit horse. She unlocked the door a while ago when she felt that she way ready to go back down but never walked out.

Jungkook walked in, seeing his baby sitting on her bed. She looked at him with sad, ashamed eyes. He came and sat down next to her, wanting to take things slow since he didn't know if she wanted to be touched or not.

"I-I'm...I'm sorry", her voice cracked a bit, wiping the remaining of her tears away. "I just got...really scared because when I felt your hands on my body, t-they reminded me of my Dad. It remember of when", she toke a shaky breath, trying her best not to breakdown again.

"Take your time baby, just breath", Kook reassured her. She nodded, inhaling a breath before continuing.

"W-When he used to touch me in places I didn't wanna be touched. He started doing it when I entered my freshmen year of highschool. He told me if I told anyone he would...r-rape me", right then she started to break down again. Jungkook wanted to anything in his power to get rid of her father once and for all; too bad he wasn't a part of the mafia or something.

Jungkook really wanted her in his arms but he was hesitant.

"Can I hold you?", he questioned. She nodded, starting to cry harder into his neck.

The rest of the members were listening from behind the door, their ears on the door. They were all crying, especially the two maknae's of the group. They felt terrible for what happened to Yoonmin when she was younger, even now. They knew now that they needed to protect her with their life.

Jin was the one to knock, earning a "come in" from Jungkook.

The rest of the boys walked in with sad and guilty faces. Taehyung was the one crying the most, his nose turning a deep red. Yoonmin noticed and opened her arms for him.

"I'm okay Tae Tae, he can't hurt me now it's okay I promise", She reassured the boy.

"I-I just wish we were there for you when this was happening", the boy sniffled, trying his best not to cry more. The rest of the boys joined it, forming a little group hug on Yoonmin's bed, it was big enough for it.

"As long as your with us, we're not letting any other man touch you okay? We'll make sure of it", Kook promised.

"And that's a promise", Namjoon added.

"O-Okay", she nodded, melting into their touches. Every touch was different for each member, she hadn't noticed it until now. Jungkook, Tae and Jimin were the ones holding her the tightest. Yoongi wasn't holding her as tight since he wasn't one to know how to express love to someone; his love language is acts of service.

Jin was holding her pretty tight but that was just his motherly figure showing. Namjoon and Hobi were more better with comforting words but Yoonmin still enjoyed their touch. They all had a unique way of showing love, something Yoonmin cherish and adored about them the most.


"One time for the present, two times for the past"

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"One time for the present, two times for the past"


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